Looking for joint venture or pay someone
I have a woman dating site http://www.seekingagoodguy.com. i do not have a lot of time or knowledge to generate conversions and have not been successful. this is a squeeze site only. i am using facebook posts with boosting to generate traffic but not very successfully, lots of facebook likes, not a lot of signups. i want to JV with someone who has experience in building a successful site similar to mine who can do the same for me. my preference is to pay someone to do this. i do not want private coaching because i have found that is usually not useful for me. you can contact me directly at [email protected] or text/whatsapp to 801-860-8274. i am serious about paying someone to do the work and i am able to pay a person who will do an excellent job of generating conversions for me.This topic was started on Jul 16, 2017 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.