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Keyword choices????

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Keyword choices????

Hi, I have with the aid of traffic travis and google keywords found 4 keywords that I can use for my site. The question is which one seems to be the best to use. Note all 4 for are Easy
No. 1 Global search - 480, M Page Rank - 2, M Backlinks - 6, PPC - $2.45 Searps - 4,930 000
No.2 " - 720, " - 1, " - 6, " - $2.04 " - 2,990 000
No.3 " - 110, " - 2, " -12, " - $3.77 " - 2,300 000
No.4 " - 170, " -1, " - 6 " - $2.34 " - 435,000 000 ??

I would love some expert advice.
Cheers , Frank
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Hi Frank,

If the 4 keywords are all easy why not use all of them? You can rank all 4 keywords since they are low competition keywords.

It would be better of you are able to let us know the keywords but if you prefer not to, please consider keywords that have buyer intent, product keywords, and emergency keywords. These factors usually are the best ways to choose keywords that convert to sales.

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Write optimized articles for all the four and interlink them, that is good for ranking. If there is a buyer keyword pick a relevant product and promote it.
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I have to agree. And while you are at it look for more related keywords to all 4. Say maybe each keyword can have up to 20 related keywords each so all in 60 to 80 keywords.

And when you write each article it must have an image and a few internal links say 5 to 7 links. If you are using wordpress every time you create a hyper link you have an option include a title for that link this is where you slot in those odd long tail keywords that could fit well inside your article. Have a link to home page, category, 2 or 3 other articles, 1 or 2 external links - and that is about 6 of 20 keywords used.

Then for image there are at least 3 areas you can slot in more keywords i.e. alt text, caption, title (and maybe description) There will be those keywords that can easily blend in in your article.

Some you may add as tags.

Then when you promote your article use all these keywords as variations to your main target keyword. This way you will be Panda or Penguin safe...
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mark schaaf
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What everyone says is correct because I am showing up in search results for several different keyword strings but they are related to each other and are tied together in the article. As long as you use related words and are worked into the article well and as long as the entire article is written well you can use many different keywords and if you find some aren't working they get rid of them or change them. On the internet most of what everyone does is test because just because this keyword or that keyword is what someone says works best that doesn't mean it will work best on your site so it is always trial and error.
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Mark is right to the point. SEO is always a trial and error. Yes, there are recommendations on tools and techniques but still, you will need to track and analyze everything, if your SEO campaign works well for your site or not. :)

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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when doing keywod research, no one pays attention to the serp results in google, and traffic travis right? It's more about the level of difficulty and monthly searches right?
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robting8 wrote:when doing keywod research, no one pays attention to the serp results in google, and traffic travis right? It's more about the level of difficulty and monthly searches right?


You will also need to consider the results you get in SERPs to check your competition and how many sites are using the same keyword.

These information help you determine how 'easy' and how 'difficult' your keyword is and how long you can possibly rank for this.

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Low competition keywords can be ranked well with a bit of effort. The same cannot be said of course of primary keywords. Well, you can go ahead ranking the secondary ones.
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