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Need Feedback For Better Conversions For This Site

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Need Feedback For Better Conversions For This Site

Hi everybody, I need help badly. I want to get feedback on this new site. I'm looking for experenced guys and gals who are making money with clickbank / affilioblueprint sites like this one. I want feed back on my affiliate links, meta descriptions and better link conversions to my clickbank product. and anything else that would help this sites traffic convert better. I'm looking at conversions now instead of optins at the moment untill I can outsource the email follow up sequence post. So as of now I'm not going to do a list.I want to focus on site conversions instead...

The site is here:

All any any feedback, reviews or simply better ideas for this site are all welcome. Thanks for helping me and the others on this forum in advance!
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Posts: 48
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Hi Gary,

The basic format is there but I think you still need to work on some areas. A Little tweaking and you should be able the over all impact of your site.

First thing that I noticed is that you don't seem to have a newsletter sign up on your page yet. I suggest you include that feature as soon as you can.
Go through these helpful lessons about newsletters:
Anatomy of a Newsletter
Newsletter Strategy

Another thing that I noticed with your articles is that the Titles sounds redundant. You might want to create variety with your titles so that the readers would see your site as really good place to look for information. We need to establish your sites integrity. I also noticed that you have duplicate articles, you need to check on that too. This might hurt your site's traffic in the long run.

I also feel that you need to do an analysis with the keywords that you're using to see the keywords that are working for you. Traffic Travis or Google's Keyword Tool should be able to help you with this. Also make sure that you maintain a Page score of A+ for every page on your site.

By doing all of the mentioned above, your website traffic and visitor quality should improve thus making the probability of making a conversion higher than your chances right now. Conversion really depends on the quality of your website and the quality of traffic that you're getting.

I know you can do it. Just apply the things that you've learned and for sure, there will be positive effects on your site really soon.

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"Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”
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If you don't want to collect emails it is going to be all about getting people to click through to the vendors page, and hopefully the vendor converts.

Do this and I promise you will have better click throughs.

Get rid of the banner. Go to the vendors site and start the video then stop it.

Take a screenshot of the vendor's video complete with the play arrow right in the center. Paste the image of the video on your site. Link the image to the vendor with your affiliate link.

K? now...

It will appear as if the video is on your site.

Give the video a caption that will create curiosity. something like.

"Are you making this mistake that is almost guaranteed to drive you love farther away?" click play to find out.

The poor heartbroken visitor clicks the image of the video and is taken to the vendors site to watch it, and you are cookied. (Much more likely than him or her clicking an add)


Let me know how it goes.

Rock on.
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JC Dean
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Joined: 22 May 11
Thanks Guys so far for the input!

jcdean, The video trick looks inticing! Do you happen to have a example of what you are talking about? Do you mean adding the caption with camtaisia studio or something like that? Or put it below the snapshot? Also I'm not gunna do a newsletter signup yet. I'm gunna eventually get a whole series of newsletter written when I get around to outsourcing it out.

jethro.aragon, I'll look into the redundant titles and please can you expand a little on the keyword selection you mentioned? I'm getting an A+ and a 4-5 rating on traffic travis so far unless my results are bad from traffic travis.. And I'm trying to use buying keywords...Huh...

Thanks to you both for all for the input and I welcome more...
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The only other thing that I noticed was that the "ALT TEXT" on the banner was indicating the banner size. It is best if the alt text stated the keyword or affiliate name.

I would like to see other banners used occasionally throughout some of the pages. By that I mean different sizes.
One page a 250 x 250, another a 160 x 600. Just something to change the appearance slightly.

I agree with Dean and Aragon. I have to try JC Dean's idea. It does sound intriguing.

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Margene, thanks for the review! And yes it does make sense to use other banners so the pages dont look all the same...Also, guys what about putting links at the bottom of all pages leading back to the review page? Or would doing that effect my conversion rates? Best and thank you all for your support!!!!
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Posts: 6369
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Hi Gary,

I suggest making your CTA links more interesting. Instead of saying "Click here ..." all the time, how about something like " Fix your marriage NOW!" or "Put a stop to the arguments! Fix your marriage now!".

I think it's a good idea to place a link to your product reviews at the bottom of the page but I suggest you make the link to the review interesting. Visitors are more likely to click your links if they do not appear to lead to a page that will sell them something.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Cecille L wrote:Hi Gary,

I suggest making your CTA links more interesting. Instead of saying "Click here ..." all the time, how about something like " Fix your marriage NOW!" or "Put a stop to the arguments! Fix your marriage now!".

I think it's a good idea to place a link to your product reviews at the bottom of the page but I suggest you make the link to the review interesting. Visitors are more likely to click your links if they do not appear to lead to a page that will sell them something.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!

Nice Cecille! yeah that makes sense... I thought it might be a little hardcore saying to click here all the time.. Could you please give me a couple of examples of the call to action review links at the bottom your talking about.

