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How Long to First Sale?

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Joined: 20 Nov 08

How Long to First Sale?

Hi Everyone,
I have just recently put up my first two sites. How soon is it reasonable to expect a first sale? Or perhaps the real question should be - When do I decide that I my site is no good and may never sell anything? I know it all depends on the quality of the site etc. but I just need some ballpark time on when others made their first sale. My first site went live about 10 days ago. The second is just ready to go live.
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I put up my site about 1 month ago and I haven't made a sale yet. But I know some people have made their first sales in the last weeks. I remember Mark said it took him 7 weeks to the first sale with wowblackbook. So I think our site should produce the first commission in 10 weeks or so. Just keep working!
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How to Lose Weight Fast? http://www.fatlossmasters.com
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A lot of that really depends on how well you've set up your site and where you are getting your visitors from. I've seen people make their first sale days after setting up their first website when they use paid traffic. I've seen others do it in a matter of weeks through natural search rankings, but normally it takes me 2-3 months with natural rankings with a new site to start making sales.

I've certainly had results much sooner than that before, especially with pay per click, but that is more realistic for me. Of course I'm assuming that you do most things right (ie build incoming links, get traffic to your site and you monetise it with relevant affiliate offers in a credible looking way).
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: https://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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This is good information. Although I've been trying for six months now, I'm feeling quite frustrated and somewhat "broke!" There are too many people out there on the internet that seem to "have the answer" for people like me. I've learned to tune them out finally, after spending over eight thousand dollars! I'm going to review the "getting started" section again and run through all the emails I've received to see what I can do to improve my chances of making a sale. If you have any extra help, I'm all ears! Thanks, Laurie
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Joined: 17 May 09

I`ve started with affiliate marketing 1 month ago.
Made my first sale last week.My advice:
Be patient and think positive.

*broken link*
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Last edited by ampie g on 15 Mar 10 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: broken link removed

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Joined: 20 Aug 09
Received my 1st affiliate sale today. Very happy considering I just started PPC advertising yesterday after a week's solid research and have no site to speak of yet (Currently advertising on a budget of hopes, dreams, blind faith and a £50 adwords voucher I got from my friendly hosting provider. So far spent almost as much as I earned from the 1st sale but hey, it's a start, I'm up £2!). Thanks for all the awesome articles Mark, looking forward to putting the knowledge into practise.
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Posts: 9
Joined: 12 Nov 08
Hi Laurie,

8k!? YIKES! Please send me a PM so I know which ones NOT to get involved with. What is your site? Did you get it reviewed by the Affilorama team? I've decided to quit "lurking" and get involved... even if it means drinking and staying up until 2am every night. :)

- Jeff

dogluver wrote:... There are too many people out there on the internet that seem to "have the answer" for people like me. I've learned to tune them out finally, after spending over eight thousand dollars!
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Last edited by netfitters on 27 Aug 09 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 9
Joined: 12 Nov 08
Hey annette36,

FYI, just tried your link and it's broken.
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Posts: 8
Joined: 28 Apr 09
Hi Dogluver,

I too, have spent over $8,000 dollars, over $6000 on one program, and am broke. I have been doing this program since May and have made one sale, to a friend. I also am going back to the beginning, to start again, and make sure that everything I am doing is as the lesson states. I have lost to much money to give up, which I don't want to do anyway.

Regards, Marie
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Posts: 9
Joined: 12 Nov 08
Hi Marie,

Once again, I am floored at how much you have spent. We should really open this up for a full blown honest discussion. What is your site? Have you had it reviewed? Please PM me as I would like to find out more about these programs you have tried. I'm beginning to wonder if the gurus are making more money on all this from their sales commissions or people spending 8k+ on their "Get rich quick.... disclaimer... results are not guaranteed... blah, blah, blah" programs.

- Jeff
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