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Can't find any of the keywords for my site

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Can't find any of the keywords for my site

Dear Affilobuds and budettes,

I am starting to get a little worried. I posted my site http://www.electricbikesnscooters.com a few months ago but can't seem to find my site for any of the keywords listed. Does anyboby know where I am going wrong. I update quite frequently and I don't know why I haven't moved up.....help!
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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
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Hi elmo,

I am in exactly the same situation. My site has been up for 3 and a half months and there is no movement in SEs at all. PR is still 0. I have submitted the site 10-15 directories, some paid, some free, posted to over 150 blogs, have a link in my signature in other forums and nothing.

I have also spent a few hundred dollars on PPC and didn't make a single cent. Probably we are both in wrong business. lol

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Sounds like you both need links and lots of them.

Elmo, links are the most important element of ranking well.

Have you submitted to directories? Submitted articles to article directories? Made a few blog comments?

Theres lots of ways to get links, you just have to make sure you're constantly getting them.
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You need to give it time.... this is coming from someone who gets frustrated :)

I did a search for your site...

Found this result....

You show up on that result.... (your title is spelled wrong)... also there seem to be spaces in your URLS as well as everything in 1 folder... this could be an issue. What I suggest to you is to organize your site into specific folders... then concentrate on getting some links to the inner pages of your site with the anchor text matching your page's H1 tag.
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Dear Affilobuds Crowzy, Adrian and Sean06,

I have been doing linking but it has mainly been to loads of directories. Is that going to be helpful?

Adrian, I see what you mean about having the menu misspelled so I'll fix it but what do you mean by spaces in URL and everything in 1 folder?

Thanks so much dudes! You are Super affilobuds in every way!

God Bless & Flame On!
ELMO :mrgreen:
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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
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All of your pages (or most) are showing to be in the root folder of your site....


Instead of





As for spaces... when you created your pages you must of just typed a word, hit the space bar, and typed another word then hit save.

That is why your pages have a %20 in them.
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Hi Elmo,

Everyone has already given you plenty to work on over the next few days but I'll add one more that's been helpful to me... write some articles and submit them to directories like ezinearticles and goarticles. This will get you some traffic AND backlinks :)

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Adrian & Promo,

I am really lost here. Are you talking about the files located in my FTP? They are all listed under public html. Is that wrong? I was told by Host gator to put them there. Even if I knew what you were talking about, I really don't understand how to fix that. I'm ok at the Web page stuff but get any more technical than that and I'm in deep doo-doo.


Good to hear from you too. I'll shoot you an extended email tomorrow. Finals and report cards are due and I'm really tired up. It's almost over for the year though! YIPEEEE!

God Bless and Flame On!!!

ELMO :mrgreen:
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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
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Hey Elmo,

I reckon one of the first things you need to work on is your on-page optimization. What Adrian is talking about is something we wrote about in the March Affilorama Update PDF (under the "Ask a geek" section -- complete with illustrations of cows). I don't think that having everything vomited into the one directory is going to harm your search engine rankings unduly, but there are other things that all together could be having an impact.

1) Your file names. Like the others have mentioned, when you were creating HTML files you will have named them like this: "my file name.html" Then when you linked them into your website using your WYSIWYG editor, the editor added a bunch of %20s where the spaces were, because you *can't have spaces in web file names*. You can when you save things on your computer... but you can't have them on the web. I don't know if search engines see the %20 as being a space. If they don't, then your file names aren't helping you for your keywords at all. If you saved your files as "your-file-name.html" the search engines can see the individual words that comprise your file name, and they might consider your page to be more relevant.

2) You're not using your anchor text very well. For instance, in your navigation you're linking to your "Top 10 questions about electric bicycles" through the anchor text "Top 10 pt.2". When you consider that the search engines look at the anchor text as being a clue as to the content of the page... does that really give them any information? It might help your ranking for the keyword "Top 10 pt.2" but it's not helping for "electric bikes and scooters". Even changing this to "Top 10 questions about electric bikes and scooters" might help. What I would do, though (looking at the content) is use that article as a base for writing ten separate articles, since each of those questions is something people might be searching for.