All you guys who posted so far.... I want to give a big thanks too!
Now I'm seeing some great ways to increase my conversions!
Love this forum

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Posts: 6369
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Hi Gary,

The CTA links that lead to your review sites can be worded the same way as your other links. For the product review Save Your Marriage for example, you can say something like " Make a move before it's too late! Save your marriage NOW! "

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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I always seem to harp on this, but CONTENT needs to be a huge part of your focus! You lost me in the opening paragraph, lost all credibility, and I never made it to an affiliate link. Because your grammar is way off, and the opening doesn't make much sense.

Choose grammatically correct keywords. Although you will find low competition on the off keywords and misspellings, it makes your site look unprofessional, and Google will rank the correct usage of the keywords before the incorrect ones.

So, along with changing the other recommendations, I would proofread your articles, or have someone do it for you, if your grammar is not that great. (hey, I miss them on my own articles sometimes too...)

Also, to get away from the repetitive keywords, diversify a bit. Look for the specific problems that each keyword is targeted to fixing, rather than just "save your marriage" get your ex back" stop divorce

This niche is all about SPECIFIC PROBLEMS. the more you target specific problems that are causing their marriage to fall apart, the more sales you will get.

I had a site with over 200 articles in that niche when I sold it, and it was my biggest income earner until I decided to get out of the niche, so I know how to target it.

There are loads of very specific problems that are causing people to have marriage problems and break up. you need to identify these problems and write articles to help solve them.

the way I did mine was starting with 5 problems, then build from there.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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jmpruitt wrote:CONTENT needs to be a huge part of your focus!

Fully agree, setup a blog and get into a routine of posting 2-3 times a week (thats only 156, 3 paragraph posts a year - doesnt sound much does it). When you are good it will only take you 2-3 hours a week to do this - thats a couple of weeks worth of posting every year

The posts dont need to be long, but concentrate on focusing on a specific keyphrase in the post title and content, as James said.
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Four points highlighted in front page are common tasks for saving marriage and we should do these things if we want to have marriage saved. Anyhow website is looks simple and boring to me .
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Posts: 248
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I tried clicking on your affiliate offers there was a problem with your links. Most of the time the links appeared dead. And once it loaded after about a minute or two. It could just be my computer or internet connection, but I advise you to look into this. It could be the main reason why your conversions aren't good.
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Site Admin
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jcdean wrote:If you don't want to collect emails it is going to be all about getting people to click through to the vendors page, and hopefully the vendor converts.

Do this and I promise you will have better click throughs.

Get rid of the banner. Go to the vendors site and start the video then stop it.

Take a screenshot of the vendor's video complete with the play arrow right in the center. Paste the image of the video on your site. Link the image to the vendor with your affiliate link.

K? now...

It will appear as if the video is on your site.

Give the video a caption that will create curiosity. something like.

"Are you making this mistake that is almost guaranteed to drive you love farther away?" click play to find out.

The poor heartbroken visitor clicks the image of the video and is taken to the vendors site to watch it, and you are cookied. (Much more likely than him or her clicking an add)


Let me know how it goes.

Rock on.

Very good suggestion, JC! :) I think that would work though I haven't tried it yet. ;)

garymcd2 wrote:jethro.aragon, I'll look into the redundant titles and please can you expand a little on the keyword selection you mentioned? I'm getting an A+ and a 4-5 rating on traffic travis so far unless my results are bad from traffic travis.. And I'm trying to use buying keywords...Huh...

Congratulations on building your site, Gary! :)

For suggestions on how to improve it further, I have to agree with Jethro and James. I think you should change some of your keywords. Getting an A+ in Traffic Travis just means that you have done proper on page optimization and 4-5 rating means that you have chosen keywords that are easy to rank for. But this does not mean that these are buying keywords.

Some redundant keywords are:

Save Marriage Review
Save the Marriage Lee H.Baucom, Ph.D.
Save Marriage Stop Divorce
Save My Marriage Today Review
Save My Marriage
How To Save Marriage
Saving Marriage
Save Marriage From Divorce
Save A Marriage
Help Save Marriage
Save My Marriage Today
How To Save A Marriage
Save Marriage
How To Fix A Marriage
Fix Marriage
Divorce Guide
Stop Your Divorce
How To Stop Divorce
How to Get Back Together
Get Back Together with Ex
Get Back Wife
How To Get Your Ex Wife Back
Ways To Get Your Ex Back
Marriage Guide
Marriage Tips
Advice For Marriage

I personally think your keywords lack variation and a sense of urgency. It would be good if you would add words such as "now!" and "right away!" to get your visitors to take action. I suggest that you join forums related to your niche and find the topics that your target market are interested in and the terms that they usually use. These would help you build a list of keywords that are varied and make your site more informative and interesting. :)

I also suggest that you review Afilloblueprint's week 9 lesson 5. It will give you tips on how to monetize your site by choosing relevant keywords.

All the best!
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This topic was started on Aug 24, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
