I Need Help On Promoting A Product!
It is great to be here! I don't know if this post is appropriate here. I am new to affiliate marketing and I have learned a lot so far. I actually signed up to Clickbank and started to promote my first product by linking it in my Twitter posts. The link was okey because I tested it by clicking it and it showed the vendor's website with my Clickbank ID nickname under the "cart" page, however I checked my Clickbank account and it did not show up in my products list. How come it was not showing it in my account under "products"? I checked also in the "analytics" and and it did not show anywhere there either. Should I wait for a few hours before it will show? Hope to hear from you. Thanks a lot to your help!This topic was started on Feb 28, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.