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Keyword Optimization?

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Keyword Optimization?

From what I understand you need to have a strong keyword based theme throughout your site so that your site gets good placement for that keyword. But what if (for example) you have a clothing site where just about every page could have the keyword clothing in it. In which case you may optimize well for clothing.

How does it work then if you want to optimize for, lets say, the keyword "Dockers pants" for that particular type of clothing. And lets say there is only one page in your site for that one type of clothing. How can you optimize for the keyword "Dockers pants" if there is only one page that you can put that keyword into.
My website is not about clothing but the scenario is the same.

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hey Randy, I'll run you through how I optimise my sites for lots of keywords.

I usually use 3 tiers, but you can use more or less, depending on your site.

My Tier 1 keywords are the highest volume, broadest, highest competition keywords. I usually have 2-3 of these. Maybe in your example, a T1 keyword would be "clothing".

Tier 2 are like the category pages. They are less competitive, lower in volume and more specific. An example might be "docker pants".

Tier 3 are the really specific, low volume, low comp. keywords. Like "dark blue docker pants for men".

You get links to your main page, and if you have done your internal linking structure right, and done enough on page optimisation, then you should start to rank for the T2 and T3 keywords.

Does this make sense? If it doesn't I'll try to explain it better.
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sean06 wrote:hey Randy, I'll run you through how I optimise my sites for lots of keywords.

I usually use 3 tiers, but you can use more or less, depending on your site.

My Tier 1 keywords are the highest volume, broadest, highest competition keywords. I usually have 2-3 of these. Maybe in your example, a T1 keyword would be "clothing".

Tier 2 are like the category pages. They are less competitive, lower in volume and more specific. An example might be "docker pants".

Tier 3 are the really specific, low volume, low comp. keywords. Like "dark blue docker pants for men".

Hi Sean....I get the first part ok.
My tier 1 keywords will be all over the site and there will be a lot of them. And since they will involve the general theme of the entire site I can put them on most of the pages. And there needs to be a lot of them because of the high competition

The tier 2 keywords will have less volume mainly because there may only be a page or two talking about that category.

Tier 3 of course would have the keywords showing up even less for the same reasons.

sean06 wrote:You get links to your main page, and if you have done your internal linking structure right, and done enough on page optimisation, then you should start to rank for the T2 and T3 keywords.

Does this make sense? If it doesn't I'll try to explain it better.

It this part I dont get. Am I only trying to get links to my main page.
Also, what do you mean by "internal linking structure"?
And lastly: By on page optimisation, you mean for every page, correct?

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Yep, at the start, just get links to your main page. Then the PR will filter through the links you place on that page, to the rest of your important pages, which in turn will help them rank.

Internal linking. I try to use keywords if possible to link to my category pages. On category pages, you might want to add links back to your main page and links back to your T3 pages.

Don't get too caught up with this. As long as all your pages are connected, it should be ok.

And yep, every page should be optimised for what you want it to attract in the SEs.
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sean06 wrote:Internal linking. I try to use keywords if possible to link to my category pages.

You mean links on your homepage linked to your category pages?

sean06 wrote:you might want to add links back to your main page

Don't get too caught up with this. As long as all your pages are connected, it should be ok.

The only links I will have back to my homepage will be the Home link.
Also, the only way you can get to other pages is to go back to the home page.

I sent you a private message with my site address. Please take a look Sean so you can see what I mean. The home page is done and one unfinished page is linked. The agricultural & Forestry page. It's a B2B site.

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I've had a look at your site and it's a bit hard to see what you're doing without the rest of the pages working yet.
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Sorry Sean, I should have explained it :roll:

Basically someone will have to click on one of the links on the home page depending on what they are looking for. ie: abrasives, pumps, process epuipment ect. That will take them to a page with information about the topic ie: abrasives, pumps, process epuipment ect. .. with adsense ads linked to places that sell those procuct.
The thing is....the page that they go to will not have any of the links that the homepage has and they will have to go back to the home page if they want to go to a different page.

Does that make sense?

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Yep makes sense. What will be your main keywords? As it seems like a pretty broad site.
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"Industrial supply" "industrial comercial machinery equipment"
"comercial equipment industrial machinery"

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Cool, sounds like you know what you're doing Randy. Let us know when the site is done. We can give it a better look over then.
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sean06 wrote:Cool, sounds like you know what you're doing Randy. Let us know when the site is done. We can give it a better look over then.

Now thats funny... :lol: I only came up with those keywords after you asked...lol And there are actually only two:

"Industrial supply" and "comercial equipment industrial machinery"

I'm not even sure about this whole thing Sean. I mean the site and if it will even work. Since this is my first one, I just dont know.

"industrial supply is searched 32,000 times but has 47 million competition sites

"comercial equipment industrial machinery" is searched 10,000 times and has 4 million competing sites.

In much of the industrial supply industry there seems to be few searching but a lot of sites. Yet the adsense ads pay extremely well.

Any thoughts on the whole thing would be much appreciated because I'm not really confident on what I'm doing here.

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lunatunes wrote:
sean06 wrote:Cool, sounds like you know what you're doing Randy. Let us know when the site is done. We can give it a better look over then.

