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Do You Have Thousands of Keywords?

Posts: 23
Joined: 25 Aug 06

Do You Have Thousands of Keywords?

I'm not sure how some people do this....

Some people say they use keyword tools and get hundreds and sometimes a few thousand keywords for a campaign.

Then, they say they dump ALL THOSE into a campaign.

How do you do that? Do you have a TON of different adgroups?

Because of Google's QS, you can't just dump them into loosely fitted adgroups without Google smacking you down....

Or do some of you just stick to the basic, proven keywords, and only have 20-30 adgroups?

I'm trying to learn how experienced IMers setup all their adgroups for a campaign with TONS of keywords.

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It all depends. The more effort you put in, the more you're going to get out. So perhaps for a large niche, 100 adgroups might be necessary. But for a much smaller one, 30 groups might be all you need.

Why not bid on keywords that might do really well for you?
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Personally, I usually have a lot of adgroups. Perhaps not so for campaigns I set up a while back that are still profitable, but in general I have a lot of adgroups for any new campaign.

Sometimes I run a competition analysis on traffic travis first so I can eliminate some keywords that noone else is advertising on. Also I usually go through my adgroups and don't upload the ones that intuitively don't look like they will convert to sales.

best regards,
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