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help me

How are you?
I'm a newbie in the world of profit from the Internet
I want to know how to set up a code with the script online store for free
Thank you very much
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umm well Hi lonely girl not sure if this is the right place for that, although someone around here may be able to help. this forum is dedicated to teaching affiliate marketing, and promotion of affiliate products, not store fronts
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Not sure how to do it for free but....

You will need a shopping cart provider I used 1 shopping cart. You can add add to cart and check out buttons to any website.

Homestead{dot]com has a very inexpensive store builder that interfaces with Paypal.

The problem you are going to face is the trust factor, so why not an Ebay store? People trust Ebay and you can send traffic to your Ebay store the same way as any other online store.

The other thing you are going to discover is that an online stores is allot of work. Shipping, lost and damaged packages, returns, and costumer support in general.

Read the free info about affiliate marketing on this site, perhaps you will decide you would rather go that route.

If you are thinking about Drop-Shipping you should Google and read the book "Drop shipping S*cks" (without the censorship)

Welcome to affilorama!
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JC Dean
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lol .. I found that drop shipping is really not a very lucrative business to be in... there's a lot of hypes around it .. too many dodgy suppliers and if you lose your reputation once or so your ebay reputation can go down very quickly. Nothing is as easy as they seem... other than that... good luck to your online business of whatever you are selling.
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With paypal they will allow you to make buttons and then you can attach your account, and copy their code, and then paste and position on your site with html and css. Very easy :D.

Hope thats what you were looking for. It's how I understood it anyways.

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this one is pretty much easy to install.. try looking at this: http://www.shoppingcartelite.com
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kate trider
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It is rather interesting for me to read the post. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I would like to read more soon. BTW, rather nice design that site has, but don’t you think it should be changed once in a few months? I mean it :)

Kate Trider
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Last edited by faradina on 05 Nov 10 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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christian audigier
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I join link removed by moderator. It was and with me. Let's discuss this question.
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Last edited by faradina on 05 Nov 10 3:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi All,

I am locking this thread. Look above to see why.

Cheers :)
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