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How Can Keyword Have High Searches Yet Low Competition?

Posts: 91
Joined: 19 Jul 13

How Can Keyword Have High Searches Yet Low Competition?

Question for you all:
How can a keyword have over 4 million monthly global searches yet have a low competition rating?

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Site Admin
Posts: 3392
Joined: 09 Jul 06
Hey Jason,

The keyword "the" has 1,680,000,000 monthly searches and low competition, if you look in the Google keyword tool.

"Competition" in this tool is looking at the number of advertisers who are bidding on this keyword.

If a keyword has a high number of searches but low competition, it's often because it's not a profitable keyword. Any number of things could make it unprofitable.

It might be too general and too broad to be worth spending money on. A keyword like "sports" gets a lot of searches (151 million) but you have no idea what those people are actually looking for. Do they want to know how a sport is played? Are they looking for sports gear? Sports shops? Sports players? Do they want an idea for a sport to take up?

It is too untargeted to be worth bidding on.

A keyword might also be clearly one with low buyer intent. Anybody searching for a keyword that contains "free" is obviously not wanting to spend money. Someone searching for "[MOVIE NAME] torrent" is probably not going to be interested in buying a DVD of that particular movie.... they clearly want to pirate it!

In general: High search volume + low competition = generally unprofitable keyword (for any number of reasons).
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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So the best bet it sounds like is to look at the number of global searches and then take those keyword over to traffic travis and see what the difficulty rating is. Is that a safe analysis?

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Posts: 6369
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sierracommerceco wrote:So the best bet it sounds like is to look at the number of global searches and then take those keyword over to traffic travis and see what the difficulty rating is. Is that a safe analysis?


Hi Jason,

Yes, you can get a list of keywords in the Google External tool and then check for competition in Traffic Travis. Doing so will help give you a clearer picture of which are the best keywords to target.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Joined: 03 Aug 13
yes you can check the keyword compitition on any ppc site google adwords highly recomended
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This topic was started on Aug 08, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
