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Capitalizing on Ebay sales? Affiliate marketing/programs?

Posts: 8
Joined: 20 Nov 06

Capitalizing on Ebay sales? Affiliate marketing/programs?

Hello eveyone, this is Shane. I just made my first sale of an Mp3 player, and I want to know how to capitalize on this. First, I plan to list a lot more than two auctions, and I will do my ebay research, but what about the fact that I used a Salehoo account to make my chinese connection and purchase the item I sold on ebay. Should I make a one page review site for Salehoo affiliate business? Or are there other possibilities I should consider as well. This is really exciting, and I want to do it just right, so I am focusing on customer satisfaction first. What about a good email program for my follow up campaigns? Thank you for any replies, Shane.
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Site Admin
Posts: 2071
Joined: 13 Jun 06
Hi Shane,

Not too sure what you're asking here. Congrats on your first sale, although this is an affiliate training course so we're not really in a position to be discussing your eBay sales :)

SaleHoo has an excellent affiliate program, and it's good to promote products you're really excited about. From an affiliate marketing perspective, watch the videos in the members area and see if they give you any ideas. I know there are loads of products similar to SaleHoo available, many with affiliate programs, and it's a market where people are really looking for good, unbiased advice - so a review site comparing different products in an objective, unbiased manner would be pretty valuable.

If you want to get it just right, watch the videos, read the material and have a look at what other people are doing first.

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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: https://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Mark said what had to be said.

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Posts: 16
Joined: 23 Aug 06
and recently while asking about it I have had nothing but negative responses and I would appreciate your opinion/evaluation of it.

Thank you,

Peakperformance Ken
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