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Affiliate Products and Programmes - how good are they?

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Affiliate Products and Programmes - how good are they?

I have been looking at different affiliate products with good commission returns, but I want to know how the product has been doing in the internet market. Is it as good as it sounds, that is what I want to know? Is there any tool out there that can help me find the info I am seeking for?

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What do you mean by "Is it as good as it sounds"?

You mean for:
1) Bank account?
2) the buyers?

If you want to know how it's performing in term of sales, you can look at the gravity or using a tool like cbengine.

If you want to know if it's good for the end users (buyers), you can perform a search in search engines or see if people in the niche talk about the product in forums.

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Yeah I'm talking about in terms of sales. Some products say they are selling a lot, I just want to analyze what they are saying is true. If a product has good gravity, I want to look at some trends, how long has it been around and what is the average gravity per wk, or month.

I don't know if i'm on the right track or if i'm making any sense?????

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Yes, you are on the right track.

For this, you can use traffic travis (you need to download it, it's Mark's software) and see if affiliates are still promoting the product after a couple of day.

Secondly, you can look directly at the adwords ads.

Generally, products with a strong gravity are selling very well.

Another way that you can use is to "think like a customer" in your niche. Try to feel what your customer is feeling, and then, read the sales page and try to do what a customer would do.

I recognize that the last one id a little bit difficult, but it works very well.

Note: don't think too much ... start something, and you will improve later. If you choose a good niche, you should make money.

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When using traffic travis do I do a keyword search on the topic or do I need to use another tool?

When I look at adword ads what do I look for? Is there a video on it.

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Mario, just a question:

Where are you at?

Do you have a niche? a website? traffic?

I don't think, but I need to be sure.

I'm asking this to you, because my reply will be according to your marketing level.

As for using traffic travis, you don't need another tool. You can do the search within traffic travis to start.

As for adwords ads, you want to see if affiliates are promoting the products you found to sell well in clickbank.

As for a video, I'm not sure, you need to search for it! it's not complicated though.

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No I don't have a website yet.... but I was guessing I should have good data before jumping into something.

I do have a niche, and its something I can relate to. Using free google keyword finder tool, traffic travis, and word tracker, I do see that the keyword and a lot of related keywords do get searched for a lot. More than the videos recommend.

When I mentioned another tool I meant within traffic travis. Once I search for related terms how do I see what the competition is using, of course using traffic travis.

As far as adwords a lot of affiliates are pushing the same products. Is that good?

Well, I hope you can be patient with me, I just want to learn the ropes before facing the competition. I want to size up the opponents jumping in, if that makes any sense.

Thanks for all the insight franck,
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Posts: 354
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You are on the right track.

As for a lot of competition promoting the same product, it's great. That means that there is money to be made. And if others make money, you can too!

Make sure that you take the time to read each lesson... and follow through.

We are here to help.

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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html