Hi everyone,
Yesterday I recorded a live super affiliate strategies webinar. There were a great number of people that watched it and the feedback has been nothing short of spectacular.
If you missed the webinar, I've decided to put it online for a couple of days so make sure that you watch it as soon as you can:
Click here to watch the webinar recording
I covered a lot of strategies to do with:
* How to make money from building simple mini websites.
* How to find highly profitable niches
* How to gain lots of natural search engine traffic
* Pay Per Click Secrets
* And lots more
I packed as much as I could fit into this recording time and you will gain a lot of value from watching this. I'd imagine it'd be the most important hour of your week so watch the video below:
Click here to watch the webinar recording
Please let me know what you think of the above webinar below.
Super Affiliate Strategies Webinar Recording
By Mark Ling

Make $10,000 per month as an affiliate?
Register now for full, unlimited access to over 120 free lessons —no credit card required.
View all 65 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)
Jon Pastorizo • 16 years ago
philip omiata • 16 years ago
Its Philip here again.It seems almost certain that I'm not going to be joining this session as much as I would have loved to. so I just want to know when next I'd have the opportunity of joining in. My question really is would I have to wait for another 12weeks at least?
David Berensohn • 16 years ago
Question (ok, a few...):
Do you purchase any of the products that you sell on your sites before you try to sell them in order to determine their quality?
If you are creating a site on a topic that you know nothing about, how can you determine if the product is good or not? Do you care or do you let the prospective buyer make that determination?
Do the people that write the reviews for you actually have the product and do you provide it to them?
Charles Harmon • 16 years ago
Lamar Steen • 16 years ago
Joyce South • 16 years ago
Colon Symptoms • 15 years ago
I am so glad that I found Affilorama, this is exactly what I was looking for,
affiliate training with no hype and just great useful info!
Payycheck fro Home • 15 years ago
Mark Ling is just all over the web at the moment and doing some great work. I have to say I've bought some other products out there by gurus that even Mark Ling recommends but i prefer yours Mark because you speak in a language I can understand and you really get what its like for guys like us starting out.
Mustafa Mor • 15 years ago
Great Webinar... it was very helpful and had a lot of information...
very useful...
thank you
Justin Mitchell • 15 years ago
Look forward to seeing more..
Ray Ray • 15 years ago
juhasen • 15 years ago
Karen Whaley • 15 years ago
ed mason • 15 years ago
Charlie Mazzulla • 15 years ago
Mark Wengler • 15 years ago
Just loved it :O)
Looking forward to join your Affilorama courses
All the best
Mark (from Denmark)
Adam Bossen • 15 years ago
Adele Hardie • 15 years ago
Tony Wilkins • 15 years ago
• 15 years ago
I have a long clime ahead.
Marie McNeely • 15 years ago
Every comment is positive. Doesn't that hurt your credibility?
I listened to 90 minutes and frankly wished you could make your points more efficiently. Lots of blah, blah in between.
Mark Ling • 15 years ago
Remember we are not trained lecturers or teachers, we are people who are doing extremely well online and teaching what we do that makes us successful. I do my best and keep taking comments on board to help explain things better and better and think that I've improved from year to year.
kleist • 15 years ago
I am so sad I missed the webinar - is there any chance you recorded it for late comers?
Brenton Lewis • 15 years ago
Brenton Lewis • 15 years ago
Many Thanks
optimizare seo • 15 years ago
ammu • 15 years ago
I have been learning so much from your site.Thanks for your wonderful videos and information.
Thank You
Erana Burland • 15 years ago
Thanks you for such an informative webinair presentation. Even for a newbie, I did get a lot from it,,, especially how to recognize profitable niches and much much more. I am quite excited about getting started on designing my very first webpage, thanks to you Mark and the resources you have kindly put at my disposal. I know it is going to make the whole experience much more enjoyable now that I have a starting point..
Ally • 15 years ago
Jeffrey Clay • 15 years ago
eric anger • 15 years ago
Very good made webinar ,exellent explanation about affiliate marketing I just loved it ,at the moment my wife is allway watching here facebook so I have only some time to do mine. I have to figure out to get another internet line to consentrate more on this very interesting stuff.You did the wright thing that you show the people out there fist what is this all about not to ask for a bunch of money and that for only a short time so you have to deside fast but you don't know the basics and that make me made,I my self I have to investigate first and read what others have there comment on it and than I deside if I buy it I have to know more about everything because there are so much ,
that you get ripd off. But to your affilorama I saw that looks very good and explaind perfectly I just loved it !!
All the best Mark to your little Boy,and to your wife and to You and many blessings!! I will stay in touch Erich (from the philippines, and native Austiran )
howard johnson • 15 years ago
I am very pleased, happy, and delighted that i discovered affilorama. i first got the affiliate bug after listening to another affililate marketer brought in by Robert G Allen. I've always wanted to earn mone online but never really knew where to start until i watched there video. Its amazing how once the ball gets rolling, how other important people come into your life to expand your knowledge which has brought me to your site and wealth of information. Before i go, i just wanted to make a testament if i can. I have been unemployed for 2 years now, my benifits just ran out, and my savings have depleted. Becoming an Affiliate Marketer is my last and only chance to get out of this rough place. I was just about to give up because i don't have the money to pay Google, but now because of this site and information you provided, i know i can do it. So thanks and i will be checking everyday for other posts you out on here and send to me in my email. God Bless
Celie Johnson • 15 years ago
Bill Morgan • 15 years ago
It's clear that only those who buy your product will get EVERYTHING, but EVERTYTHING isn't needed just to get started.
A lttle success with the elementary things and people will be begging how to do more to get better.
Nice job.
sue • 15 years ago
Eric Jacobs • 15 years ago
Sarah Vane • 15 years ago
ED Silva • 15 years ago
i just watch your new video and thanks for the important great info
embed in it...
Keep it coming so we could catch you up..
anwar • 15 years ago
quoc thanh ngo • 15 years ago
My name is quoc thanh ngo and I'm living in Viet Nam. I want to make some money online for the life and pay debt but this is the first time that I make te money online. I don't know how to do. Would you help me ?
Adam Kim • 15 years ago
Rita • 15 years ago
nitin mistry • 15 years ago
Jorge Couto • 15 years ago
Great stuff man, thank you very much for "freebie" me this webinar record. Along with Traffic Travis there were the most valuables gifts i remember to received in a couple years. By the way, the webinar page on Firefox is a little bit out of range, but don't worry about sending more and more good stuff.... there's allways another browser around :).
Success man, i know you will.
ali madi safi • 15 years ago
Sanjiv • 15 years ago
John Hargs • 15 years ago
Cheers, John, Auckland,NZ.
glen hine • 14 years ago
Jay • 13 years ago
View all 65 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)