Win AffiloBlueprint 3.0 On Our 7th Birthday

By Samuel Frost
Win AffiloBlueprint 3.0 On Our 7th Birthday


Announcing the winners of the AffiloBlueprint birthday giveaway

Here are the names of the lucky winners of our 7th birthday AffiloBlueprint 3.0 giveaway:

  • Bill Karabinus
  • John Divramis
  • Terry Schierer
  • Eileen Baudinette
  • Esdee Penn
  • Tena Certain
  • Michelle Janosi

Congratulations guys! Check your Affilorama accounts for a very pleasant surprise :)

To everyone else that entered, thanks so much for getting on board! We truly appreciate every single one of you. Remember that you can still get AffiloBlueprint here.

Happy birthday to us! In today's blog post we are taking a lighthearted look back while we celebrate seven years of Affilorama. As one of the younger Affilorama staff members, I hadn't even started high school when Mark decided it would be a great idea to share his affiliate marketing secrets with the world. Nonetheless, I've donned my 'police detective' cap, and have snooped around to bring you the concise (and exciting) history of Affilorama.

To celebrate our seventh birthday the shout is on us - read down to the bottom of the page to learn how you can win one of seven copies of our flagship AffiloBlueprint program! (I reckon that's a whole lot better than getting a free slice of birthday cake)

Like a fine wine, or cheese if that's more what you're into, we think that Affilorama has only got better with age. But let's take a brief step back to the early days and have a look at how the site has evolved. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any images of Affilorama from 2005, so let's start a little later.

Affilorama in 2006:

Here's a little screenshot of the Affilorama homepage from 2006:

As you can see, Affilorama has always been at the cutting edge of website design! Affilorama back in 2006 was extremely different to the site you see now. You can see in the screenshot above that one of the biggest parts of Affilorama was its affiliate program directory. If you were after an affiliate program to promote, then you could scoot on over and be greeted by Mark (as you can see at the top of the page) and then find something great to sell.

That being said, Affilorama also offered a paid training course back in 2006. In fact, you had to pay to become an Affilorama member - that big join now button didn't give you free access like it does today.

So there we have the earliest version of Affilorama, so how has it evolved?

Affilorama in 2007:

I won't show you the homepage again, because nothing much had changed really over that year (besides more quality affiliate marketing training and advice being added to the site on a regular basis)

Even back then, Affilorama offered some of the best affiliate marketing training and resources at the best possible price (how about that for some blatant self promotion!)

Affilorama in 2008 (aka Affilorama goes free!):

If you were after Affilorama access in early 2008, you would have been greeted with the following home page:

A bit of a bummer if you were desperately after an Affilorama membership. Nonetheless, you could sign up to the launch notification list and get VIP access when Affilorama was re-launched.

It's time to get excited, because Affilorama would soon be free for everyone to join!

Affilorama goes free (end of 2008)

As promised, after a brief hiatus Affilorama was back and better than ever before. This time you could get your hands on an exciting free membership, just by handing over your name and email address:

Nick, our tech-master general, has informed me that Affilorama was rewritten into CakePHP in 2008. 

This redesign also saw the release of Affilorama Premium, which to this day offers some of the best affiliate marketing training and tools in the world. If you haven't already, you should check out Affilorama Premium here.

AffiloBlueprint 2.0 - 2009

2009 saw the birth of our flagship AffiloBlueprint course (AffiloBlueprint 1.0 was basically a private members' masterclass, so it's a little bit difficult to show that off here). For the uninitiated, AffiloBlueprint is a time-tested and proven method that Mark often uses for building profitable affiliate sites; at the bottom of this post you're gonna find out how you can win one of seven copies of the latest AffiloBlueprint 3.0 course.

Affilorama 2010 onwards

As you can see, there has been massive change and improvement in every Affilorama product and service since 2005. Of course, one thread of continuity has always run through everything we do here at Affilorama - everything is about delivering the best affiliate marketing training and advice to our valued customers and visitors.

The next major redesign of Affilorama came in the middle of 2011:

Some of the most recent additions to the Affilorama family include AffiloJetpack and AffiloBlueprint 3.0

I hope you've enjoyed seeing the evolution of Affilorama over the past seven years to the site it is today. As one of our valued members, you're just as much a part of this story as any of the staff! So here's to us, and here's to you on Affilorama's seventh birthday.

