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Affiliate Payload: Is it really this easy to make money?

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Joined: 24 Nov 09

Affiliate Payload: Is it really this easy to make money?

I just bought auto content cash. I found the info usefull but I really got it for the bonuses.

One of the bonuses is Affiliate Payload.

There they describe what sounds like a to easy way of making money.

The strategy is to make a banner that says vote a receive a free ipod or what ever.

For example the banner may say
"Should we stay in Iraq" vote yes or no and receive a free Ipod

The thing is that both the yes and no vote buttons are simply links to a freebie survey site where you get paid a buck or so for an email submit.

Of course the person doing this is going to have to fill out more surveys to get their Ipod.

This is deceptive and I guess I am going to have to deal with my conscience myself if I do this.

My question is do advertisers, and CPA networks really allow this? Does anyone here do this?
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JC Dean
Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06
I don't know about it, but the best way to know is to register to a CPA network and ask your affiliate manager.

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ampie g
Posts: 381
Joined: 15 Oct 08
Hi Jcdean, I asked Mark about this and he said that he has never done that method and agreed that it does sound deceptive. He said you'll have to ask your CPA network manager if this is ok as this might not be such a desirable method nowadays with the new FTC laws in place.
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Posts: 3918
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Well, to answer your question. Advertisers do it. the cpa networks dont like it, and neither do the customers. You want people to come back to see you again? DONT DESTROY YOUR OWN REPUTATION
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I've gotta say, I don't think it would be a great idea. Not only ethically speaking, but I think people are getting more savvy about this stuff.

It might be harder to make those sales than it looks.
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Posts: 2
Joined: 18 Nov 09
I do agree slvrsrfr. I would think that these tricks are getting harder as people become more aware of this type thing.

I would suggest keeping to solid business strategies and stay away from this type of practice if you want to build long term businesses that you can be proud of.
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