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getting peolple on a matrix program that makes money

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getting peolple on a matrix program that makes money

i would like to know any good method to market a matrix program.

the matrix program have a one time signup fee and you will be able to get all your downlines join your programs as well as get to know where all members are making money with the program.

the best part is you get tips and advice on the latest programs where members are making money.

being a place where all members are making money on their own tried and tested programs it could be a good place to avoid making mistakes in this ever changing business of internet marketing.

generally you can gain more than you could achieve individually.

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Hi maxmax105,

There are so many ways to promote matrix programs. You can set up a website targeting the typical keywords like: "sitename review" or "sitename scam" or "who is site owner". If you are familiar with PPC then you can set up a campaign and promote it though that.

However, the problem I see with matrix programs is that there is so much hype at the beginning, it is always the newest and best program on the Internet but at the end of the day they really only benefit the owner and the top level marketers who already have a huge list of subscribers looking to jump from one program to the next. Also, I have seen so many programs that had over 30000 paying members but dont exist anymore because they just dont work as well as the hype tells you.

In my opinion, the most important part of matrix programs are its products. If they are not outstanding or much different from other programs that already exist, they wont work for long. When choosing a program you need to look at the products first and how long it has been around. (thinking about GDI and GVO which both are around for long enough to say that they are still making money with it and you can too)

Another thing is that people tend to like programs which offer a recurring income more than those that have only a one time fee and therefore you can only earn when someone joins/upgrades etc.

My suggestion is definately to stay away from those mostly over-hyped sites and start building a good income by promoting e.g. clickbank products. It takes much more effort and time to learn that stuff but it will pay off in the future.

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Good matrix programs most definitely do not only benefit the top level and/or owner, but you have to really work at them.

The biggest problem with most of these programs is that they make it seem too easy to build your downline and be swept off to automatic riches. Yes, there can be a point where your downline generates a healthy, even unhealthily awesome income, but it doesn't happen without effort. A law of physics, action causes an equal and opposite reaction.

The top downline builders that I know have focused on creating a product or service that requires/includes the matrix program, but is not solely based on it. In other words, create something that has value by itself and being a part of your downline is just a component/benefit.
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Hi esolutions,

the problem is that most of the people who join are complete newbies, that is why I said that it mostly only benefits the owner.

Of course, if you work very hard on it, you can get it going. However, I find it much easier to make money through an affiliate site, promoting e.g. clickbank products, than through a matrix.

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Hi Sebastian,

It really depends on the integrity and criteria of the person offering the program. If you are serious about building your matrix you either avoid newbies that you know won't be successful, or you work with them to help them succeed. Easier said than done, but there are so so many people that have made it. Sometimes the complete newbies have nothing to lose and dedicate everything they have to make it work!
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