Affilorama's Seventh Birthday AffiloBlueprint Giveaway

This is what you've been waiting for - the chance to get your hands on one of seven copies of AffiloBlueprint 3.0! 

In order to enter, all you need to do is... 

...just click on one of the links above now and connect with us, it really is that simple!

We would also love if you could leave a comment letting us know your experiences (either good or bad) with Affilorama. This isn't necessary to enter the competition, but we would love to hear from you.


View all 112 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)

Eric Marlow 13 years ago
When I first told my self I would look into making money online it was January 2006. One of the first things that concerned me was how to tell who was telling the truth and who is a scam artist. Only time could reveal the true nature of people and their integrity. If this is an issue for you, then after 6 years, I can tell you to keep your eyes on Mark Ling, because he has true integrity in this internet marketing training space. If you have customer service issues, his staff will be a pleasure to work with and if they can't resolve the issue, Mark himself will get involved and solve the issue. How do I know? Because he over delivered for me. I'm a fan for life. Happy birthday Affilorama.
Randy Lierman 13 years ago
Great for education and resource for understanding Internet Marketing.
Fern Watson 13 years ago
Happy birthday and congratulations on an exciting product. Fun and interesting to see your history. Keep it up.
George 13 years ago
Very informative and I love the personal touch.Have already recommended your site to one friend.

Great Support
George Burton
noam tobi 13 years ago
Happy 7th Bday. wow, how time flies. What are 7 years in the online world? 70?
I've been a member for the past three years, have been using Traffic Travis for the past two years, and love the site.
Corinne Mitchell 13 years ago
Happy Birthday!!! I just love Affilorama - your content is superior and I love the webinars. You have given me so many great tips and techniques. I would LOVE to win one of the copies of AffiloBlueprint 3.0 to help me reach the next level ;-)
ike 13 years ago
Happy Birthday, and thank you for delivering excellent training all these years.
starshine 13 years ago
Thank you for all the info you so willingly share with us. This blog post was great - gave me a chance to go back in time and see just how far Affilorama has come. Great job :D
Kim Smith 13 years ago
Happy Birthday! I got started in IM through Marks teaching. I needed very simple steps and he gave it to me. He is a person who truly cares and gives quality in what ever he does. He watches out for his customers and students, which is hard to find these days. Congrats Mark!
Oh, I liked and tweeted you
Trish Appleton 13 years ago
Happy Birthday Affilorama ! I abandoned learning affililiate marketing a few years ago after spending over a year of late nights intensely studying, sucked into every new offer and never quite joining up the dots - so without creating one site. I gave up, disillusioned and broke like 1000s of others. But.... I am back with renewed optimism, keen as mustard since finding you guys !! Congratulations for creating such a friendly, genuine caring company. Long may you continue to flourish !! Trish U.K.
Sharon Karsner 13 years ago
Many happy returns!
Mary Elliot 13 years ago
Always great info and great webinars - Congratulations Affilorama - here's to the next 7 years!

Mary :)
Paul Webster 13 years ago
Happy Birthday Affilorama! Having been involved behind the scenes (I make and break things!) since the re-development of Affilorama began (late 2007 from memory), it's great to have been part of Affilorama's IM education product evolution, and see the community growing positively over the course of those years.

So congratulations to Mark and everyone else involved, 7 years and going strong, a great achievemment!
emanuel ayala 13 years ago
Mongrats Mark!!
I have been a free member few months ago, for me the content is great, you and your team have made a great job. Now i am strongly motivated to join affilorama, because i have been scammed many time ago an i really dream to build my Internet Marketing business and i thing Mark is an amazing tutor and coach!!

happy bithday!!
Kevin Carr 13 years ago
Happy Birthday Affilorama! I'm totally new here and to affiliate marketing. The best to both of us...
Eileen Baudinette 13 years ago
How exciting to have grown a successful business and now be in a position to offer Affiloblueprint to others out of generosity. Congrats!

Hope to be one of the lucky winners so I can take my income to the next level.

Here's to more success.

Namaste, Eileen.
indiekiwi 13 years ago
Interesting to see the various avatars Affilorama had in the past.

Having been laid off I've been looking at ways to work for myself and thought the internet would be a good place to have a business as it has no geographical boundaries.