3) I see no site siloing. Now, this sounds like a complicated concept, but it's really not that technical. What you want to do is guide the search engine spider around your page so it doesn't get confused, and so that it really understands what your page is about. I suggest you re-watch the interview with Charles Heflin and read the notes that come with it. Getting this stuff put in place will be easier once you've organized your site a bit better.

I really think you need to go back and watch all the videos on search engine optimization again, Elmo. These guys have talked about getting a whole bunch of links, and while that's important, it's also very important that your site is as optimized as you can get it. So the top things I want you to focus on are:

- Getting your site organized. Have your reviews in a /reviews/ directory. Have your information about different electric vehicles in another related directory. yourdomain.com/electric-scooters/ yourdomain.com/electric-bikes/ etc. Put any articles about electric scooters in the electric scooters file. Any articles about electric bikes in the electric bikes file. If you feel up to it, post your proposed site structure here and we'll take a look at it.

- Make your anchor text work for you. Make sure that for every link you make, the "click me" text is based around your keywords. Since you should be creating content based around your keywords, this shouldn't be too hard.

- Once you've got everything organized, look at the way your pages link to each other. That's the heart of siloing. You want related pages to link to each other, and you want fewer links to less-related pages.

Watch those videos again and let us know how you get on. I see you've put a lot of work into this site... it'll be great to see it doing well.

All the best,
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Dear Super Supreme Affilobud Marc Ling,

First of all, I would like to say thank you very much for your very detailed post and all of the help that you and the other Affillobuds and buddettes have given me. In the past,I have tried to build and market web sites on my own and even though I learned an awful lot, I never really knew if I was just stumbling around in the dark or doing things right. So when I say thank you I really mean it.

First of all, it has been awhile since I have messed around with search engine optimization. I went through a period of time where I understood it, but then Google changed all of its alogrythms and then I dropped out of the ranking picture. One day I was at the very top, the next day I was at the very bottom. So, I really haven't had the time to think about it much because I got discouraged.

As far as your comments are concerned, I do understand that I should not have spaces in my files one I sent them into the FTP. So that is not a very hard problem for me to fix. I understand what I have to do, to fix the problem.

The part I will confused about is how I am supposed to place the different web pages into files. I really don't know much about that subject. I hope it is not something very complicated. Whenever I get involved with very technical stuff it seems like at least an awful lot of time and then I have to get someone involved to help me straighten out the mess that I made. So if someone can explain the exactly how to do that one step I would really appreciate it.

I also understand how to do anchor text. For some reason, I never thought about the linking pages within my own site. So I will fix that problem as well. To me, that is not very hard to do.but, the main thing I want to do right now is learn how to put all of these web pages into organized files.

Marc, I want to thank you, and all of the folks here, from the bottom of my heart. All of these people are just fantastic. Promocode helped me out one night for almost four straight hours. She was a huge help in getting my blog started and we talked over the SKYPE network.

Your web site and forum is just fantastic and I can't say enough nice things about it. As a matter of fact, Promo and I kept talking about how honest you are and how much care is given to people that subscribe to your site. I just want to say thank you very much and God bless.

Your Affilobud, Elmo.

God Bless and flame on!

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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
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Hey Elmo,

Thanks for the awesome comments. It's really nice to be able to help people and see the progress they make, and it's even better to hear things like that from you :)

As for these blasted files/directories... it's so simple, you're going to slap yourself. You know how you create new folders on your computer? You'll usually right-click and go New > Folder, right? Well, that's basically it. Go into the place on your computer where you're keeping all your website building files. Right-click, go "New > Folder" and call it "images". Now shove all your images in there.

Now go back and create another folder alongside this images folder, and call it "electric-scooters" or whatever. Shove all the stuff about electric scooters in there.

