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Marketing In Other Countries..

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Joined: 21 Oct 11

Marketing In Other Countries..

I want to start promoting products outside the US. Besides getting around the language barriers, where do I start as far as finding what is in demand and getting the pulse of the markets? Website design criteria. Targeting specific areas.
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Posts: 194
Joined: 01 Jan 10
Google separates their search results as to individual countries such as Google.co.nz for New Zealand. The same is true for quite a few other countries. This makes it possible to do a keyword search specialized to one specific country.

Another source is using Traffic Travis to search out your keywords. Once again, the results can be filtered so that the information procured is from only one country.

I do not believe you will find a great deal of variation regarding website design specific to any particular country. As you stated, the only problem will be language. There are programs that will interpret or convert english into other languages. I do not know whether the translations are literal or take into account the varied language phraseology. Either way any webpage created should be checked by someone fluent in that specific language before you publish the page.

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I suggest that you choose a country which are familiar or has an affinity with. It will be hard to target a country that you know nothing about. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider such as economics, society and culture, language, religion, most current and important events, etc.

I also recommend talking to a local. You will get first-hand information from them and I'm sure you'll get important data/facts that will help in your marketing strategy.
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I think it's best you start with a country whose language you can speak and understand to a certain degree or a country whose population speaks and understands English. This will make your market research easier because you need to get information from locals.
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This topic was started on Nov 04, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