I've recently found Affilorama and like what I see. Hope to win a copy for myself (fingers crossed) so then there'll be no excuses for not getting started on setting up sites and earning an income online.

Oh and Happy Birthday! I'd be happy to travel from Akl to join in the celebrations :)
Cheers, Glenn
Adrian Sinden 13 years ago
Awesome job guys, thanks for all the help and keep up the great work! Happy Birthday!!
curlytrixie1996 13 years ago
Happy Birthday Affilorama. I have recently become a member to learn more about internet marketing. Your free lessons have been a valuable introduction to understanding the basics of affilate marketing. We all have to start somewhere thanks for the foundation for me to build on.The support staff have been A+++ Thank you.
toddy 13 years ago
A great story and information for affilites that many have used successfuly. It may be 7 years so maybe this is to be a the great big lucky year for all members!
Bonnie Barton 13 years ago
Happy Birthday Affilorama. I have recently become a member to learn more about affiliate marketing. Your free lessons have been an invaluable introduction to understanding the basics of affiliate marketing. We all have to start somewhere, thanks for the foundation for me to build on. The support staff have been A++++ Thank you for the opportunity to win one of the Affiloblueprint. Should I miss out all the best and success to those who receive one free.
Barry Desautels 13 years ago
Happy Birthday, Thank You Mark, and all your crew for
the great tools and solid teaching that goes on at this site.
Best Wishes,

Barry Desautels
Ted Franek 13 years ago
Great bunch of people with awesome array of free videos and lessons teaching affiliate marketing !
Bonnie Barton 13 years ago
Happy Birthday Mr Ling and Your Team. I have only recently joined and I am grateful for the free lessons which I have been doing. The understanding and knowledge of Affiliate marketing I have gained from your free lessons has been substantial and very beneficial. I have learnt a lot through these lessons and they have given me a starting point and a foundation on which to build upon. The support is A++++. Thank you for the opportunity to win AffiloBlueprint, to those who win one of these packages all the best for your success. All the best to your success in the future Affilorama. Thank you
cpaffiliate 13 years ago
Happy 7th Birth Anniversary to Affilorama. Congratulations, Mark Ling for making this happen. I am expecting many more such celebrations in future, too.
Tony Chandra 13 years ago
Greetings from Indonesia, just add you and hope I can win Affiloblueprint 3.0 since your birthday is same as mine;-) Congratulations to you and me! My experience with Affilorama been great and your newsletter enlightening so far...
yb4venture 13 years ago
Thanks for the opportunity. Have heard nothing but good about Mark and this flagship program. Happy Birthday!
Marik Singh 13 years ago
Congratulation! on your 7th birthday. I have always followed your blog and get great insides of alot of IM ongoings.
Keep up the good work.

gregc2001 13 years ago
Happy Birthday Affilorama.Since I have been a member and been on the email subscription list I have learned so much and the best part when I sign on to I am still learning everyday.Before I found this site I was about to give up on affiliate marketing but not now this is the best place for training resources that you can find.
Alexandra Faynburd 13 years ago
Happy Birthday!
I'm a member of Affiloblueprit 3.0 and really hope it will create a change in my perception of IM
Jac 13 years ago
Congratulations Mark and team. All the best and lots of success for the future.
Maha Nagar 13 years ago
Happy 7th birthday. My birthday is also on 7th, several months from now. I like 7th, and I wish Affilorama all the very best.

I've in the meantime 'liked' and 'followed' Affilorama in my respective social media accounts. I'm now keeping my fingers crossed till the 'results' are announced.

My warm wishes, nevertheless!
Shaun Anderson 13 years ago
Happy Birthday Affilorama...... you guys are doing great job. i have followed you on twitter & hope that i get affiloblueprint-3.0.
Jon 13 years ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Happy to continue promoting your products.
lizcarlabizz 13 years ago
Hi Mark,

