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FTC compliance for CB product

Posts: 18
Joined: 25 Mar 16

FTC compliance for CB product

Recently I asked clickbank to provide me detail of a product as a backup for the claim made under the product.This was just to check whether the product (digital) is FTC compliant.I was shocked to know click bank asked me to check it with the product developer..Is not clickbank responsible to provide me such documents to back up product claim..What is your say on this...?
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Site Admin
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Clickbank is not responsible for any product-related concerns. CB is a marketplace for vendors and affiliate marketers and it only facilitates the tracking of clicks and sales and the cancellations and refunds of customers. If you want to request additional information on a product, you need to contact the vendor directly :)
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Posts: 10
Joined: 21 Sep 16
Nope, it's the product's developer that is responsible for making sure their product is compliant. If clickbank receives an official complaint by an organization, then they'll remove it, but otherwise the product stays up.
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Posts: 94
Joined: 07 Apr 16
I think it is the vendor responsibilities to take care of product complaint and disability. I don't think ClickBank is responsible for all these disadvantages.
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Posts: 76
Joined: 02 Aug 16
I absolutely agree with @magentoocodewire2015... The vendor should be held liable for any product related issues or complaints and not clickbank...
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This topic was started on Jul 12, 2016 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
