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Google Conquest

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Google Conquest

Has anyone bought it? Is anyone using it? Any thoughts?

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i was on the call,and it sounded great.but i am not jumping around this time from course to course,like i have done in the past.(that got me nowhere)i am just sticking with mark's affiloblueprint course,i believe we have one of the best right here.just a opinion.best of success to you lee.beemer
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Thank you for your thoughts Beemer. I am thinking the same thing about sticking with Mark. Mark's commitment is really unlike any I have seen and his blueprint seems sound and well thought out.

I like the idea of a plug and play Conquest but I fear it may be too good to be true. Ultimately, I do not think Google will stay fooled. And long story short, the best road to success is the piece by piece roadmap Mark is laying out for us.

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LeeLee wrote:Thank you for your thoughts Beemer. I am thinking the same thing about sticking with Mark. Mark's commitment is really unlike any I have seen and his blueprint seems sound and well thought out.

I like the idea of a plug and play Conquest but I fear it may be too good to be true. Ultimately, I do not think Google will stay fooled. And long story short, the best road to success is the piece by piece roadmap Mark is laying out for us.


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For the best guide to sell physcal products as a affiliate check out Matt Carters Rapid Profit Formula http://online-income-masters.com/getrapidprofitformula.php

If your having trouble re-writing your articles i recommend checking out this tool to make it quick and easy http://goto2.com/rewriter

If you want to outsource your articles this place seems to be good value and easy to deal with, and its free to sign up they offer a 100% American writing team http://bit.ly/bhv4Fu
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I can't even get a simple reply from their support staff. Sorry Mark... guess you're stuck with me. ;^)
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You have got one of the best products on the market here.

i have been in this business for 4 years and looked at dozens of "so called" build em quick and earn loads of dosh prodcuts, including kit from Alex and Chris "google nemesis". What you find from them is a pattern. they all support each other and within 2 months another mega package is on its way, that is even better than the last one, and something not yet seen before.

Mark has a quality package here, but it wont build itself.
You need to follow every video and do what is asked.

If you do this and get your "TRAFFIC" moving you will make money. Dont waste your cash on any other big bucks products.

Spend a little on a couple of good blogging tools, aweber, xsitepro and maybe plr pro, purely for the advantages it has with its article automation software.

Be prepared to put in 2 to 8 hours a day (weekends off) for 6 months before you will see any decent results.

Google Conquest sounds great and lots of super affiliates are promoting it. Wouldn't you be if you could get $500 up front for every sale, and then around $50 every month from your affiliate sales. Work that out if you managed to sell it to 200 people...

No fully automated system works. If you want to see what the blogs look like, do a google on "Google Conquest" and take a look at some of the sites. In some of them you will see a pattern. These are the templates they use.

Read some of the articles from some of them. Some of them read awful, others read quite good, i think it depends how much effort the owner puts in. Google will cotton onto anything that is fully automatic. They always do.

WoW is a money pulling website. Follow Marks advice and you will make good money.


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Bravo Kev... you are so right. I do see the patterns. I have liked some marketers initially then started to see them promote, promote, promote like they are part of some weird online inbred family. Some have worthwhile products. I have purchased a few things that in scope are either too big for me or incomplete. Yet I found valuable info in them. For the most part though, the products out there are rehashes.

I have no problem putting in the time. I have taken one full day off since October. I love what I am doing so much that I don't want to be away from it until I get it where I want it.

I have a question. You said it takes 6 months before you see decent results. I am wondering what you consider ballpark decent. I am also wondering how soon I can expect to see any results?

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The only way you will get results is from traffic.

to get traffic you need to have the right keywords in your articles, that you got from your keyword research. These should preferably be longtail keywords with not to many other websites promoting them.

Then you need to get your articles posted to the article directories, the top 5 being the most important.

You also need to get your website promoted in the web directories.

Use Brad Callens software for both, as it is free. Dont bother getting an automated software, as google will read it and most likely downgrade your pages.

Dont overdo the postings. Instead build more relevant unique articles about your product, and either post them to your website or to the article directories.

You can then start to do a seacrh through google using the site: with your website details - site:findarowingmachine.com as an example, this is one of my new sites, and it will show how many of your articles have been listed.

Once you know your pages are getting listed you can then build on this.

Dont expect instant cash, it does not happen.

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OK Kev you the man, findarowingmachine.com is no 5 in organic search results... How'd you do it?

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Blogging tips,tricks & resources for newbies-http://terryhenry.wordpress.com Now you can learn from the most successful bloggers on the net, all in one place.
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Your articles all need to have the title as the long tail keyword that you are trying to get traffic for. Thats it in a nutshell.

Do your keyword research for the niche you are in. Find those longtail keywords that get around 2 to 10 searches a day.

Build your pages around these keywords, and place the keyword in your article at the top and bottom and one other time.

Find a secondary keyword from your longtail list and include this in your article. You should then be able to pick up some of the traffic for this keyword as well.

Don't expect instant results. you need to put the website up slowly, and put your pages onto it. keep them unique and on your website.

You can then write some other articles about your niche and post them to the article directories.

The articles are the key to success. They are what will get you visitors, and eventually money...

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I googled it a few days ago and like it is has been said, many of the top affiliates are pushing it hard. One guy has included heaps of other freebies to go with it and includes a $200 rebate if you buy from his site. I don't know about anyone else, but when I see something like that...I smell something unpleasant.
If anyone wants the URL let me know and I'll put it up but personally I'm staying right here.
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Posts: 11
Joined: 23 Nov 08
I have been stung badly in the past, anyone remember Google Cash Detective?

I dont think there are any short cuts for hard work which is why I like Marks blueprint so far.

The way I look at is this. If a Google engineer reads some of these products he would probably raise an eyebrow and write some code to block it, or factor it into their algorithm. If the same Google Engineer was to read Marks' affilioblueprint then he would probably nod and think well actually this product is not trying to circumvent any rules or get people to use trickery and would let it pass-

After all, all Mark is trying to do is to get us to produce GOOD, RELEVANT, UNIQUE content.

I am only on Week 2 but read ahead bit and am not affiliated with Mark.
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