Webinar with Brian Johnson

By Mark Ling
Webinar with Brian Johnson


Hey Guys,

I'm really excited to be running a webinar this Tuesday with Brian Johnson, the creator of ComRitual.com and the guy who pulled in over $26,000 in commissions in a single week - most of which was generated from free search traffic.

In it, Brian's going to be sharing his cutting edge techniques that has brought about his stunning success. He'll also let you in on what he calls his "Golden Rule" for affiliate and internet marketing.

This should be a content packed event that you should not miss out on!

Update: Hey guys, the event is over and the recording is now available at:
Brian Johnson Webinar

It was a great webinar but I do apologize for the audio quality which is a little below par due to some microphone difficulties I was having. Don't let that stop you from learning some extremely valuable information.


Danielle Bernier 16 years ago
Thanks Mark, this should be good!
See you guys later.....
Doug Wong 16 years ago
Another great call and interview Mark. I was able to pull several good nuggets of info from this call. Talk soon!
paulie69 16 years ago
Oh, no I got my times mixed up :( I registered early but for some silly reason I thought it commenced 5pm this afternoon - but I've just found out it's over! Will the webinar be uploaded for viewing?
Moira Anthony 16 years ago
Wow you missed some great stuff sorry to say but yes Mark did say that within the next couple of days they will make it available.
Mark Ling 16 years ago
Hey guys, the recording is now available at http://www.teleseminarrecordings.com/brianjohnson

It was a great webinar but I do apologize for the audio quality which is a little below par due to some microphone difficulties I was having. Don't let that stop you from learning some extremely valuable information.
BIll Kernodle 16 years ago
Brian is saying to include a few links directly to Wikipedia or some other authority site from our site to theirs with no reciprocal link? A few throughout the website. or only the main page? I had not thought of that as I have been concentrating on incoming links.
Patrick Otto 16 years ago
I took some great notes to add to my Internet Marketing Bible. But has anyone ordered Brian Johnson's product yet. And if so can you tell us about it.
Brian Pruitt 16 years ago
Dude has the coolest first namer ever!

His course is top notch so far. I love predicting future keywords. With this info Im gonna be the modern Internet Marketing Nostradamus of our lifetime (evil laugh)

If you are on the fence jump on over this is a killer.

Michael Thai 16 years ago
I am confused. Is this product by Brian better than AffiloBlueprint? Seems like there are tons of resources everywhere.
lorne 16 years ago
Just wondering. For those who have gone through the comritual material, would it add anything significant to the Affiloblueprint or would it be more of a distraction? If you think it would be beneficial could you give me a quick example how so I can make an informed buying decision.


JR Gautreaux 16 years ago
I purchased Brian's product and I'm going through it now. I have 2 websites I'm working with using his techniques. So far his information is on the money and very good. I've actually been able to use it in combination with Mark's product. I did attend the webinar and thought Brian did a good job presenting his technique so I figured I would give his information a try as well.
touristdrive 16 years ago
I attended the webinar as it was with Mark interviewing another internet marketer. I enjoyed it but had to run before the end.

I bought Brian system via Mark's link, and I'm reading through it. So far it's worth the money.
I've found a lot of things consistent with what Mark teaches.
Brian focuses essentially on SEO so I think his method is suitable for people looking to rank with SEO. Brian gives great ideas on researching niches and where people tend to spend money.
I'll post a more complete review (lol) as I progress my reading through his method. At the moment busy working on publishing articles for my AB site ;-)

Frank 16 years ago
I was excited when your email said the recording was available for download. Disappointed to learn we used the term differently. It's just not realistic for me to spend two hours at my PC (wife, three young boys, you know, the usual stuff of life and work, etc.). Being able to download recordings for use on my Ipod would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Patrick Otto 16 years ago
I purchased it and am going through the videos now. no regrets great product! Brian is the Man! I look forward to applying his method.
Jason Dodd 16 years ago
@Frank I would suggest trying a Firefox add-on like DownloadHelper so you can download the mp4 to your PC, then if its not in the format for your ipod try something like Videora to convert it for ipod - has worked for me.

Brians product is an optional extra for ABers wanting to take their SEO to the next level but if youre still mastering the basics then its best to just focus on AffiloBlueprint for now and save this for later.
Chris Goddard 16 years ago
Hi Frank - try Orbit http://www.orbitdownloader.com/
If you use the Grab++ function you will be able to 'grab' the video and download it. Then there are many converters that will allow you to get into iPod format.
Azlan 15 years ago
Commission Ritual is a great product. Lots of new stuff and all the traffic are 100% free. But, newcomers might encounter lots of problems with this program, since the process is long and complicated.
Maria Harrison 15 years ago
The audio's not very good but I listened. Its vey informative.
learning centre 15 years ago
Certainly very informative informative. A number of pointers that I've added to my little "marketing bible". I look forward to the next installment of this.

Great information and great post.

Computer Repair London 15 years ago
I checked it out, brilliant webinar (love that term, too!) I would love to get some webinars for my site which is a hair review site and now I know exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks for posting, when will your next one be? I'm trying to get some affiliation going on my site and this has been a great help.
Dan 15 years ago

I heard about you last night when I told someone about my interest in affiliate marketing. I look forward to checking out your stuff.
YouTube to MP3 14 years ago
I love the picture at the top of the page, your dog is absolutely cute! Great pic!
Julissa 13 years ago
No complaints on this end, smiply a good piece.