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Allintitle: Search

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Joined: 02 Aug 14

Allintitle: Search


This is my first post on this forum and I'm very new to affiliate marketing. I'm hoping someone can provide me with some direction.

I have read on this site and many other sites, when completing keyword research you should complete the allintitle: search to determine competion with the exact keyword phrase you may target.

Now, lets say I find some keywords where the search volume is over 500 searches a month and the allintitle: search shows only 10 sites with my targeted keyword in title. So i'm thinking great, this will be a good keyword phrase to target.

However, when I do a broad search for that same keyword phrase I get over 1,000,000 hits.

How do I evaluate this? When most people search they don't use (") for exact matches, they just do a broad search. So how does the Allintitle: results help me with my selection of keyword phrase.

Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.
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Hi Kyle,

This is true, doing a allintitle + "quotes" search will only show you who is your most optimized competitor in terms of title tags, i.e., who is actively targeting that keyword in their title tags.

You should combine that type of research with other things like how many Backlinks they have, does the page have good Onpage SEO, does it have good user experience, basically you size them up to see if you can one-up them somehow over time.

There are tools out there that do all this for you like www.affilorama.com/tools

Hope that makes sense,

I'm sure someone else can explain it better if not.

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It's normal for there to be a lot more results on broad match than with allintitle.

I use "allintitle" to get a feel for how many people are actively pursuing a particular keyword. If someone has those exact words in the title of their page, then they have probably done some research into keywords and explicitly chosen to target this keyword. This puts them on my "definite competitor" radar.

This lesson explains things a bit more: https://www.affilorama.com/market-resear ... ion-in-seo

A low "allintitle" doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be super easy to rank well -- it's just one factor to consider.
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
Posts: 3
Joined: 02 Aug 14
Thanks guys, that's kinda what I thought just wanted to be sure.
Appreciate the replies.

Identifying a keyword is tough work for a newbie.
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Identifying a keyword is tough work for everyone, especially with more and more people joining into online marketing. There are only so many words out there!
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This topic was started on Aug 05, 2014 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
