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Commision Junction links?

geoff pun
Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Mar 07

Commision Junction links?

hi guys, getting desperate :cry: :? :shock:

commission junction ( C.J) mentioned they won't help with html instruction for webdesign. so i turning to you guys for help! i am doing a golf directory with affiliate links to golf tutors, shops, club etc. few of them are with commission junction.

one of them for eg, is Golf Card (golf discount club to join). the html code C.J generate is:

<a href="http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-2376328-10378660" target="_top">Get Golf Card today and receive a free 1-year subscription to Golf Magazine! </a>
<img src="http://www.lduhtrp.net/image-2376328-10378660" width="1" height="1" border="0"/>

I know the number i highlighted in bold is my website identification number (2376328) & Golf Card's identification number (10378660)respectively.

i'm guessing this html is for to create button with the word " Get Golf Card today and receive a free 1-year subscription to Golf Magazine! " on it. Also the button can be in form of a picture " image-2376328-10378660" width="1" height="1" border="0"/

however because i am using NVU , i am just putting a screen shot of the company landing page & their name underneath their sreecnshot. Their name is just text which i can customize to add a link to. The probelm arise is that the name works (send them to landing page.) if i just use a portion of the html code C.J given me :


but it won't work if i put in the whole lot as what C.J generate for me. i do sort understand why. I guess the bottom line for me is if i just put in:

:? :? will i still get paid?????
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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Just create a simple text link in CJ for that program then copy and paste that link for your landing page picture.
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geoff pun
Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Mar 07
:( that's the problem, commission junction unlike clickbank or others don't give simple text code. the one i posted above is their simpleist code they provide. :x
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Posts: 37
Joined: 24 Aug 06
Hi Geoff,

Are you pasting the code in the wysiwyg section or the code section of the editor
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Posts: 1083
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CJ does give you a simple text link to use.... each merchant allows you to create different kinds of links (images/text/etc...) just choose text and use that one.
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geoff pun
Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Mar 07

check out this saved image of the simpliest text link i get from commission junction:

(broken link removed)

as you can see the html code is fairly long, copy & pasting that whole code won't work.

the next pic: http://img457.imageshack.us/img457/8733 ... nvunq5.jpg

shows a part screen shot of the website i'm building. u can see that i've hightlighted pinemeadowgolf & right click to get the link properties dialog box open. u can see i put in the link code, just a portion of the code CJ gave me and that will work but not the whole bunch of code they give me in the previous pic.
as i said before i sort of know why but i just worried that the part code i inputting in currently though work by directing people to pinemeadowgolf landing page, maybe be wrong & i don't get the commission. :cry:
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Last edited by ampie g on 20 Jan 10 3:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: broken link removed

Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Use the link code from the first picture in the <a href="THISLINKCODE">

Take that and make that your link.... the other code just refers to the image... to make sure you are getting clicks through and it's tracking... simply click the image and then check your CJ stats the next day or what have you.
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geoff pun
Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Mar 07
:D thks! adrian, looks like i got it right in the 1st place. btw thks for the tip on checking the clicks amount in my CJ account, that's a good checkpoint to look out for. :lol:

btw adrian does the linkmetro belong to u or u r a member. i notice it has a lot of linking potentials with golfing websites. u mind telling me just briefly (intially for now) how shd i present my website so there will be more acceptance rather than rejection to link exchange? i guess appearance, content & my comment about their website(if i market their product) may help :?

it wld be helpful if i can pick your brain on that. :wink: :lol:
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