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Feedback on New Services Planned for My Content Service

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Feedback on New Services Planned for My Content Service

Hi my name is Andrew I help run a content writing service. (It's our family business, my Father founded it and my two young bros help run it too, sometimes... slackers.)

Anyway would anyone be interested in a monthly service that does the following:

Every month you get...
- Four 800-850 word, quality, unique content posts (choose your writers before hand)
- Keyword research is done for you (SEO, input your topics/keywords before hand)
- Content research is done for you (insuring quality, factual content)
- Auto posted to your WordPress websites (at the days & times of your choosing)
- Auto shared to your social accounts (Facebook page, Twitter, G+, etc.)

If yes how much would this service be worth to you?

- $67 per month?

Also how would you like to see the pricing points scaled for added posts? (8 posts, 16 posts a month, etc.)

We pretty much will build what ever is needed and wanted from our clients and or target audience (you the affiliate marketers!), we've done it before we'll do it again, we have to.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, what do you need?

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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
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Hi Andrew,

It sounds interesting and I think a lot of our fellow Affilorama members would be interested in a service like that. Writing your own content is great, but it takes considerable time, especially the research, so being subscribed to such a service would be helpful.

Do you also offer something like as needed service like if I only need 1 or two articles?

Have a good day!
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Hi Cecille,

Yeah I think many affiliate marketers would find this option valuable, to be clear, we do not offer the services mentioned above YET, this is why I'm asking for feedback from Affilorama friends to see if they would be interested in something like this in the near future.

And to answer your question, YES! We have a pretty robust system setup (like Textbroker, WriterAccess, Etc.) and have been serving our clients with quality writing and other services since 2006.

Thanks for the feedback, anyone else? Would you find these planned services a value?
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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
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Hi Andrew,

$67 is actually a good deal for the above services you just mentioned.

I would also think that it's best if you offer a package for small orders as well, like Cecille mentioned.

Also, how about offering clients a content package for article marketing? You've mentioned you are offering content for website owners. How about content for their off-page SEO efforts?

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Hi Mary,

Yup that sounds like a great idea, we could do smaller packages or better yet, let the user choose exactly how many articles each month they want added to this new service, the final monthly cost would be automatically adjusted to how many articles and what cents-per-word they choose.

About article marketing, we already have SEO and Bulk ordering features built into the system, from keywords to density and LSI. As well as rewrites and spinning. We have many SEO firms and SEO people as clients. So we can do that also. Something like: everything that's mentioned above + spin + distribute the articles to top directories and networks etc. yet another idea lol.

Currently we charge $9.95/m, to get access to the system and our writers (150+ writers, we don't hire just anybody).

Our main focus with this new idea is to supplement the $9.95/m, because that's how we, the site owners, make our revenue, we don't take a big cut from our writers.

Anyway, what we want to figure out is are there enough people out there who would use this new service? A "done for you, each month" kind of service before we build it.

What would you affiliates like to see in a service?
And for how much?

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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
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Hi tankctrlr,

In my opinion, content writing service is one of the most in demand services online, especially in this post panda-penguin period. However, this is also a very competitive market. However, I think as long as you provide good content for clients, they'll going to choose your services and stick around.

I would also think that a monthly fee for content service is a good idea- especially for clients that have a lot of websites.

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Thanks Mary,

I agree everyone that has a website needs content. The problem is website owners want content for very cheap, 500 word articles for $2.50! Really? The other problem is that these so called "writers" (not all but most) are willing to "write" for that price AND actually do a ok job at it, meaning the quality isn't that bad, it's bad, but manageable.

Sites that harbor these willing "writers" and price points are hard to compete against on PRICE alone.

Also I always wonder why most including Mark Ling, say you need to have high quality content because of panda-penguin, SEO, conversions, etc., etc., then turn around and tell people to go to iwriter, uh ok.

That's like a professional health coach saying "you need to eat healthier, or you're going to die, so here's my favorite place to go, you should eat here from now on, check it out, it's called... McDonalds, for $2.50 you can get 2,000 calories!"

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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com

This topic was started on May 19, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
