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Instructions on using DeskPile Shuffle Software?

Posts: 62
Joined: 15 Oct 06

Instructions on using DeskPile Shuffle Software?

Does anybody know where a guy could get instructions on using the software DeskPile Shuffle. I have access to this and a ton of other software because of my SFW membership. A lot of these are pretty good and straight forward, but this one is surely going to make me lose my mind.

I've been trying to find an alternative to article content wizard, because i can't really afford that right now, and I think I might of finally found it in Deskpile Shuffle, but does it come with instruction. Of Course NOT!!! lol

If somebody could point me in the right direction, would sure be appreciated. Thanks Davin
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I am also a silver member of SurefireWealth. Let me know how it works for you once you use it.
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hey ya thanx guys, i just redownloaded it, and for some reason i must of used the wrong link the first time, and didn't choose the one with the manual.

As for how it works. Aaahh, I don't know. It's alright I guess, let's you change keywords in the header, footer , body, title etc. but it sure as hell isn't Article Content Wizard. It will have some uses I guess, but not quite what i was after.

With article content wizard from what i seen, you can use replacement text in a lot more areas from what i understood.

How do you really find that software anyways Adrian. Is is worth the bucks, do you think?

Thanx Davin
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I like it Davinator.

Of course I still manually check but it is nice. You need to do a few articles manually first in order to build up the "brain" so you can use the auto feature later on. It's good to make lots of copies of the same original article. If you can't afford it. Hold off till u can.

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Posts: 62
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hmmm, well thanx Adrian, guess i'll just have to do with what i got until im able to afford it, I guess there is more important things to get done at the present moment. Davin
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