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Just want to point out something in the Autopilot Riches Vid

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Joined: 08 Jan 12

Just want to point out something in the Autopilot Riches Vid

First of all, thanks for the latest vid https://www.affilorama.com/videos/83029

I just want to point out one issue during the "keyword research" using the Money Matrix. While doing the Google Keyword Tool, the Match Type is set to "Broad" instead of "exact". I just want to to point that out because that small difference can skew the results by A LOT.

If your keywords appear to have 10,000 Local Monthly Searches using the Broad Match, it might fall down to as little as 500 Local Monthly searches when you place it in Exact Match. And AFAIK, you should always go for Exact as opposed to Broad.

Sorry, don't know where to post this issue, but I hope someone can clear it up because it might be misleading for those who are gonna use the Autopilot Riches methods to do niche research.

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Posts: 6369
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Hi fenderboy40,

I had to view the Autopilot Riches webinar again and yes, they did do the keyword search on Google Keyword Tool using Broad Match. You have some very good points but I don't want to jump the gun as I think this is something Adam may have just overlooked and no one noticed it during the webinar.

I forwarded this thread to a senior Affilorama staff and will let you know as soon as I have feedback.

I appreciate your patience. Have a good day!
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Posts: 2
Joined: 08 Jan 12
hi, yes I really think that was a mistake, but i just want to put it out so you can check if that was actually intended or not. It was a very good webinar and I learned a lot from it, but that little mistake can really skew a lot of things.

Thanks and more power!
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi fenderboy40,

Thank you for your patience.

It's best to use exact at times but Adam chose Broad Match instead since he is targeting "little" niches. These are niches where there is not much competition to begin with like the beta fish site or candle making so he no longer used Exact.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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This topic was started on Jan 08, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
