Hi Everyone,
It's Mark Ling here. I've just received a guest blog post from Super Affiliate Emil Paz. I met Emil in person in Las Vegas a few months ago at an internet marketing event that we were both speaking at.
Note: You can actually watch the recording of my presentation from that event by signing up to claim my new "Top 6 Super Affiliate Millionaire Secrets" free report here:
Top 6 Super Affiliate Millionaire Secrets + 'Super Affiliate Secrets' Seminar Recording
Before you do that though, make sure you read Emil's Blog
Post below...
From: Emil Paz
Hi Affilorama readers,
It's Emil Paz here. I've been a super affiliate for a number of years and I'd like to share with you today the #1 reason why MOST affiliates FAIL.
Here's your answer:
==> Click Here to watch a video of why most affiliates fail PLUS download our new free software
(hint: it's not Google's fault...)
I can summarize it all down to two words:
Information + Overload.
There's just so many things you need to do when you promote a product as an affiliate -- especially if you're using PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising.
You have to find a good product or offer, research the market, keywords, discussions and demographics, build your site, write your ads - and the list just goes on and on...
- Too much stuff = Information Overload
- Information Overload = NO Action
Well me and my team from PPC Bully have just released the "magic pill" for this problem.
The best part is that it is completely free!
Seriously. There's NOTHING to buy... No upsells, no "pro" version. Nothing.
I've made a video for you to check out right here:
==> Click Here to watch a video of why most affiliates fail PLUS download our new free software
If you go to our site via the link above, you can download our new tool for free.
All the best,
Emil Paz
Guest Blogger
Emil's #1 reason why MOST affiliates fail...
By Mark Ling

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Christian Montealvo • 15 years ago
gracias for the clarity.
stay focused...
JJPerkins • 15 years ago
Irving Green • 15 years ago
Brad Bylsma • 15 years ago
Yeah I admit it Info. overdose,...guilty as charged.
It's worse than an addiction to coffee,....maybe worse.
Having everything I need in one toolbar could save the day.
I downloaded yours and SEOQuack to compare.
MorselolfMifs • 15 years ago
This is really a great website.
And it is not like other money orientating site, the info here is very valuable.
I am definitely bookmarking it as well as sharing it with my friends.
Steven MacCormack • 14 years ago
many thanks.