Even if you hate math, you're going to love this...
A couple of months ago I created a short whiteboard video series that shows how to scale from creating just a tiny website to generating 10k/month in 4 steps.
I removed the video only days after releasing it (when I was reshuffling the content on my website) and I've just put it back online.
I trust that you'll find this to be both motivating and inspiring...
I'm really keen to get your comments on this video (please post after watching the videos), it comes with a pdf version too, I hope it inspires a lot of you.
Important Note: I mention the launch of AffiloBlueprint in the videos which was in April, please ignore this date. AffiloBlueprint is reopening at 6pm - Wednesday 24th June.
You can download the free PDF report "$10K a month AffiloPlan", feel free to pass it around.
I'd love to hear your comments or any questions you may have about Affiliate Marketing or AffiloBlueprint?
Reminder: AffiloBlueprint reopens at 6pm EDT - 24th June 2009
What I've decided to do is provide a series of advanced super affiliate strategies videos to add to the already comprehensive AffiloBlueprint 2.0 course.
These include several secrets that I've never revealed to anyone else and are worth the price of AffiloBlueprint just by themselves. These cutting edge recordings are for the *first 250 members only* and I am expecting them to be gone within the first hour!
In the meantime you can find out what time it is reopening in your area below and also bookmark this page which is where you will be able to purchase it from once live!
View all 70 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)
HowInternetMarketing • 16 years ago
George Artz • 16 years ago
I get a great sense of integrity and honesty coming through and I like the no hype style.
Anna • 16 years ago
Anna • 16 years ago
Simon Slade • 16 years ago
Margaret Fawcett • 16 years ago
Started a website with namecheap.com.
Margaret Fawcett
Graham in UK • 16 years ago
It's nice to know we've got something to aim at, thanks to AffiloBlueprint I've now got my first website up! www.GermanShepherdDogsToday.com
Now, I have to get backlinks and hopefully some sales!
Great course, videos easy to follow
Graham in UK
Anna • 16 years ago
Yowie • 16 years ago
Great videos, sounds like what I need (brand new). I'am in but will be away on launch day 7.30am
25th June 09 (Darwin time) till Fri 26th June in evening.Can I pre-order to receive bonuses or wait till I get back. Thanks
Danny Jones • 16 years ago
I put this site up per Frank Kern's Infomillionaire, and used pay per click to drive traffic
I made 1 sale and actually was ahead of the game, kept running the pay per click and ended up
spending twice what I made. I can't figure out how to keep from going in the hole with PPC
This has happened everytime I use PPC..so expensive
Will affilliate blueprint be able to help with this problem...I'm stuck!
Mona • 16 years ago
God Bless,
Loretta Wake • 16 years ago
Simon Slade • 16 years ago
@Danny Jones Yes AffiloBlueprint covers PPC over 3 weeks so we should be able to help you out here.
@Everyone Thanks for the nice comments and feedback - it is much appreciated!
Anna • 16 years ago
Omoba • 16 years ago
Ryan • 16 years ago
Or can I get full access the very first day I buy?
Simon Slade • 16 years ago
@Omoba Its a one off payment for the AffiloBlueprint course. You get one month's free trial of the premium service too and if you like it, its $47 per month after that.
@Ryan You get access to all 12 weeks from day one so you can go through it at your own pace :)
Ryan • 16 years ago
Will Affiloblueprint work if I use shared hosting?
I heard from some other SEO guru that in order to rank high in organic listings, you need to have 1 unique IP per domain. The problem is I am using a hostgator shared server ($9.95/mth) instead of a Virtual Private Server ($100+/mth) . Will I be required to sign up for a VPS for Affiloblueprint to work?
Bestie711 • 16 years ago
One question though, regarding being pessimistic and making $50 a week; generally, what's the time frame? ie once a site is up and running and all is in place, how soon can someone start to see some money come in? Weeks, months? It's nice to have a ballpark figure.
Thank you. You rock bro.
Moira Anthony • 16 years ago
Christer Hedberg • 16 years ago
it is really refreshing to watch your "down-to-earth" marketing and presentations, actually giving you some useful advise and suggestion how to go about with IM.
I personally am pretty fed up with the never-ending american "brainwashing" hypes that you get to watch everytime they want to launch something ( I can faintly recall that you were a guest at one of these events, no names mentioned, which actually surprised me, as I regard you as a pretty serious person when it come to business)
I am probably old-fashioned, but I actually want information - not entertainment - when I watch I a video covering a particular subject,
Anyway, i find you presentations very useful and watch them whenever I can ( I am also subscribing to you twitter account, finding it very good.)
I would very much like to join you Affiliorama 2.0, but unfortunaty, being unemployed due to GFC,
I have to keep tight when it comes to spending money ( my wife won't let me :-) )
Maybe sometimes in the future, I will manage to become a member of your Affiliorama 2.0 team
Kind regards
( from a "neighbour")
Christer Hedberg
7 Barry Place
Cherrybrook NSW 2126
( Originally coming from the Alps in Europe - Bavaria -
I love your country - very similar to what I have come to love )
paulie69 • 16 years ago
1. In the email correspondence I recently received re AffiloBlueprint it said that there was a definite five (5) day opening to the the product, the reasoning was to keep numbers to manageable levels ie to be fair to participants. But in your answer to Anna (above) you say that it is open "permanently". I am confused? Which one applies because this is contradictory. Also in a related email I was sent a link, to the product, it seems the product can be bought anytime - so where does the 5 day opening come in? Can you please elaborate?
