Hi everyone,
I have so many dozens (and probably hundreds if I were to count them up) of ideas for profitable online ventures, that I thought, why not just post some of them from time to time on my blog.
I don't know if this kind of blog post will be of interest to you guys, or if it'll pose more questions than it answers.
I'm not trying to give you a full on blueprint here, this post is just a braindump of one idea I have for a profitable way of building an affiliate site and it's more suitable for intermediate readers who have some idea of how to set up a blog, customize it, spin articles and so forth.
Note: If you are completely new to affiliate marketing want a step-by-step blueprint for building profitable affiliate sites, then get AffiloBlueprint, and if you want most of the content done for you, plus a similar blueprint, then get Affilojetpack.
Below is my braindump of a plan for a semi-automated, long term profitable affiliate site.
1. Create 20 spin-ready articles (4x2 spinning). Use Affilorama Premium article spinning tool, or Rapid Rewriter.
2. Register .com domain and set it up as a wordpress blog.
3. Install any theme and customize how you like.
4. Using the spin-ready articles, spin 10 articles and post to the blog. Then each day spin 1 more article (just choose any at random) and then post it on the blog. Queue one per day to go out for a month at the start of each month. Note: each article that gets spun and posted to your blog needs to be reworded slightly to make it optimized for a keyword phrase that has at least 500+ people searching per month for it (and even 2000+ if you can find them).
5. Once a week submit a spin-ready article to www.amautomation.com and make sure to add links to previous blog posts using the correct anchor text. Spin these links so that each article that goes out has the potential of building links to several of these blog posts.
6. Add a popover (delayed) to your blog (use Affilorama Premium popover tool) to gather leads.
7. Insert an Affilojetpack followup sequence (or create your own one)
8. Mail out a live broadcast to your mailing list once a week to let send them back to your blog to check out the latest posts (I believe it'll help your SEO performance if people keep revisiting your website).
9. Depending on the niche, add CPA, or Clickbank, or Adsense revenue to each post. If you pick out 3 to 10 products at the start, then you can just set up graphics etc to promote each one and just insert it as you need it depending on what is relevant to each post.
10. Do a paid directory submission to yahoo, joeant, and one or two other paid directories. Also use submit2edge.com to submit the site to 100 directories. Occassionally use submit2edge.com to do article writing and submission to build more links.
Using this system, you'll be building a semi-automatic authority site.
Also, you should switch to using unique articles every day once the site pays for itself.
This system will work better for markets that have a lot of long tail search terms, e.g. Dog training (german shepherd aggression, golden retriever jumping, stop dog barking, stop dog chewing, puppy biting, poodle house training, etc, etc).
It may also work well for phrases that go well with city names, e.g. learn guitar in new york, learn guitar in chicago, learn guitar in miami, etc.
I hope you enjoy this post, if you like it I'll do more like this in the future. If not, I'll stick to the more regular, easier to follow, blog posts :)
Quick Idea Braindump - Semi-automated Blogging Plan
By Mark Ling

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View all 65 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)
David Britton • 14 years ago
Ray Burton • 14 years ago
This is a great post for newbies and intermediates who want a basic outline of a marketing plan. It confirms I'm on track to success as this is a very similar strategy to what I use with just a slight variation on the tools. Please keep these sorts of posts coming as they will be helping so many people to get on track.
traffic to your website
Dan Berthiaume • 14 years ago
Fertility Helper • 14 years ago
Jack • 14 years ago
Marissa • 14 years ago
But it did help. It made me realize that I just need to hunker down and focus on content and link building for the sites I already have and quit reading frickin emails!
I don't want to dog Mark too bad. If anyone wants to see a live AffiloJetpack site, the one I've linked to here (SEO Marketing Tips) is one I created from Mark's AffiloJetpack program (which I do recommend, especially for the emails - just pick ONE and don't move on till you're making good money). I've been slowly building a list from this site. I've also done almost no link building. Pretty much just built it, optimized on-page, and relied on Google to find me.
I would like to give a little advice to everyone here, and this is from the heart. PLEASE... Pick ONE THING and focus on it. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as there are 2000 plus searches/month and amazon is making sales of similar products (look for at least 10 product reviews). Then just research well, write quality posts, offer something free to build your list, and market the holy hell out of it. Ezinearticles, Onlywire, IMAutomator, automatic twitter plugin for wordpress, etc. Everyone's got tons of IDEAS.... but none of them will do you any good if you don't IMPLEMENT them! FOCUS & DO. ONE THING ONLY. And stop reading emails. There is no other information you need at this point!
Good luck everyone, and happy marketing!!!
Sharon • 14 years ago
Marc • 14 years ago
Just so you know, not to long ago I bought 200 directory submissions form submitedge, but it turned out to be wasted money. You get the submissions, but that doesn't mean you get your link in the directories. On top of that, most of these directories don't seem to get indexed. The result is thus rather disappointing.
I see you promoting them in this post (and you probably make money on it). I thought I let you know.
Ros • 14 years ago
Would love to see more of your braindumps! Thanks.
Phillip Hillier • 14 years ago
Great idea! From all my research into internet marketing this 'braindump' has hit the nail on the head!
Not sure about recycling articles too many times though - fresh content is best.
Back to my niche research :)
Mark F • 14 years ago
Chris Jacques • 14 years ago
I agree with the comments set above. A Great Post. From the newbie on the block your Brain dumps are very much appreciated. So please do more like this in future.
