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Affiliate programs - link cloaking questions

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Joined: 25 Jan 07

Affiliate programs - link cloaking questions


I've read all the posts about affiliate link cloaking, but I still have some questions about it.
I made a demo site to illustrate the methods I've used, I will describe them first & ask questions later.

you can find the site at (broken link removed)

method 1

Here I redirected using the method I found in this post: https://www.affilorama.com/members/forum ... c.php?t=23

method 2

Here I just link to another page on my domain, but the affiliate product page loads in a full page frame.

method 3

I learned this while reading the adwords blackbook. When you click the link 'method 3' take a look at your status bar. I put a little script in my code that places a cookie on the visitors computer, so that they don't even HAVE TO click my affiliate link. Notice that I just linked to http://www.salehoo.com in method 3, i don't have to use my affiliate code because the cookie was installed before someone clicked the link :twisted:

Now my questions:

1) When you use method one, people can't bypass your commission, but they can still hijack it right? Or am I getting this the wrong way?
Once the affiliate product page is loaded, your affliate code is still visible, and if they replace it with theirs and reload the page, then my cookie will be replaced, right?

2) If I use method 2 only for my affiliate product pages, and not for my index page or any other page, will I have trouble getting my site ranked in search engines? A lot of people say that frames suck & that you never should use frames etc, but I think this is the easiest way to hide your affiliate code :( This way people never get to see it & that's what I want, I don't want people to know that somebody is making money on them.
I'm also pretty sure that a lot of people will think that the product is part of your site, because it's in a folder on the same domain..

3) Can I get into trouble using method 3? Can people report you or something? I won't be stuffing pages with these scripts, because I will have a seperate page for each affiliate product I'm trying to sell..

Thanks a lot, after this post I will be a link cloaking expert :wink:
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Last edited by ampie g on 28 Jan 10 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: broken link removed

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Joined: 17 Jun 06
The proper way to do this without worry of any backlash is simple.

Create a folder on your site.
Save a page called index.php in it.

The only code you put on that page is this.

<?php $URL="http://www.example.com";

header ("Location: $URL");


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That's what I did for method 1, but I'm not completely happy with this..
Once your visitor sees the affiliate product page, your code is still visible in the address bar.
I know a cookie with my aff info is saved, but they can still replace my aff code with their aff code & refresh the page..
That way I will be losing my commission, right?

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True, but a lot of people already know this. If you are a clickbank affiliate, wouldn't you realise you could use your own link when you went to the order page?
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freekdl wrote:That's what I did for method 1, but I'm not completely happy with this..
Once your visitor sees the affiliate product page, your code is still visible in the address bar.
I know a cookie with my aff info is saved, but they can still replace my aff code with their aff code & refresh the page..
That way I will be losing my commission, right?


The amount of ppl doing this is so small it will have little to zero affect on you.

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I was using frames before, but I stopped since I lost some commissions with this method.

I am using the php script now, and I am happy with it.

For 3, you need to chack the Tos of your affiliate program.

==> don't use frames, use PHP instead.
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
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ok, i will go for the PHP method :wink:
thanks for the replies
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Posts: 99
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Adrian - or anyone, please can you explain a little more how this page/php you suggest, integrates into web design editor when using dreamweaver? (I'm using the design option, rather than html at the moment) thanks
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icj1 wrote:Adrian - or anyone, please can you explain a little more how this page/php you suggest, integrates into web design editor when using dreamweaver? (I'm using the design option, rather than html at the moment) thanks

You can't do it in design mode... click the code tab and paste the code I wrote out into a blank page.
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