Now thats funny... :lol: I only came up with those keywords after you asked...lol And there are actually only two:

"Industrial supply" and "comercial equipment industrial machinery"

I'm not even sure about this whole thing Sean. I mean the site and if it will even work. Since this is my first one, I just dont know.

"industrial supply is searched 32,000 times but has 47 million competition sites

"comercial equipment industrial machinery" is searched 10,000 times and has 4 million competing sites.

In much of the industrial supply industry there seems to be few searching but a lot of sites. Yet the adsense ads pay extremely well.

Any thoughts on the whole thing would be much appreciated because I'm not really confident on what I'm doing here.


Not every site is going to make you a full time income. It may took a few, which it probably will but everything is a learning process Randy. Think of it this way, you are building your first main site, you have learned heaps since you have joined, and now, once you know how to rank a site, you can do it for whatever market you want!

Don't be intimidated by the competition number.... in reality, it is more like a couple thousand sites on the topic. If you want to earn a bunch of side cash each month, go for it.

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Yep, just get into it. The worst thing that can happen is that you learn a ton. Every time I build a site, I learn a few more things, so don't worry about a flop.

I think back to my first ever site and shudder. Good thing it's dead now :)
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Thanks Guys for helping me keep my perspective straight. Having been a cabinet maker/Carpenter for years I have always been a "measure twice, cut once..get it right the first time kinda guy. I have to remember that "get it right the first time" I guess isnt going to happen a lot when your first starting off in this business :)
I'm definitely going to go for it and be prepared to redirect things if necessary.

By the way: what exactly is internal linking?
And what do you mean by having my pages connected.
Each page will be connected to the homepage but none of the pages will be connected to each other. Is that bad?

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lunatunes wrote:Thanks Guys for helping me keep my perspective straight. Having been a cabinet maker/Carpenter for years I have always been a "measure twice, cut once..get it right the first time kinda guy. I have to remember that "get it right the first time" I guess isnt going to happen a lot when your first starting off in this business :)
I'm definitely going to go for it and be prepared to redirect things if necessary.

By the way: what exactly is internal linking?
And what do you mean by having my pages connected.
Each page will be connected to the homepage but none of the pages will be connected to each other. Is that bad?


Internal linking is linking to pages within your site as opposed to linking to someone else's site.

Each main theme of your site should be in its separate folder, with each article linking to the next. You can have a main "navigation" for your site that appears on every page and it won't hurt you.

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Spot on Randy. I think the majority of us are brought up to never make mistakes. Whether its working as a carpenter or doing a university exam, we've been taught that failing is the worst thing that can happen.

But, from what I've learned about the world of business is that the opposite is true. In the past couple of days, I've had a well thought out plan turn to crap.

But instead of giving up, I worked out what I had been doing wrong and came up with a plan that is ten times better than my first one.

So don't worry about mistakes, it'll make you a better marketer in the long run.
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adrian wrote:
Each main theme of your site should be in its separate folder, with each article linking to the next. You can have a main "navigation" for your site that appears on every page and it won't hurt you.


Adrian, that will not work with my site. Only the home page is the navigation page with 82 subtopic links on that page ranging from abrasives to valves and hoses. You click on the subtopic (like abrasives)
and it takes you to the abrasives page. That abrasives page is only linked back to the homepage. Once your back at the homepage you can then click on a different page link like "Guages and Meters" for example.
I sent you a PM with the site. Please take a look at it if you have time.

Your only going to see the home page and one linked page named "agricultural & forestry" Click on the Agricultural & Forestry link and you'll see a rough idea of what the page will look like.

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sean06 wrote:But, from what I've learned about the world of business is that the opposite is true. In the past couple of days, I've had a well thought out plan turn to crap.

But instead of giving up, I worked out what I had been doing wrong and came up with a plan that is ten times better than my first one.

So don't worry about mistakes, it'll make you a better marketer in the long run.

That's great Sean. I was kinda thinking the same thing. I dont think that my site will be a flop but it may end up going in a completely different direction than I intended to make it work. I'm getting that excited feeling again about the whole thing. Thanks for the your guys encouragement :D I'll keep you posted. I'm sure I'll have more questions soon.

By the way Sean: Are you from where Mark is from also.
I like how you guys talk. "Spot on" "Straight away"
Dont hear that here in the states.......Unless your watching a Crocidile Dundee movie....lol

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haha, I love crocodile dundee.

I'm from Australia, Marks from New Zealand. Our two countries are pretty similar though.

Can you tell the difference between a NZ accent and an Aussie one? Or do we sound the same to you?
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sean06 wrote:haha, I love crocodile dundee.

I'm from Australia, Marks from New Zealand. Our two countries are pretty similar though.

Can you tell the difference between a NZ accent and an Aussie one? Or do we sound the same to you?

I haven't heard you talk Sean but Mark and Crocidile Dundee sound the same to me. I get a kick out a how you guys say "better"
My wife and I were trying to mimick it one night......"Bieter"
I almost have it down pat....lol

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haha, thats pretty funny.

We actually say it a little differently to how a kiwi would. I don't know if you can pick up on the differences, but I think most of them come from vowels.

If you ever want to realise the difference, get a kiwi to say "56 bits of fish and chips". If you can't pick it up then, you never will :)
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