Hi everyone,
Creating a high quality niche website, one that is very useful for the visitors, usually requires articles and/or video that contains great quality relevant information.
Most of us remember the 'bad days' when you'd go to Google and search for something only to find a bunch of websites peddling rubbish PLR articles that didn't even look like they were written by an english speaker.
Those days are mostly behind us, though there is still a lot of uniquely written 'garbage' circling the internet. The kind of content that people look at for 5 to 15 seconds, then leave and go to another site to find what they are REALLY looking for.
If people are leaving your websites that quickly you'll find it difficult to maintain high search engine rankings, as your content will be deemed as either low quality or not relevant. Not to mention, you won't be getting the repeat traffic to your websites that you need to make a really great income online.
The big problems
1. The first big problem with creating unique content is that it can be expensive. Either expensive hiring the top quality writers, or expensive in terms of your time and efforts at researching and writing this content.
2. The other big problem is the lack of quality writers out there. There are LOTS of writers who write with great grammar, however there are few who are good at doing the research required to write a GREAT article (or who already possess the subject matter expertise you require for your niche).
Overcoming those problems
I've found a really good way to overcome these problems and get quality content created for relatively low prices.
It involves using www.iwriter.com, in a specific way...
About iwriter
Firstly I'll give you a bit of background about iwriter.
Iwriter is a place you can go to online to get articles written for you for really good prices.
Their basic writers are as low as $1.50 for a 300 word article.
Their Elite writers cost $12.50 for a 500 word article (this is very reasonable for a good writer).
Problem with iWriter
The problem that some people find with iwriter is that they either go for the basic writers, who end up doing a low quality job. Yes you do get what you pay for.
Or, they don't give any instructions to the elite writer and just expect a great article by giving them the title of the article.
The solution
The title isn't enough. When you get a writer at iwriter to write an article for you, you need to give them more details.
Yes this might seem like a bit of work, and once you get good at it, it'll take you about 10 minutes per article, however, it's WELL worth it.
Iwriter Elite writer write with excellent grammar, and have some good ideas in their writing however, due to the relatively low rates that they charge themselves out at, they don't spend much or any time doing great research.
So you can easily get an article from them that is well written gramatically, but doesn't really say anything that is beneficial to the reader.
Instead, what I recommend that you do is you prepare for them an 'Article Snippet'
This is where you explain 3 key ideas that you'd like to be mentioned in your article, and you even link to 2 or 3 articles on the internet that explain each of these key ideas.
Tell them that you'd like to see more of their own ideas also from their own research (subtly dropping the idea that you are expecting them to do research).
Tell them that the article is going to be placed on a high quality blog.
Let them know the tone on the article (ie first person, with enthusiasm, vs textbook like tone).
And give the article title a number.
e.g. Instead of:
How to lose belly fat (this is an example from the weight loss niche)
Make the article title:
7 Ways to Lose Belly Fat
That way they will be forcing themselves to include at least 7 specific pieces of information, rather than spending too much time in their article waffling on to fill up the word count.
Let them know in your instructions that you want the article to contain a lot of useful information and not too much waffle.
And tell them NOT to worry about keyword optimizing your article (let them just concentrate on writing a great article). You can optimize it yourself later if you wish.
The other thing to do, is to show them samples of high quality articles (say 3 or 4) so that they can see the quality of writing that you are expecting of them.
Do all the things that I've mentioned in my article above and you'll get great articles written by iwriter writers.
Oh and make sure you select their elite writers for 500 or 700 words. I usually go for 700 or 1000 words, though that costs more it means I get better articles as great articles often take more space.
Look at this article, it's not just 500 words is it?
Anyway, the best thing you can do right now is give this a go, get 1 single article written, learn from it and go from there.
Btw I'm not an affiliate of iwriter, and you could use what I've mentioned in the above article with a different service. I just mentioned iwriter as that's the one I usually use for these kinds of content based articles.
Oh and another use of these articles is for scripts for your own YouTube videos.
I hope this goes well for you, let me know your comments and/or suggestions.
Talk soon,
Mark Ling
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Ross • 12 years ago
Good to hear from you. Its been a while. I thought you might of sold up all your affiliate companies and retired on a private island somewhere in the carribean.
Is kid no3 on the way? Must be time for a girl?
I am missing the personal stories from you Mark, some latest travel stories maybe. Or blog posts about you building a school in the Phillipines or building an indoor cricket pitch in your new house, if that is still happening.
Take care
Mark Ling • 12 years ago
I've been here the whole time, but have been spending more time doing what I teach (ie the niche site building/marketing etc) so that means that other Affilorama staff members who are experts in their own right can contribute based on their expertise. It's not all about one person here, we are a team.
No plans for a 3rd child yet, 2 are a handful as it is lol. We plan on going to Hawaii, Disneyland and Las Vegas on our next family vacation in Late April / May.
I'm working on a cricket coaching website on the side for coaches and players, that's a free thing to make players better (no plans for monetization). On a side note, we built a classroom in Kenya and feed 300 kids a day there.
We are currently building a new house also in a good schoolzone for the kids.
Phew, that's about it for the Ling family updates. Great to hear from you and all the best!
