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How to Migrate Emails from Roundcube to Office 365?

Posts: 59
Joined: 02 May 24

How to Migrate Emails from Roundcube to Office 365?

You can use the Advik Roundcube Backup Tool for the migration. This efficient software will transfer Roundcube emails to Office 365 in a few simple clicks. With its advanced filters, you can migrate emails from any particular person, date, time, subject, etc.

Steps to Migrate Roundcube Email to Office 365 -

1. Run the Advik Roundcube Backup Tool.

2. Enter your login details of your Roundcube account.

3. Select Office 365 from the given saving option.

4. Enter your Office 365 credentials and hit the Backup button.

Done! Here complete the Roundcube to Office 365 migration process.
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Posts: 31
Joined: 03 Jul 24
To migrate emails from Roundcube to Office 365 account, you can use the advanced CubexSoft Roundcube Backup Tool that is reliable solution with batch mode to migrate unlimited Roundcube emails accounts to Office 365 at once. The program can safely migrate all emails data to O365 from Roundcube account with all attachments and other mail properties. Download free demo edition to know how to migrate from Roundcube to Office 365 without any charges. https://www.cubexsoft.com/blog/migrate-roundcube-to-office-365/
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