Mark Ling • 14 years ago
This plan is going to work mainly on low competition phrases, I've seen other affiliate friends of mine make thousands doing things similar but less comprehensive than this plan, but only focussing on very low search volume (ie 50 to 100), low competition phrases and churning out pages per day by the dozens.
@Marissa I guess there is no such thing as an entirely unique idea as we are all influenced by those around us and I have seen others succeeding with a similar but different model to this, and have had my own success with experiments with similar models that I've run in the past to draw on here. At the end of the day you are correct, you need to stay focused with one idea. And yes this is similar to other lines of thinking you may have seen online before. Perhaps next time I'll post something more out of the box, e.g. my idea for making children's books on ipads, or my idea for a free virtual personal trainer software for weight loss that makes money through getting paid for yahoo toolbar installs or something.
Larry • 14 years ago
Darryl Hudson • 14 years ago
Mark Wilson • 14 years ago
Daniel B* • 14 years ago
Mark I look forward to reading more of these types of articles in the future.
Please,Are we allowed to download the blog article to a swipe file for future reference?
Jeremy • 14 years ago
Sue Sweet • 14 years ago
What a great post! I really hope that you continue doing these "brain-dump" idea posts in the future.
Thanks for sharing your ideas with all of us!
MIng Jong Tey • 14 years ago
This is a proven blueprint as I am using it with slight modification!
Ming Jong
John • 14 years ago
Keep the ideas coming.
With this kind of quality material from you I am looking forward to your next email.
Markus Evele • 14 years ago
Keep these posts coming.
I have begun to discover that there is as much gold in many of the blog comments as there is in the post itself.
Your ideas stimulates discussion and alternative (sometimes even negative) viewpoints. Either way it all contributes to a greater understanding of this minefield called IM.
One never stops learning!
Thanks for teaching.
Mike • 14 years ago
Thanks for this great nice little straightforward plan which I am definitely going to try out.
Yolande • 14 years ago
and intermediates can use to move forward. Keep 'em coming. Much needed.
Troy Todd • 14 years ago
A newbie could take this free info and start making money with it in just a short few mths.
They just need to stick to it and focus.
Willem Espach • 14 years ago
Will give a try and keep you posted.
Let the dumps keep on rolling!!!!
Enjoy your day and God bless!!!
It is sunnny today in the RSA
Bassey • 14 years ago
Linda • 14 years ago
It's a great thought to dump your ideas like this - keep them coming - who knows which ones will be the diamonds for those who are motivated to follow your ideas on.
andrew • 14 years ago
Are you saying that the beginning you will be posting the of the original 20 spinned articles each day, so essentially you will be having hundreds of pages of the same content just rewritten in a different way? I don't think google will give your site any authority doing that.
Also emailing your list to come back to read the same article is going to build much trust with them, you really need unique content if you want to be asking people to come to your site again
Pureza M. Pantino P. Orias • 14 years ago
Chris • 14 years ago
Would love to see more!
Meg • 14 years ago
Mark Ling • 14 years ago
As far as bringing people back to your content is concerned, most people only read 1 and possibly 2 blog posts when they read a blog. If you bring someone back to your blog, perhaps 1 in every 6 emails that you send out, then the chances that they have read a similar spun post are low as there are 20 of them, and once the site is making money, you'll make sure they are all unique.
Of course you don't have to follow this plan, it's just an idea of mine, although pretty much all my online plans seem to work well, I just don't have time to implement all of them, which is why I thought I might just start posting a few of my different 'braindumps' on my blog from time to time to see if some of my readers may want to implement them.
JC Dean • 14 years ago
The more I think about this the more I excited I get about the possibilities.
Every one should listen to the Alex Goud interview in the "guru views" then come back and read this post again.
Alex made his fortunes targeting long tail keywords, and I think this post make it easy to do the same.
Mark Thanks, I think this is a million dollar Idea!!!
TRACY CHATMAN • 14 years ago
• 14 years ago
Thank's Mark. I'm loving all the info, and as a new traveller on this IM road, i'm beginning to see how i can make a living online, and eventually give away my day job. I'm discovering it doesn't have to cost a fortune to start out, and i'm feeling almost informed enough to get out there with a Wordpress site, my own domain, start blogging/article writing in the next few week's.
Please keep these 'brain dump's' coming, and thanks for a great site, that i'm also just discovering.
Best wishes, Greg.
David Birkett • 14 years ago
@Greg: Go for it mate...
Tex • 14 years ago
I am going to try that with my website
Anita • 14 years ago
Sue Fegan • 14 years ago
I am an idiot I do not know what a 4x2 spin is.
I use Rapid Rewriter and do a minimum of three rewrites for each sentence......
Hope this is not too late in the sequence of things to get a response...
Dazlyreza Dazlyreza • 14 years ago
Mark Shaw • 14 years ago
Carol Lee Frank • 14 years ago
William King • 14 years ago
For the newbies I will suggest to bulid relationships in your niche this is the key of success because you are not going to rank well in the beginning so the only medium to drive the traffic will be social media.
Nick Glas • 14 years ago
Viola • 14 years ago
Now my downfall is I don't always implement....I mean to do it but if I don't do it within 1-2 days it's out the door, it's lost.
Anybody in the same boat? Any solutions?
Mary Trider • 14 years ago
Mary Trider
jammer cellphone
Ralph Andersson • 14 years ago
Nikki • 14 years ago
reverse call lookup • 14 years ago
But interesting strategy...
@viola I was in the same boat, but it is because that I'm forcing myself to do strategies that I'm not suited/good at
View all 65 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)