22 Mar 07 10:26 am
Yes, all you have to do is add ?tid=whatever to the end of your hoplink.
Or you can just put the adwords conversion code on the thankyou page and it will do it all for you. Most decent merchants will do this, I've found anyway.
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Since the improvement with Clickbank you can use their tid code as Sean says but Xtreme Conversions makes tracking all your adgroups down to kw level so much easier it really is great for us IMers check it out ...
Terry :)
superaff Posts: 352 Joined: 09 Sep 06 Trust:
09 Apr 07 9:03 pm
Thank you Terry,
I already know this tool. Not on my buying list right now though!
It does seem like a decent tool, although I find most merchants are willing to paste your conversion code on anyway. So if someones feeling a bit cheap, just have a word to the merchant....
Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world