Do you purchase the products you promote?
How do you all go about writing reviews for your affiliate products? I have been looking at other people's websites to see how they go about it, and the best reviews in my opinion are the ones were the person really seems to know the product. If the product is an ebook, they sound as if they've read it. They go into detail about what they liked about it, or what they supposedly got from it. Who knows maybe they did read all of the ebooks that they're reviewing. As for me, I really don't want to to have to take the time to actually read them all. That takes a lot of time and money. But if you don't read them, then how can you really give them a star rating or a good convincing review. You have to have information about these products, and if you don't get it from purchasing them, then where do you get it?This topic was started on Jun 11, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.