Happy birthday to Affilorama team! I've foud out about your work few months ago. I'm still walking with baby steps into the affiliate marketing world, so I've been enjoying a lot your free lessons to get to know what this is all about. I'm already building a couple of websites in spanish, but can't afford to buy Affiloprint for the moment as I'm just starting. So many things to learn! Anyway, just clicked Like on Facebook, hope I'm lucky enough to get one copy this time and then upgrade it to premium when I have more incomes. Congratulations once again for the results of your hard work!!
Greetings from Barcelona, Spain!!
Kieran Gracie 13 years ago
Congratulations Mark and all at Affilorama. You are the best team out there for teaching and keeping us up to date about everything to do with internet marketing, and thank you for having me as a member for many years. I started in this business with your AffiloBlueprint 2.0 course and I have never looked back. Now I am promoting it myself!
Fran Aslam 13 years ago
Happy Birthday Affilorama! wishing you the best business profits in the coming years. You are a great program for the newbies and advanced both and I congratulate the founder for the great focus , generosity and business wisdom.
Mervanwe 13 years ago
I have an account.
But just wanted to wish you guyz all the best going forward. WOW what a journey and its awesome how many people you have helped on this journey!
Amazing. Well done Mark
Danielle Pela 13 years ago
I found Affilorama only a short time ago and am so grateful to have found you guys. I was signed up as a member of a similar site and it didn't offer anywhere near the helpful info you guys offer. I am a newbie to internet marketing, but I am also so ready to get going and with your help I know I will accomplish what I want to accomplish. Thank you and happy birthday! :)
Manimaran Rengarajan 13 years ago
Hi Mark Ling,

When I saw your name in Top 200 Internet Marketing Experts (Millionaires) List, I was so excited.

It is very happy to know that Affiliorama got 7th Birth Day. Affiliorama has created a Big Revolution in the IM Industry. No Doubt.

My Best Wishes For Attaining A Great Success of Affiliorama!

R. Manimaran
Kerry McGrath 13 years ago
Hi, Happy Birthday Affiloramma! I am a newbie with a website but nothing in it! Working on it with your program. Mark, you have helped me tremendously and I will keep trainign with your company and hope to get my site up and running soon. Thanks for all your help.

Jens Eilertsen 13 years ago
Happy birthday, Affilorama. I just joined, so I can't say I have had too much experience, tough. But my first impression is good, and I look forward to the learning!
David Harris 13 years ago
Happy Birthday 2 You
Happy Birthday 2 You
Happy Birthday dear Affilorama
Happy Birthday 2 You
Donald Marshall 13 years ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to You... (Affilorama), Happy Birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to You... Certainly Looking Forward To SUCCESSFUL TIMES, here @ Affilorama... "7" is a very special number in the WRITTEN WORD / REVELATION of Our ETERNAL CREATOR-FATHER!
RichieGirrard 13 years ago
Big congrats on your birthday! All in all, Affilorama's excellent training has been outstandingly great. I am proud to be a part of this family of dedicated Internet Marketers. Keep up the superb work you're doing, it is some of the finest I can ever find anywhere online, hands down.

Megan CP 13 years ago
Happy Birthday to Affilorama! It's really inspiring to read the success stories of those who have persevered and stuck with it! I'm new to all of this, but I'm definitely interested, and hope to launch my first website in time for the holiday season! :-)
Will the winners be announced in the emails? Or will you just contact me directly? ;-) (had to try!)

In any case,
Can't wait to grow with you!
Peter 13 years ago
At the very least ,among a host of marketers ,affilorama is a real deal, among the many emails I delete I do read every link you provide.
would love the blueprint as I ,an old guy,struggle with on line marketing. Regards

Peter H
Jade Campbell 13 years ago
Yes Happy Birthday to all at Affilorama, I love the timeline- Mark looks like an exuberant 15 yold on that 1st website, I'm thankful that exuberance is still there, as is the commitment to provide cutting edge step by step training, so we all have the best chance to be successful - very glad I joined Affiloblueprint 3.0.
It is easy to understand in sequential baby steps, and it filled in the blankety blanks left by the previous training I had had with someone else, while I haven't finished it yet, it is exciting and so interesting- just like a good book.
I have had a couple of small issues/misunderstandings that have been resolved, and I am impressed with the integrity and care taken to ensure members are happy, you guys are the best and sincere thanks for being the great human beings that you are.
Hip Hip Hooray, they are jolly good fellows !!
Haskell 13 years ago
The information which i receive from you have helped me quite a lot, indeed i believe that my success in building an online business is being influenced heavily by it.
Superior Marketing Group 13 years ago

Happy Birthday to Affilorama ...thankful that exuberance is still there, as is the commitment to provide cutting edge step by step training

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