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Using keywords from affiliate programs - good idea?

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Joined: 20 Mar 07

Using keywords from affiliate programs - good idea?

Hi Everyone. I stumbled on an affiliate program that gave me ads for adwords to use and a list of keywords. My question is: is it a good idea to use the keywords they gave me? Can I expect good ROI if I use these keywords for an adwords campaign? Dont' get me wrong, I've done my own keyword research on this too, in case they might have left some keywords out that I could miss out on if I just blindly followed their instructions. Also, I found Mark's lessons on adwords hot tips and common mistakes and how to avoid them, but I can't seem to find anything that is just a step by step intro to adwords and how it works. I'm blind, so my navigating through the web site might have missed the lesson I'm asking about. If so, forgive me please. :) I figure that the program I want to promote wouldn't give me keywords that wouldn't get any conversions, and they wouldnt' give me suggestions for ads that don't work, or they know I would take my affiliate business elsewhere and probably bad-mouth them to boot, but what do you all think. Everyone on this forum has been so kind and helpful. I hope some day I can be just as helpful to some future newbie. Thank you in advance for all your help. P.S., is there a fee to use adwords other than the cost per click? I couldn't find any indication of that, but I really need to know what I'm getting into before I move forward. Thanks again.
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Tony Hernandez [url=http://www.glad2bhome.com:2qe2dup5]Glad2BHome[/url:2qe2dup5]
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Hi Tony,

Using a set of keywords that they give you is probably going to be ok. It will be up to you to test them to make sure they convert well (also keeping in mind you have a proper landing page set up) and that you make a ROI in the positive side.

My guess is that the keywords given are probably somewhat general and you are going to have to dig deeper to find a few great converters.

Adwords charges $5 to sign up.
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If you had absolutely no idea about adwords, I'd recommend using them. However, if you think you know a fair bit, then I'd just recommend that you do your own keyword research.

They might list some good keywords, but there are still going to be some that are left out.

Maybe you could just use those ones to help you with your research, give you a bit of an idea on what else to look for.
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Thank you for the replies, Sean and Adrian. Is it true that having a budget of less than $50.00 would make it so it wouldn't even be wirth it to put the ad up? That's how Google makes it sound, but of course I'm a bit skeptical (hope I spelled that right), since they're in the business of making money as much as anyone. How does fifteen cents a click sound for a limit? I don't have a clue how much conversion I'll get with the ad I want to use, so I don't want to drop too much on it right away. Thanks yall. :)
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Tony Hernandez Glad2BHome
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It's impossible to know without knowing your exact campaign details. 15c might get you up the top, or it might have you on page 10. Impossible to know without being there.

Same goes for the budget, all depends on how high traffic your campaign is going to be.
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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Hi Tony,

I've been fortunate to have a couple of pretty good teachers for adwords and I've been able to create some profitable campaigns... usually ;)

Adwords is great for getting a lot of traffic instantly but it has a HUGE learning curve - if you don’t fully understand what you’re doing you can get buried really quickly financially - not the best way to start out IMO.

There a dozens of ways to get free traffic, two of my favorites are setting up a theme blog, which is simply buying a domain and installing wordpress on it. You then write posts a bunch of posts for a week to let the world know you exist and then once or twice a week there after.

You can submit the rss feed to feed directories (clickfire, feedburner, etc) to get your links dispersed and when you make interesting posts, you can submit to social book marketing sites (onlywire –all in one)... that'll get your affiliate program some traffic and it won't cost you a dime.

Another way is to write articles pertaining to the product/service you want to promote and then submit them to article directories (ezinearticles, goarticles, etc) you can also take your articles, break them up and post them on your blog for added content there.

The great thing about these types of promotions is, yeah they're free, but you'll also get great practice for writing articles for your larger content site if you're working on one and finally you'll learn seo techniques that will also help your website.

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HI Promocode. I'm kinda glad I'm being warned off this adwords thing for now because it's all very confusing. Believe it or not, I've heard of Wordpress but didn't know what it was until yesterday. It sounds pretty useful, as long as there is something in the brain to write. That certainly is easier than learning all the ins and outs of PPC too early. IT's very complicated and off-putting, especially since I'm fearful of getting raked through the coals financially. Any ideas where I can do some good solid research on a topic? When I try to google things like, say, homeschooling, I mostly get people trying to sell things to homeschoolers and no good sources of nothing but info. I was also thinking of trying to write a short ebook and distributing that. There are other topics I would like to research so that I can develop some kind of fount of knowledge and an opinion or two, something that would give me a reason to justify having a blog. No sense in having one if I have nothing to blog about. I guess you all can probably tell that I can write quite a bit once I have a thought in my head, so that's not the problem. I just want to write some informed quality stuff. The topics I'm interested in at the moment are homeschooling, which you know about if you read my posts, and car auctions. Thanks everyone.
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Tony Hernandez Glad2BHome
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... You could blog about all the things you learn about homeschooling :D

for research just get creative with your keywords like:
research +homeschooling
forum +homeschooling
home +school +studies

try wikipedia
or faq.com

maybe here:
(http://www.noodletools.com/debbie/liter ... ngine.html)

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well, that sure simplifies the process for me. I'm a bit clueless even after listening to so many of Mark's lessons. There's a huge amount of info out there, and so many options. Thanks again. :oops:
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Tony Hernandez Glad2BHome