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Azoogle Ads - Easy to sign up? Account requirements?

Posts: 1
Joined: 15 Jun 06

Azoogle Ads - Easy to sign up? Account requirements?

I have been reading how great azoogle ads are and that they have a great payout. I was wondering if it is easy to get signed up with them or if it hard?
What are the requirements to get an account?

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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Visit their website to see their details.

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Posts: 200
Joined: 05 Sep 06
Hi Bam -

I'm a Adzoogle affiliate and did find they were more particular about their affiliates than most other networks. Before I was approved, I got a phone call from them asking what my plans as an affiliate were and they asked to see my existing websites.

I would recommend having a nice website to show them before you apply. Put your best foot forward and you'll get approved.

HTHs :wink:
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Posts: 64
Joined: 30 Sep 08
Hey Bam,

This video https://www.affilorama.com/pay-per-click ... e-networks contains info on Azoggle.com. Affilorama recommends them as a top Affiliate Network.

Here is the info on them...
"Azoogle is probably the most well-known pay-per-lead network on the internet. It has some of the top pay-per-lead offers in the industry and prides itself on offering high payouts. Another bonus is that Azoogle pays out affiliates more regularly than other networks — once every 15 days. Unlike some networks, you don't need to wait to get approved to start promoting programs, you can begin immediately. With all these compelling reasons, it's no surprise that Azoogle is hugely popular among affiliates."

I hope this helps.

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