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Keyword Research Question

Posts: 27
Joined: 30 Nov 09

Keyword Research Question

Hi all, I have a keyword here that have only 46 searches when I check google keyword tool. But when I look at google insight search i see the search volume way up over 80 in the last 12 months.

Should i forget about this keyword? or should i buy a domain and test it. Squidoo will not allow this content on their network and blogger i don't know how well it will rank for the keyword.

any ideas will be greatful
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Posts: 14
Joined: 27 Jul 10
hmmm not sure what kind of keyword you are trying to get there but if squidoo is not allowing the content on their network then it may seems a little risky in buying the domain just to test it out. I recommend checking the first page of google competition's PR rankings use firefox add on tool WOT to see if most of your competitors are trust worthy sites.. I'm sure there will be plenty more tips from other members ... your question is a bit open so expect open answers... hope this helps.
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Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
areyou looking at daily searches I hope? if that s monthly it wouldnt be worth it, if thats a daily search, I would look at TT SEo tool and see what the SEO competition is doing, If it is 3stars or more for my home page I would go for it. but then, i can get the 3 star phrases ranking
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This topic was started on Aug 18, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.