2. Also, related to my first question, re having to be a premium member to keep accessing newer AffiloBlueprint modules, you answered Avidpoet above re his question :
@avidpoet Absolutely not :) You will still have access without paying anything more.
But your answer to me contradicted this, indicating that there will be a new version (3?) of AB coming out next year and intimated that if I bought the product now that I would have to be a premium member (ie keep paying) to access the new components.
This is contrary to other information I've read which I've been sent by you re the product, ie only a "once off payment" that gives access to the product plus all future updates etc. I therefore assumed that once I paid I could access all future modules, resources etc related to the system as a whole not just the particular version I bought into. I have not read anywhere where it says the access to updates is restricted to the same version, perhaps this needs to be disclosed - if that is the case. This promise was one of the drawcards of the product to me. Are you saying that it is in fact, not true that this is a "once off payment"? If not I may probably rethink my purchase because I was led to believe otherwise.
Keep up the good work and best regards
Christer Hedberg • 16 years ago
just an innocent question:
Is it ok with you, if I use the videos (or any other videos whuch you have created) on by blogs, then promoting your Affiliorama 2.0, via Blogs & Twitter & Free Traffic ?
[email protected]
dreamer87 • 16 years ago
I hope you don't mind if I try to answer a couple of your questions
In previous launches of AffiloBlueprint 2.0, there were only a limited number of days to purchase. Starting with this launch, Mark and his team have decided to keep it open permanently.
Regarding the price, from my understanding, the $197 gives you instant access to all modules in AffiloBlueprint plus any additional informative videos and material that Mark may create at a later time.
The $47 is only for the Premium membership, which is basically a separate membership offering more webinars and additional hints and tips. You do not have to subscribe to this membership.
As for a newer version of AffiloBlueprint being released next year, maybe Mark will be kind enough to offer current members a discount if a new version is released. ; -)
Paul, I've been a member of just the AffiloBlueprint 2.0 course since late 2008. Though personal circumstances are keeping me from getting my affiliate business going at this time, trust me when I say that you will not be disappointed with the amount or quality of material available in the AffiloBlueprint 2.0 course alone.
You will find plenty of helpful information in the course itself as well as in the forum. So, if you can afford to join, you should seriously consider purchasing.
Good Luck,
paulie69 • 16 years ago
Thanks very much for taking the time to reply to my questions. I appreciate your input and thankyou for clarifying those issues for me. I have been doing lots of research on the Web re affiliate marketing and I can honestly say that Mark's materials are by far THE best I've seen out there, so I definitely will be buying AffiloBlueprint. The free resources on this site are really great and we are so lucky to have been generously given them by Mark. They have helped me so much. I appreciate the professional attitude and the honesty of Mark and his Team too. Thanks guys... finally, an approach that makes sense! :) Thanks again to you all! :)
Ted Taff • 16 years ago
Ted Taff
frank kelly • 16 years ago
Great videos once again
I biught Affilo Blueprint in April - am I eligible for the Outsourcing Blueprint that you're currently offering to new purchasers?
Gerard McNally • 16 years ago
What a great website! I am currently subscribing to an affiliate program, which I find complicated and I'm not getting very far at all, I have learned more from your site in one week, than the four months I have been signed up to my AP. I'm certainly going to be coming back here on a regular basis.
A BIG thank you.
Gerard McNally
Sydney Chiu • 16 years ago
car pictures • 15 years ago
Geoff Bennett • 15 years ago
Geoff Bennett UK
Daphne Spurlock • 15 years ago
Thank you for all this great information! Your are the best teacher! Thanks for keepin it real!!!
Colin Hayvice • 15 years ago
I really enjoy your your honest no b......t method you get your teachings across.
I have realised that nothing is free on the internet, especially when marketers offer something for free at the start of the communication. You are one of only two people who I think are honestly offering help to newbies wanting to start in internet marketing
Regards Colin
peter green • 15 years ago
John land • 15 years ago
ampie_g • 15 years ago
Nick • 15 years ago
Please advise,
ampie_g • 15 years ago
eric anger • 15 years ago
I saw you great video it's exellent done,I am planing to leave the philippines next week and hope to join soon in sept to signe in . I am getting nuts to my emails to many want to sell me there products its getting out of my hands I just ignor there ebooks,it makes me just confusing.So hope to stay in touch,
all the best,erich
Nico Moorrees • 14 years ago
I have enjoy the video with yours wise lesson.
I will thank you for your inspiration en information.
Nico Moorrees
Dragon Tan • 13 years ago
Kudos to you and your Affilorama staff.
I have enjoy every stuff your have taught and I am looking forward to joining you in AffiloBluePrint to learn what internet marketing is all about and of course to make money along the way.
I like your presentation and your material and I think it is cool and one of the best if not the best course avalable on this subject.
I must agree with Isabella7y and Colin. The rest out there is just great salesman with great promise but nothing effective.
Thank You.
Dragon Tan • 13 years ago
Cool stuff. I agree with Isabella7y and Colinhvc about the rest out there. Just plain salesmanship and super promise but nothing effective. You most likely be left hanging dry and need to purchase more stuff.
Mark • 13 years ago
kelli goodsir • 13 years ago
Anne Faller • 13 years ago
Anne Fallere • 13 years ago
Arthur Cansdale • 13 years ago
computer and you cannot download this for this computer.
Can you recommend any thing else.
Thank you
Arthur Cansdale
carrie brown • 13 years ago
How do we get a copy of the magazine?
Ken T • 12 years ago
kenj Jasdw • 12 years ago
View all 70 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)