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Keeping Track of Backlinks

Posts: 29
Joined: 25 Jan 11

Keeping Track of Backlinks

Hey guys, just curious do you keep track of your backlinks? If so, how come? Why is it important to keep track of them?
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Posts: 29
Joined: 25 Jan 11
Also, if you're keeping track of them are you just using a spreadsheet?
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Posts: 137
Joined: 12 Jun 10
you can use a spreadsheet.. its recommended that you keep a list of them backlist for a couple of reason.. first, so you'll know which ones stuck and which ones needs a little push to get indexed.. also, in case (which you probably will) build another affiliate site, you will have a list of backlink source that you no longer need to hunt them down again
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I don't track them, I track rankings in the SERPS and conversions. Not sure what the value is in tracking links and it's too time consuming unless there's a good reason to do so.
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Posts: 137
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hey SethCzerepak,

like I said,
1 - not all link will get index immediately, you'll need to help google find them..
2 - you already got list of backlink for your next site
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I track them with a spreed sheet.

The reason to track them is becuase let's say you are submitting an article that allows you two links.

I personally think the second link will give you no SEO value if it links to the same site.

So, The for the second link, (Some times you are allowed 3) I will link it to another article or web 2.0 property that links to my site. (I am thinking the juice will still flow through.)

I didn't make this Up, but following Matt Carters Linking stratagy from his bonus that came with Rapid Rewritter.

You have to use a spreed sheet to keep track of all this.

If you find a good high page rank page that you get a link to stick on you will want to come back in the future when you build another blog to use the asset again.

I also track all of my sites, and sign-ins on the same spreed sheet. (Needed when you make several accounts on the same web 2.0 property, and forums, so you don't forget)

I use the same spread sheet to keep all of my affiliate links and tracking codes. So I can see where my clicks come from. I like to know mostly if they are coming from my site, give away guide, or news letter.


You can also use a spread sheet to store, HTML snippets such as banners on.

I would be a lost soul with out my spreed sheet.
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JC Dean
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Yes, creating a spreadsheet with all recorded data will be very useful in tracking your backlinks. You can use Google Docs if you want it online for ready access.

You could also use a free software called Affiliates Organizer :)
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Agree with above all. You can track your back links with spreed sheet. Here i would like to share with you about the few words about back links.

You collect the list of the link from yahoo back link checker and you can also use google to check your list of the back links.
And also you try to check the your competitors back links, it would helps a lot to improving of your site.

Any suggestion please paste here.

Thank you
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I would personally say keeping track of backlinks is very important...I'm not sure about you but I hate building backlinks, so keeping a record will save me time on looking for new backlink sources.
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Posts: 5
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I track my backlinks because many of them does not identified by google.Also i want to know how many backlinks i want my website to have.
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Posts: 18
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I really don't keep track of them unless they are ones that I have paid for. But I agree that Excel would be the best way to keep up with them.
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