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Any free tools that will say what a sites keywords are?

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Any free tools that will say what a sites keywords are?

Are there any free tools out there that will tell you what keywords a site is ranking for? The only one I know of is semrush.com, and they don't show you all of the keywords that a site is ranking for. You have to upgrade to see the full report.

Also would like to know if there are any free tools that will show you how a sites keywords are ranking in not just google but in yahoo, and msn as well. The latest version of Traffic Travis only seems to show how they ranking in google. The last Traffic Travis version did show this information and it was useful. Sometimes a site wouldn't be ranking well in google for a keyword but they would be ranking well in yahoo and/or msn for it.

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You can use the Rank Checker Firefox extension to check out rankings in Google, Yahoo and Bing.
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Thanks for that valuable tip on the Firefox extension, esolutions!

My Traffic Travis shows Google, Bing and Yahoo, each for many countries - but it's the Pro (paid) version not the free version. Now I know another reason why I bought the paid version after trying the free one a while.

Seems to me the paid version is worth the money.
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For the free version of such tools. ahrefs does give an option to check for keywords for a given site. Its not that comprehensive but when used alongside semrush, it should be able to provide you with decent info.
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jimcoe wrote:Thanks for that valuable tip on the Firefox extension, esolutions!

My Traffic Travis shows Google, Bing and Yahoo, each for many countries - but it's the Pro (paid) version not the free version. Now I know another reason why I bought the paid version after trying the free one a while.

Seems to me the paid version is worth the money.

You're welcome:)

It's awesome and has worked for many, many years!
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I agree with esolutions.

You can use SEO extension tools for Firefox. Besides the Rank Checker, you may also want to try SEOuake and SEOBook extensions.

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Not sure which Affilorama tool you need? Take the quiz! https://www.affilorama.com/redirect/quiz

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