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Mac vs PC for running Affiliate Programmes?

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Joined: 27 Jun 07

Mac vs PC for running Affiliate Programmes?

hi guys,

I'm from sunny singapore, just joined without any experience,
like to ask you guys are there any problems and differences running affil programs and hosting using Mac compared to Pc.

I'm sick of PC windows hangs and may switch to Mac, any advice is appreciated cheers...
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Posts: 1083
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Can't say there are!

Just make sure you get the software for the Mac versions.
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Posts: 1004
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Does Traffic Travis even work on macs?

I would think the videos would be fine though.
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Videos are fine, traffic travis is for PC. But you can get a pc emulator for your mac, I think there are some free ones.

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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: https://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Firstly welcome aboard

Secondly - lots of stuff will not run on a Mac but the emulator works fine for just about everything. I personally use a PC with Windows XP and Linux.
After trying Vista and discovering no drivers worked and so much memory and processor was wasted on flashy gee-gaws, so that the software was actually slower than on XP, I scrapped it (had to reformat everything to get rid of it).

So you have the last laugh because in December Microsoft will stop distributing OEM versions of XP (Gossip here in Australia is - you can't get an OEM version of XP already) and everyone who gets a new PC will go through the hassles of Vista. You will be sitting on your Mac chuckling as all the Internet marketers drop off Page 1 of Google while they sort out their computer hassles with Microsoft (If that's possible).

As an added bonus for Mac users - Vista tests so far have shown it to be almost as stable as XP.

Thank God Microsoft don't make aircraft!
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Also I believe that all the new Macs (at lest most) can have WXP installed in a separate partition! So you shouldn’t have any problems there :D
Of cause with a Mac you are basically paying for design! You will get a lot more for your money with a PC and you will be able to upgrade it, where as with a Mac you are basically stuck with what you get!
It is for those reasons that I personally prefer to stick with PCs.

Mimenta wrote:Firstly welcome aboard

Thank God Microsoft don't make aircraft!

:lol: :lol:

Microsoft’s strategy seems to be, to use their initial buyers of their software as Beta testers! That’s why I have never upgraded to a new operation system until it’s around a year old! I’m not going to pay to be a Beta tester :lol:
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As a long time mac user i know there are some limitations you will run into, however on the whole they are very limited and no reason to not join the magnificent minority.
If you are getting into a brand new mac you can run windows on the same machine, you have to buy windows to do this of course and you can't toggle between OSX and windows, you have to reboot from one to another. You could as an alternative get a cheap windows pc for the few things you need it for. I just bought a $100 pc laptop so i can do this and also so i can watch EPL online here in Hawaii (that's english premier league - football/soccer).
once you come over you'll wonder how you ever lived with the herd machines ;-) no offense anyone
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I was always a great fan of Windows but Vista sent me over the edge. I now use a Mac and really happy with it. Not crashed once since I have had it.

I did all my IM stuff on my old PC so be interesting to see how I get on with my Mac.
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Only hitch I see is that there's no Traffic Travis for mac (no matter how much I nag... )
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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Actually there's an application called Parallels Desktop which allows swapping between OS X and XP without restarting. VMware also have a new product out called VMware Fusion that does much the same thing, and of course VMware are pretty much top of the heap when it comes to this sort of stuff.

Hoping to run XP with one of these on my own Mac soon. Then I should be able to run Traffic Travis and whatever else I need from the PC world. BTW you need an Intel based Mac to do this.

For mac software these are two sites I like:
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