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has anyone done any research on spam

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

has anyone done any research on spam

I have been going to a site that I like for a while and have never made a comments on the site. The site is mainly a site with old pictures on it. The other day I saw a picture that I liked a lot, the picture was also relevant to my web site so I went ahead and posted a nice long note about the picture said nothing about my site but there was a place to add my name e-mail address and url so I filled everything out. Well today I went to go to this site and find I am blocked from the site because I am considered spam. So I have a few questions. Since this site is calling me spam is it only for my IP address, does it carry over to my url and shows to browsers that my site is sending out spam. The other thing I don't understand is I thought spam was someone or something sending out very short meaningless or non relevant content in order to get whatever it is that spammers do it for. So what did I do wrong, My comment was well over 2 paragraphs long and dealt with the picture. I don't get it. What kind of url would they consider non spam if it is relevant to the picture.
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Site Admin
Posts: 1874
Joined: 05 May 09
I'm sorry to hear your comment was flagged as spam :(

Your comment might have gone into the spam filter. This issue is usually seen in Akismet enabled websites. Results from the forums indicate that some bloggers have had trouble with this and as yet no fixes have been done to resolve this issue. You could email the website owner where you commented on to let them know that you were blocked from the site. Ask that they unmark your comment as spam in their Akismet Spam catcher. This helps Akismet learn that your comments are legit.

To prevent your account from being blacklisted by Akismet, you could change your name and email address or change your IP address. The IP number is the main identifier for Akismet.
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
Thanks Michell but if I am blocked from the site how do I get the e mail address to send them a note.
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Posts: 373
Joined: 24 Nov 09
mark schaaf wrote:Thanks Michell but if I am blocked from the site how do I get the e mail address to send them a note.

Since you can't email them I think it best just to move on.
This will in no way hurt your ability to rank or get links from other sites.
Your comment on that one site got you block on that one site only.
You are not in any way shape or form going to be on any kinda spam black list becuase of it.

Ya gotta just keep moveing forward.

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JC Dean
Site Admin
Posts: 1874
Joined: 05 May 09
If you really, really, really love the site, you could send an email using another email account ;)

You could also change your IP address by following the instructions on this page: How to Change Your IP Address
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