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Clickbanck Products In Non-English Website

Posts: 48
Joined: 26 Aug 09

Clickbanck Products In Non-English Website


I really like the idea of promoting clickbank products.
I have a family member I want to involve.
The problem is that his is not speaking english, so I am thinking about starting a web site in greek language, promoting an english product.

What do you thing?
Is this so bad idea?

I am trying to figure out 2 things:

1. How much difference will be in conversions

2. What products can I choose to be able to promote them without problem (example. I cannot promote a stock martket guide or newsletter because we have different companies, also I dont think Greek are going to buy a garden related ebook in english. A working out program sounds better but it is not so attractive to a girl webmaster!)

Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance!
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Posts: 48
Joined: 26 Aug 09
No one?
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Joined: 21 Jun 09
Hmm, not a good idea from the conventional and ethical standpoint. For the fact that your visitors will have to be able to read English in order to fully benefit from the products you are promoting.

With that said though there should be nothing to stop you from marketing to the people in Greece by creating your own product and newsletter series. To be honest I'm a bit jealous as I wish that I knew another language outside of English as I'm sure that with doing your due diligence you can find tons of gold mines.

I cannot really respond to your questions as I don't know.

Definitely don't let me stop you as it is only my opinion, I have never been to Europe so I cannot tell you either way. So I cannot tell you how successful you will be.
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With that said though there should be nothing to stop you from marketing to the people in Greece by creating your own product and newsletter series.

What do you mean?
Sounds interesting to have my own product, but I am new in internet marketing and I don't feel so... ready!


P.S. I have to confess that seems a lot easier to rank in my country. If only I had a product!!!
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I have started working on your idea and I thank you so much for that.
Do you knwo if there is available a good guide to help me create and promote my own product? (I don't have problem to pay for that)
I have found a realy juicy niche and I have already started writting an ebook in my language.

Thanks in advance.
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Posts: 21
Joined: 01 Jun 11
there are a lot of things to learn here about affiliate marketing.. Adam Short also teaches affiliate marketing as well as product creation (in module 2) i suggest you check it out if you want to create your own product. http://www.nicheproftclassroom.com/
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Feasible Business Model - Create $20/day niche website with 'money words' that are extremely easy to rank for (Web2.0 profiles, Forum Profiles and Articles for Directories is all you need in a scheduled submission! Niche Profit Shortcut is what it's called.. then repeat 10 times! (that's $200/day!) only at

http://www.nicheproftclassroom.com/ - by Adam Short.

Posts: 22
Joined: 12 Nov 10
The best way to promote those type of products is usually through PPC. I suggest you try promoting english products even if they do have lots of competition.
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