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muscle building niche

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muscle building niche

Hi guys,

I have chosen the "muscle building "niche to start with my first site. When I search the keyword phrase "muscle building" by using google's keyword tool, it shows that it has a low competition and traffic travis shows reletively easy to rank for this term...

However, with my common sense, i just feel that the term "muscle building" should be very,very competitive while the tools show the competion is LOW!!!

Guys, any better idea?

Thanks a lot!
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Hi keman520,

I did the same search using Google Keyword Tool and Traffic Travis and I got the same results as what you had.

I also ran a quick search for "muscle building" on Google but got about 13M plus exact search results. This information gave me an idea that the keyword is not that quite easy to rank since I always consider keywords as easy to rank when they have 500k plus and below search results in Google.

Perhaps you can also do this trick so you know for sure if the keyword is competitive or not.

I suggest that you use Traffic Travis to search for possible keywords. Once you have a list of keywords, try to also run these keywords in Google Keyword Tool then once you've filtered the results using GKT, go to Google and run an exact search for that keyword by typing your keyword enclosed in quotation marks. Like for example- "dog training".

I hope that helps!

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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marytordecilla wrote:Hi keman520,

I did the same search using Google Keyword Tool and Traffic Travis and I got the same results as what you had.

I also ran a quick search for "muscle building" on Google but got about 13M plus exact search results. This information gave me an idea that the keyword is not that quite easy to rank since I always consider keywords as easy to rank when they have 500k plus and below search results in Google.

Perhaps you can also do this trick so you know for sure if the keyword is competitive or not.

I suggest that you use Traffic Travis to search for possible keywords. Once you have a list of keywords, try to also run these keywords in Google Keyword Tool then once you've filtered the results using GKT, go to Google and run an exact search for that keyword by typing your keyword enclosed in quotation marks. Like for example- "dog training".

I hope that helps!


Thanks for the reply!
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marytordecilla wrote:Hi keman520,

I did the same search using Google Keyword Tool and Traffic Travis and I got the same results as what you had.

I also ran a quick search for "muscle building" on Google but got about 13M plus exact search results. This information gave me an idea that the keyword is not that quite easy to rank since I always consider keywords as easy to rank when they have 500k plus and below search results in Google.

Perhaps you can also do this trick so you know for sure if the keyword is competitive or not.

I suggest that you use Traffic Travis to search for possible keywords. Once you have a list of keywords, try to also run these keywords in Google Keyword Tool then once you've filtered the results using GKT, go to Google and run an exact search for that keyword by typing your keyword enclosed in quotation marks. Like for example- "dog training".

I hope that helps!



I have got these 2 keywords

the best chest workout for mass
Bodybuilding Chest Workout

Could you please check if they are low competition for me,please?

I am a newbie, so i need your great help and offer me some tips!

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Hi just saw your post. I have had a muscle building site for over 1 year now and muscle building is very competitive so I would not try building a site around that term. If I was you I would look for a angle on muscle building Eg My site is called muscle building over 40. overwise you will be against the big boys, Lots more to tell but hope thats helps
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Hi keman520,

I have looked into your keywords using TT, GKT, and running these on Google Search and so far these are all easy to rank for:

the best chest workout for mass- with only about 158K competitors using exact keyword
Bodybuilding Chest Workout- with with only about 82K competitors using exact keyword

These are good, easy to rank for keywords. You can add them to your list of keywords :)

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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marytordecilla wrote:Hi keman520,

I did the same search using Google Keyword Tool and Traffic Travis and I got the same results as what you had.

I also ran a quick search for "muscle building" on Google but got about 13M plus exact search results. This information gave me an idea that the keyword is not that quite easy to rank since I always consider keywords as easy to rank when they have 500k plus and below search results in Google.

Perhaps you can also do this trick so you know for sure if the keyword is competitive or not.

I suggest that you use Traffic Travis to search for possible keywords. Once you have a list of keywords, try to also run these keywords in Google Keyword Tool then once you've filtered the results using GKT, go to Google and run an exact search for that keyword by typing your keyword enclosed in quotation marks. Like for example- "dog training".

I hope that helps!


Hi, mary

BTW," I always consider keywords as easy to rank when they have 500k plus and below search results in Google. ", you mean with or without quotes???

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Hi Keman520,

These are keywords enclosed with quotes. Always conduct exact keyword search by enclosing your keyword/s in quotation marks.

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama

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