Ok, so once you've got all that organized... it's going to break your site something awful. That's because your HTML doesn't know that everything has moved. You need to learn how to reference files in different directories. We also covered that in the Affilorama Update magazine (March... Ask a geek section) so take a look at that. Basically you're going to be writing things like <a href="/electric-scooters/article-name.html"> instead of <a href="article-name.html">

I'm just telling you to get everything sorted and working on your home computer first, before you upload it. Don't worry too much if when you click the links on your home version, they don't work. This is because when you put a backslash / at the start of a link it takes you back to the very root of the directory. This is great on your website (it takes you back to yourdomain.com) but on your computer it takes you back to the very top of your C drive (not even in your documents folder) so it doesn't work.

(If you're doing this in Dreamweaver then it will be ok if you've told Dreamweaver what the folder is you're working out of when you first started building the site. Then these backslashes will just take it back to the top of *that* folder when you preview it in Dreamweaver)

Once you think you've got it sorted... try to upload it. I'm not sure what FTP program you're using, but you might be able to upload everything... folders and all... and it'll just appear on your web server like it appears on your home computer.

Otherwise you can create folders on your server manually. In your FTP program you might see the "new folder" icon on the side that looks at stuff on the web server. Click on that and give the folder the same name as the one you've used on your home computer. Then when you double click on that folder you'll be taken *inside* that folder, and you can upload all the stuff that needs to go in *that particular* folder.

Then to get out of it and go back to the top (root) you use a "back" button or a "up folder" button.

If you're using Dreamweaver and finding it really complicated... try downloading a different FTP program like FileZilla. It's a little easier to wrap your head around when it's removed from your HTML editor, since it's just like shuffling files around on your home computer.

I hope that all makes sense... it's really hard to explain in writing. If you get stuck give us a yell here, or do a bit of a search on the internet for "how to FTP" "how to upload website" or something. I'm sure someone will have written a good, generic tutorial on the subject, and that should help you out until I can get around to creating a video on the subject :)

Let us know how you get on.
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: https://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Dear Marc & the rest of the Affilobuds and buddetes,

Well, I have managed to really screw up my site. I'm not sure how I did it, but it is a real mess. I tried to put all of those files in different folders and it is just one big mess.

Anyway, I have to go to each page and relink every single link. I tried to copy and paste the menu bar but that did not work. Each link on each page must be relinked.

That's all I have been doing for the last two evenings.

I think I may be done by tomorrow and I'll see how transfering the files into the FTP works.

God Bless and Flame......off?

ELMO :shock:
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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
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elmo033057 wrote:Dear Marc & the rest of the Affilobuds and buddetes,

Well, I have managed to really screw up my site. I'm not sure how I did it, but it is a real mess. I tried to put all of those files in different folders and it is just one big mess.

Anyway, I have to go to each page and relink every single link. I tried to copy and paste the menu bar but that did not work. Each link on each page must be relinked.

That's all I have been doing for the last two evenings.

I think I may be done by tomorrow and I'll see how transfering the files into the FTP works.

God Bless and Flame......off?

ELMO :shock:

That is why we suggest to use a menu include elmo... using absolute links... then when you change a page... you only need to change 1 link :)
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You said:

That is why we suggest to use a menu include elmo... using absolute links... then when you change a page... you only need to change 1 link

I have no clue what a menu include is or an absolute link is.

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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
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The PHP include lesson is in the February update PDF.

An absolute link is the opposite of a relative link.

Absolute would be www.google.com/groups/index.html whereas a relative one would just be groups/index.html
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Dear Affilobuds and budettes!

I got my site back up and running. I organized alot of my pages into different folders and I'm sure it is not perfect, but I'm back in business. I still have to rename some of my files and take the spaces out of them. I have only gotten two done so far.

Thanks again for all of your help!

God Bless & Flame on!!! :mrgreen:
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Mark Ellis a.k.a. "ELMO" Owner Ellistrations http://www.ellistrations.com
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Goodstuff elmo, just keep at it.
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