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How to sort website traffic for Amazon affiliate website?

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Joined: 30 Jun 15

How to sort website traffic for Amazon affiliate website?

Hello everybody,

I've been getting a pretty good uptick in traffic on some of my Amazon affiliate sites, and have been noticing that the increased traffic and clicks is not resulting in a congruent increase in commissions. I did some investigating, and it looks like this is because a lot of my traffic increase is international, and Amazon has a bunch of different storefront and associates programs for different countries.

I'm wondering if anyone else is having this same issue, and if anyone has tried these guys, georiot.com, to make their amazon links work for all the different stores worldwide. I've heard some good things about them on some other sites, and just wanted to know if any of you have had any experience with this link "localization" service. Looks pretty interesting, and in theory could be an easy way to get a nice boost in commissions.

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I haven't tried Georiot so I can't give you any feedback on it. I did check it out and it looks like a solid solution to the problem.

One other thing to look into are the keywords you're targeting. Make sure to target keywords that point to the location you want to rank in. You can use SEO tools like Traffic Travis or Affilotools to help you identify which keywords to target in specific countries.

You can also check out Google Trends. They list out trending keywords and show the countries a given keyword is trending in.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely look into targeting more the regions I'm trying to monetize. However, it seems reasonable to expect that any successful SEO will result in higher traffic across the board, and I'd like to be able to monetize all of that traffic (if it's possible).

I've started testing out GeoRiot and excited to see the results. I'm surprised this isn't a more well known platform. Seems like a pretty powerful tool, but it's surprisingly hard to find much info on it.
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Good point. :)

Hope GeoRiot lives up to and go beyond its claims, and truly help you turn a bulk of that traffic into sales.

I seem to remember a similar geo-plugin used by another member who was also an Amazon affiliate. I did a search in the forums and these are some of the results :

Ad Targetting Based on Viewers Geographical Location
Sending Correct Traffic To Correct Country

I also recommended this article before in response to a similar question:
4 WordPress Plugins for Geo Targeting
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What you can also do is to simply pick Amazon products that can be shipped internationally.

You may also analyze your traffic and check which location has the most number of traffic to your website. You should be able to have top English countries (USA, Canada, UK) in the list of countries that your traffic is mostly coming from since Amazon is available in these countries.

The point is, you do not have to target a broad range of countries since NOT ALL traffic is quality traffic. What you need is to only target the countries that will bring you high conversion rate.
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