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I need advice on new products I found to promote

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I need advice on new products I found to promote

I got conflicting advice on the last products I liked, because I'm a carpenter and woodworking plans were right up my alley,but the different opinions I got in this forum made me give up on them and I then began looking for something else to promote.

I joined 5 different forums (alternative energy) and one of the forums (magnetic energy) is basically saying this one form of alternative energy does not work, and some of these members sure sound like they know what they are talking about and said anyone trying to sell this as a DIY for home, car, or boat are scammers.

This one particular product is 1 of 5 I found in Clickbank and has a gravity of 35 and the others have a much higher gravity,

Should I continue to try and promote this product even though I think it might be a scam but not sure? the web site video and U Tube videos look very convincing.

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Larry Bauge
Posts: 869
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Hi larry,
I am not in this Niche so I can not say for sure but, How many of these people on that forum are saying this? 100% of them, 20% of them? 5%?
Have you asked then why they think this?

When some people used to talk about how I make a living from the internet, they said "Oh anyone who does that is just a scammer" or "Why don't you get a real job instead of sitting on your bum all day looking at google" lol..
Funny how I don't talk to them anymore and prefer to have more positive influences in my life.
If they only knew how hard we work as Internet Marketers hey..lol

Sorry, back on subject..lol, So.. Here is what I would do..
Really research the subject well and ask plenty of questions if you are that concerned with it.
Do what your heart is telling you to do, but don't just get influenced by a few people who scoff at a niche.

Show me someone who has not made the alternative energy thing work and I will show you someone who has.
Also, if these people are so good at giving advice on what works, then they are your purfect testing ground.
Ask them what does work then put that on your site.

If you are still not happy then it may be time to choose another niche.

Just my 2 cents.

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-- Robert Brault
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If that one form of alternative energy is "Run your car on water" it is a scam.
To prove that do a google search, you will see that they don't except PPC for the term, becuase of that.

If that one thing is something else, I would would just let it go if I couldn't be sure.

Here is a forum I use to find info on products when I am not sure. Maybe you can find info here that will tip you off the fence about the product. http://www.scam.com

Hope this helps and good luck with your site.
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JC Dean
Posts: 869
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Hi JC,
Well, I try not to get involved in opinions on other sites etc.. but I have seen Scam.com publicly ostracize some good and honest programs or sites due to the "Unsavory" nature or agendas of scam.com forum members.
It is like a cesspool. But there are some good people there as well from memory.
I have found scam.com to be negative when it comes to Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and most of All MLM.
I don't go there anymore due to the negativity. Some members have a "Why don't you get a good job and stop scamming people" mentality.
Anyway, use scam.com to see if people have actually got scammed but take it with a grain of salt.
This is just my personal view.

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-- Robert Brault
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Hi I have used Yahoo Answers to get good answers on questions like that.I do agree with Troy about having to be careful what to believe in some of the forums. I got a lot of junk opinions from Yahoo but usually the truth shines through because there is so many answers to chose from , I have found it to be a great resource to learn from.
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Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]
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wollowra wrote:Hi JC,
Well, I try not to get involved in opinions on other sites etc.. but I have seen Scam.com publicly ostracize some good and honest programs or sites due to the "Unsavory" nature or agendas of scam.com forum members.
It is like a cesspool. But there are some good people there as well from memory.
I have found scam.com to be negative when it comes to Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and most of All MLM.
I don't go there anymore due to the negativity. Some members have a "Why don't you get a good job and stop scamming people" mentality.
Anyway, use scam.com to see if people have actually got scammed but take it with a grain of salt.
This is just my personal view.


Thanks Troy.

I didn't mean to give bad advice. I have ended up at scams.com when searching (Google searching) other than Make Money on line products, and usually find out what the "catch" is when something sounds too good to be true.

I guess the best thing to do in the end is go with your gut feeling, when you find alot of conflicting info.
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JC Dean
Posts: 869
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Oh no probs J.C and that wasn't a dig at you by any means mate.
Your opinion is just as valid as mine, I was just telling my experience.. It is not right or wrong..lol
Yes, you can get some info from those forums but just be careful what you believe..
Hope I didn't offend you.
That's the problem with Text, you can not see facial expressions or tone of voice...lol

Kind Regards
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-- Robert Brault
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Hi guys and thanks for all the input

The products I'm into is Solar energy,HHO gas hydrogen generators, Wind Generators or turbines, Electric cars, and magnetic generators,

Magnetic generators is the one in question where some forum members said it is a scam.

I typed alternative energy into Google and all except Magnetic generators were mentioned with long paragraphs of explanations on each one, which made me think that all the alternative energy methods are valid except Magnetic generators, and this was all on one site, first page in Google

They all have You Tube videos including Magnetic generators, and clickbank gives all the alternative energy products good gravity with electric cars being the lowest (but electric cars has a video on the site and U Tube of the actor Tom Hanks raving about his 2 electric cars.

One other question.....I am watching one of Marks Videos (just sent today) where he builds a web site from scratch for Affiloblueprint members on the subject of Anxiety Attacks.

The same thing with his WoW site.......Did he choose a number of different Clickbank products like I am doing or did he manage to find all his keyword phrases from one site (this is a little confusing to me because I've chosen 5 different energy producing products and will have to get the writer at Elance to write articles on each)

In his webinar on Anxiety he sent one link to the writer to read, to write 20 articles, I know this will probably be covered in future lessons but it did make me think what keywords do I send to the Elance for 30 articles and does the writer have to read 6 different links to write my articles.

Thank you Larry
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Larry Bauge
Posts: 869
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Hi Larry,
You will offer the different products on your energy site but your whole site will be about alternative energy right?
So you will write 30 articles on alternative energy and then strategically place the products on your site and you can have all 5 on a review page, for a side by side comparison.
Hope that answers your question as I was a little unclear what you meant by...
'did he manage to find all his keyword phrases from one site'

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
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-- Robert Brault
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Thanks for your advice Troy

You managed to clear up what I wanted to know, and now I'm ready for week #2 lesson.

Don't be concerned about not being sure of what I meant because I wasn't too sure myself, Ive written long questions before on various subjects, being unsure if what is in my brain is properly translated to text.LOL

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Larry Bauge
Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Hi Larry,
You will find that if you have a question you can watch ahead 2 weeks and your question will be answered in the video most of the time.
Hope that helps.
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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
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-- Robert Brault
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Hi again Troy
I was just about to start week #2 when I decided to watch the last video again of week one for Keyword research and I think I might have made a small mistake which should be easy to correct before I continue (may as well spend the time to get it right).

Mark said to find keywords with 1500 or over search volume and the key phrase here is "Or Over" that I didn't pay enough attention to.

In the Google keyword tool there weren't a lot of keywords around 1500 and I settled for any between 1000 to 2000 with the majority being 1000.

Mark and Aletta didn't clarify how high the search volume can go up to (ie) 4300, 6800, so since I chose a lot of my keywords with a search volume under 1500 down to 1000, do you think it's a good idea to go for higher volume keywords ? and if so what would be the height limit for them ?

Sorry Troy for being a pain but I had to ask.

Thanks again Larry
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Larry Bauge
Posts: 869
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In my opinion there is no limit but just don't over think it.
choose anything over 1500 that means there is a good market and competition.
That means people are making money in that market.

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault

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