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.org addresses - Are there any SEO considerations?

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Joined: 28 Jul 10

.org addresses - Are there any SEO considerations?


I'm still doing research. Haven't built my first site yet.

I think I've found a niche, but most of the good domains are already owned.

There is an available .org address I could purchase.

Are .org addresses ok to use?
Are there any seo considerations with using them?
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Posts: 4
Joined: 31 Mar 10
My personal belief and other people will argue with me any .whatever is fine. Though I wouldn't use like a .uk unless you were targeting the uk or whatever.

I have a ton of .info and .com and everything else and everyone of them is in google just fine and getting plenty of organic seo traffic everyday. Lol in fact I have one dot info that does better than anything else. If you do the work Google will reward you in my opinion.
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Posts: 4
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com/net/org are the best..if its an exact match then buy it..many people use org extension for commercial niche sites...
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
Many do say that the domain name is no longer as important as it once was, that the quality and relevance of the content on your site matters so much more, and that would mean that not having a .com on your domain isn't exactly the end of the world SEO-wise :)

Originally, the .org tld was intended for non-profit organizations or organizations of a non-commercial character. But, like rome9t9 said, there are now many .org sites which are commercial.

So I would say go for it, too.
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ampie g
Posts: 381
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If I really want a specific domain and the .com is taken, I'd take a .net or .org instead.
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Posts: 13
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Don't forget to also include for consideration .info
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
The thing about .info TLDs is that they had recently been exploited (abused?) by spammers. This is because .info domains were (and I think still are) sold at very low prices and certain unscrupulous entities chose to grab handfuls of domains with that TLD and use them for less-than-scrupulous sites.

So the TLD carries a certain stigma with it, which I hope will go away soon as the .info TLD is meant and should be used for information websites that have (I also hope) quality content.
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Posts: 197
Joined: 07 Oct 10
If you look at it from the creator's point of view, the extension is normally based on which niche your website content is based on:
.com = commerce ; .net = network/ing ; .org = organizations ; .tv = television; info= information, informative; .ca/.uk = local based

But, based on experience, it's best to go with the originals, com/net/org, no matter what niche you are targeting. I would only register .info/.tv as a forwarding site if my .com/net/org becomes marketable.
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