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ClickBank Cookies

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ClickBank Cookies

Hey All
Wanted to let you know that the computer associates firewall blocks clickbank tracking cookies on the default setting - meaning associates don't get paid. What is most upsetting is that DIGITAL RIVER OWNS COMPUTER ASSOCIATES AND CLICKBANK. The same company that owns clickbank, blocks the cookies needed for affiliates to get paid.
In order for people to have clickbank cookies enabled using CA firewall, they have to reduce their privacy settings to "below recommended" and then have a warning icon in the task bar. Do you really think Joe Blow understands all of this and is going to reduce his firewall from the recommended privacy settings so that affiliates get paid?
Angry, yah, we should all be. I hope more people will approach clickbank/digital river/computer associates, so that they can make changes that would be fair to everybody.
Rhonda and Dave
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That is pretty dodgy, how did you find out about this?
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This is very interesting. However, I'm more concerned with the other 100 or so spyware/anti-virus protection systems that block my clickbank id as well.

For example, on my computer I run spybot, and spywareblaster. In IE6 my affiliate link never goes through. I have to use Firefox to get it to go through on my home computer. Now at work where I just use Norton it works fine.

It kindof makes you wonder how many sales you we are losing because of these programs. There has to be a better way to track affiliate sales...

I know when I was a vendor for a certain product about 10% of my sales came through with 0 affiliate links, even though all traffic was affiliate traffic.

It was nice as a merchant/vendor because I got 100% commission, but it sucks for affiliates.
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This explains why my profits were down by $45,000 this month. :lol:

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Yeh I know what you mean Adrian lol
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I find it extremely frustrating as a merchant as well. We want affiliates earning more money too as it gives them more determination (and money) with which to make more sales.

I and other affiliates/merchants write back and forth with clickbank about these issues all the time. The more people informing clickbank of these problems, the better. They say they are working on a cookieless tracking system. This needs to be sped up as soon as possible in my opinion.

In saying that, bottom line is ROI (return on investment). Even with losing 10% of commissions through tracking errors, personally I still get a great return on investment and makes it worthwhile (albeit should be better!)

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Any idea on how that cookieless tracking system will work Mark?
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sean06 wrote:Any idea on how that cookieless tracking system will work Mark?

Lots and lots of spyware my friend. lol kidding.

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I have a question about that. I've just seen a thread on another forum talking about IE7, and it was saying that clickbank ID was bocked because IE7 doesn't accept third part cookies.

Question: I am using the meta refresh redirect on almost all my clickbank links, and I've been told that it is not accepted by clickbank. Is that true?

-------------------- frame redirect start ------------------------------------
<META NAME="description"
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="">
<FRAMESET border=0 rows="100%,*" frameborder="no"
marginleft=0 margintop=0 marginright=0 marginbottom=0>
scrolling=auto frameborder="no" border=0 noresize>
<frame topmargin="0" marginwidth=0 scrolling=no marginheight=0
frameborder="no" border=0 noresize>

-------------------- frame redirect END ------------------------------------

Also, is anyone using this PHP redirect and is it accepted by clickbank?

header('Location: http:// linkto.affiliatesite.tld/');

Mark, can you tell us the difference between:

1) Redirect
2) Meta redirect
3) Frame

I'm very worried with clickbank since I was making more sales when I had 1000 uniques per month to my sites some months ago than now with more than 6000 uniques per month!?
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1) Redirect's are those done by the server (ie. in your PHP, ASP, or JSP code, whatever language it supports).

2) Meta redirect's are those done by the client (ie. your browser)

3) Frame's are not redirects at all, rather, it opens the external link from within a sub window.

It is true, ClickBank will not accept cookies that are referred from within a FRAME or IFRAME. They must be parent windows. You can read about it in their terms of service. I think several other affiliate manger applications have gone this direction to commission theft.

So yes, if you saw a drastic difference in your commissions, this is probably why.
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A.J. McClary www.whirledvisions.com
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Just an update to say that now I only use Php redirects.
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