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Analyzing other Competing Websites within any Given Niche

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Analyzing other Competing Websites within any Given Niche

Hello all !

This is my very first post, so please bear with me. I was just wondering if there is anyway of Analyzing other Competing Websites within any Given Niche?

For example (I'll just use one of Marks favorite topics) "Dog Training"

Well, Im at the Clickbank Marketplace, and I click Category "Home&Family", and sub. Category "pets", this takes me to the list of Vendors that Im looking at, so in this instance, Im simply looking at the very first one, which is: "Secrets To Dog Training" ..... So I click onto their Vendors Home Page, and as well, their Pitch Page and so on.

So herein raises my Question: "IF" I were to want to make my site round, and Promote this particular Product(s) is there anyway of finding out and or knowing some of the other "Affiliates Websites" Promoting this same company's Product(s) ?

To be able to Analyze what one might be up against in regards to "Quality" and General "Lay-out" of other competing sites etc. etc., and other Competitors SERP's for that same Product(s)

Or is this even Ethical ?

Please Excuse my ignorance here, for this is my first Post to the Forum (Im a Complete Newbie) and Im just feeling a little Overwhelmed and wanting a little bit of direction with my whole Journey into Affiliate Marketing, and I have a feeling what a Journey it's going to be!

Thank you all in advance!,,,,,, Steven
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Welcome to Affilorama, Steven!
I hope you're learning a lot from our site :)

Traffic Travis will give you the information you need for your competition research. Just type in the keyword in the SEO analysis and it will give you a list of websites ranking for that keyword. It will display the top sites, their page rank, age, backlinks, dmoz, etc.

If you don't have it yet, you may download Traffic Travis through this link.

It's free!
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Hi Michellerana!

Thank you for your kind response! Good idea regarding Traffic Travis... Although, I am a Full Paid Member of Market Samurai, they probably have about the same function there with that, Im hoping anyway, I remember seeing it I think!..... I just haven't checked it out yet. I have Spent MONTHS researching and READING, and now it's time to start DOING.

Footnote: Yes I am learning ALLOT here, but the more I LEARN, the more CONFUSED I become, and the more Questions I have, it's Cccccrazy!!! Is this Normal? I find that there's only about a MILLION things to try to figure out, and even then Im Confused about those, let along trying to put a site together and trying to make it all WORK!

Thanks again.... Steven :o)
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You're welcome, Steven :)

Yes, Market Samurai has the same function.

Do not get caught in "analysis paralysis". It's time to act on what you have learnt. Just do your site and learn as you go.

A word of advise, focus on ONE program at a time. Finish the program and learn as much as you can.

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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Thanks Michelle!

Yes I am just Focusing on ONE Program, and this one is it! :o) I have even researched many many things like "Analysis Paralysis" and all sorts of stuff like "Information Overload" and have found it's best to FOCUS on ONE thing at a time (even then it's challenging)... I even signed up (through HERE at Affilorama) various webinar's put on by Mark with Anik and Amit, as well as others, and have signed up with PPC Classroom related types of things, and I am constantly getting various offers in my Inbox promoting this and that (which in the past) I have to admit I have found myself running over to their site's and thinking I needed to learn all about PPC, or CPA with Gauher Chaudhry, on and on,,,,,, Well, all I have been doing is just digging myself Deeper and Deeper into a hole that I could never climb out of!!! ..... So, currently when I see things like this, (other offers) even though, they WILL be wonderful and Instrumental in the future, for right now anyway, I am forcing myself to try to not even look at them to begin with, because all it is doing is distracting me, and suddenly I find myself going NOWHERE and just Spinning my wheels all over again!..... Sorry (no Offense Amit and Anik) but I will get into your courses at a later date! ...... But for right now, even BEFORE I learn to walk, I need to learn how to Crawl First.

Thanks again Michelle!!!

Steven :o)
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Too many people give up because their only focus is on making sales. This will lead to failure if you don't get them quickly.

focus on one step at a time. learn to judge the progress you have made instead of focusing on something you cannot control.
IF you focus on what you can control, and worry about the steps in the proper order, then you will succeed.
I recently did a blog post on how to measure success with your business.
Good luck and stick with it. you can make it work.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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Hello James.

I just read your article "How to Measure Success in Your Business" Great read, thanks for sharing that!

But you know, Im still finding myself being STUCK on if I should be picking a Subject/product at Clickbank (my choice of affil. networks for the moment) and then do Keyword(s) research revolving around that,,,,,, OR should I be doing Keyword(s) research on WHATEVER and then go to Clickbank to try to look for Subjects/products to match my Keyword(s) research??? In other words, I just WISHED I COULD CONNECT SOME OF THESE DOTS!!!

Sorry for the Caps...... But I just am so frustrated at times!

Sometimes (like in the morning) I feel totally inspired/ refreshed and want to make some sort of MOVE, but then when it actually comes time to make any sort of decision about a Subject/Product/Whatever, all of a sudden my head begins to spin, I start thinking about it, become Parylized and go NOWHERE, for another day,,,,,, Repeat and Rinse, been like that for weeks and weeks/Months really!

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Steve, What do you love to do? What are you passionate about? What do you know a lot about? They say thats a good place to start. Hope that helps.
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Everything I've heard has it the other way around... Find a product (or products) on clickbank to promote, then find the keywords to target that product.

When your head starts spinning, breath, take a moment. Tell yourself that you can do this, then take action on something. Anything. Find a product, come up with a keyword list, write an article. Doesn't matter what, just take action. Instead of trying to grasp the entire project, focus on the next piece of the puzzle you need. Put the pieces together, one at a time, and before you know it, you can see the big picture before you.

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Honestly, I have done it both ways steven. You can choose your specific products first, or write your articles first. The important thing is to make sure your product goes with your article.
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