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Is the program popular? Should more people be joining

Posts: 24
Joined: 01 Jul 11

Is the program popular? Should more people be joining


I have added an affiliate program to my site.

I have added a post in the new Affiliate Program section of affilorama.com for advertisement. However, I thought this would attract more interest.

Is it because my traffic is low?

Please can you visit my site and let me know what you think needs improving? Is it confusing? Does it need more photos? Does it need different photos on the home page? What would you do to improve the site? ...and any other comment is really appreciated.

If you may, please visit these URL's:

Affiliate Program in detail: http://www.bedexchange.co/tol/affiliate_details.php
Home page: http://www.bedexchange.co/index.php
Video tour: http://www.bedexchange.co/affiliate/affiliates/tour.php

Thank you for your help.

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W http://bedexchange.co/
Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi Steven,

Low traffic may be one of the major reasons why you are not getting more sign ups. You might also want to change your website's layout and make it more appealing and interesting. I found it difficult to understand what the site is about so you might want to make your articles more prominent instead of keeping them within an iFrame where readers need to scroll up and down a small window.

The affiliate program you've set up is good but I don't think anyone will pay attention unless they are clear on how the product works.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama
Posts: 24
Joined: 01 Jul 11
Hello Cecille L

That is great information.

I have since been reviewing the site layout overnight - (at the time you emailed). So i hope it is better now.

I agree the iframe needs to be longer down the page. This will happen as soon as i have a video to show on the home page. I will put a link to the video the same size as the Quick Search, and directly under that.

Thank you for commenting about the affiliate program.

Thank you for your help.
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W http://bedexchange.co/
Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi Steven,

I'm glad to help. :)

You might want to consider getting the iFrame out altogether and show your article in just one page. You can have your Quick Search and all other links in one side bar. The profiles you can place right above the footer. You might want to check other themes for inspiration.

My two cents. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama
Posts: 24
Joined: 01 Jul 11
Hello Cecille L

I understand what you are saying.

However there is some limitations that i must work within. Such as the Quick Search is set at 'this' width, but the other components are 'that' width. I could do more hacking to fix it, but SEO is find right now, as the 'frame' is not an iframe, but instead i have used CSS code: overflow:auto;

I appreciate your advice, please keep it coming.

I will keep the layout as it is, i like it. It will be improved once i have a big video link under the Quick Search. IE: the iframe will be longer and be easier to read the content within.

  • 1
W http://bedexchange.co/

This topic was started on Jan 15, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