Ron • 12 years ago
For the gentleman that said it is easier to write his own stuff, that is true if you are only needing 1-4 articles per week. But if you are working with clients, you are going to get sick of writing about roofing or insurance after a while. A service is critical to have diversity of content and to meet deadlines.
Shahzad Taj • 12 years ago
Ros • 12 years ago
John • 12 years ago
I use a mix of iWriter and my own articles. I find iWriter okay for ministes, but for authority sites. there's really nothing to beat your own voice.
Uron • 12 years ago
Can you please elaborate more on this sentence:
"Oh and another use of these articles is for scripts for your own YouTube videos."?
Thanks again.
Mark Ling • 12 years ago
You may wish to set up a youtube channel and record videos, either as powerpoint slides or with your face on the camera.
You could use the work done by the writer to form the basis for your youtube video script.
At the end of your video you could link to your website or use an affiliate link of yours to a relevant product.
wengwer • 12 years ago
I keep on receiving this error
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."
Is the server down?
Asim Bawany • 12 years ago
When our writers do get specific instructions like you mentioned, the quality that comes out is substantially better because they know what points you want covered in the article and can focus on researching those specific points during their research.
Glenn Ellis • 12 years ago
Thanks a lot and keep up the great work.
Abul Kashem • 12 years ago
We have to reject the articles a couple of time - it is waste of time.
I think iWriter should add writers after verification and when show their country with their profile.
iWriter should be more transparent to their clients .
Anton • 12 years ago
But what you advise here I do for my premium writers, always do own research and provide them with:
1. URLs with facts (let's call it the "meat" of the article)
2. My sugested storyline ("bones" of the article), what to talk about, how to structure, what product to recommend and how, what angle of review for specific products etc..
3. URLs of sample sites, that already have live articles that my writer can use as examples and model them, not copy (how the ideal aricle can look like)
So I get amazing and high converting content (10% CR on average), that attracts social signals as well.
Mark Ling • 12 years ago
Joan Stalker • 12 years ago
Eru • 12 years ago
Sometimes I even go out of my way to ask these details from my clients.' A little more time consuming, yes! But the outcome is mutual satisfaction. :) Thank you for this great article, Mark! :)
Leonard Aberts • 12 years ago
Shortly after I received an email with an offer to buy a position as an Elite Writer. For a fee, I could bypass the entire "proving" process. Since I had not had a chance to even submit an article; it means they don't care if I can write to become an Elite Writer.
So I would be very careful when choosing an Elite Writer as they may have paid a fee and can't write their way out of a wet paper bag.
Kathy • 12 years ago
I still haven't pulled the trigger on hiring writers yet, but I do see it happening soon. I appreciate your tips very much.
Brandon Espinoza • 12 years ago
Ryan @ Trusted Site Seller • 12 years ago
I have had success with Iwriter and also have started using hirewriters.com over the last couple months. Both seem to be working out pretty well.
Jade Campbell • 12 years ago
Problem I have with outsourcing the writing is that your "voice" ( personality) is missing. and your subscribers know it / feel it . I find it quicker to record my thoughts as i am researching, and structure the articles accordingly, it works because I plan the order in which the research is done just in word doc for a whole series of articles on same subject / niche at a time, while my head is in that zone. ( at least 7- 10 articles). Titles, Questions, Issues to resolve, History, Proof / Evidence, Info source, Rec. further reading, It's fun usually no more than an overall average of 60 mins per article on niches areas I know something about, because the research has been done in a block and the words just flow. The editing and polishing I also do in a block for all articles in that series to ensure it all sits in sequential order, to be as educational and factual as possible. I have been writing and teaching art related "how to's" for many years - so I guess that helps to streamline things, and fully expect it to take longer when I move to niche's I know nothing about, however the working approach / structure will remain the same, because it works for me. . So 7.5 – 8 hrs for 10 articles around 600-800 words, then another 2.5 – 3hrs to edit/polish add photos, diagrams etc.. around 10-11 hrs – to do a series in a good solid day.
Mark Ling • 12 years ago
For instance, what if you are guest blogging on someone else's blog in order to build links to your website? Or what if you are getting the article created so you can turn it into a squidoo lens for link building. Or what if you own a number of websites in different niches where you don't have a set 'character' or personality that everyone knows.
Even if you do wish to put your own name on these articles, you can still take what gets written and put your own spin on it and edit it, thus saving you a lot of time forming the large base of the article, but still putting your own personality into it.
All the best!
Sandy Halliday • 12 years ago
I have never used them as they are though, preferring to make them more my own by putting my own spin on them.
Mark Ling • 12 years ago
Sadie Gecke • 12 years ago
Sadie (sweetbribes)
Mark McKnight • 12 years ago
Julie Trade • 12 years ago
Calgary Marketing Company • 12 years ago
always providing great content to your loyal customers and clients.
As a Calgary Marketing Company I try to do the same and I recommend traffictravis to all the people who come to my workshops as it's a great tool.
We all use article Posting as part of our Seo program and I am definitely going to look into www.iwriter.com.
Once again Mark, thanks for providing the excellent content.
Asiaplus Voyages Vietnam • 12 years ago
Rob Reid • 12 years ago
(btw, I manage a small team of excellent native english speaking writers who are easily top tier quality on iwriter, no bs, and we sell 500 word articles for $8 if you happen to be interested :) !
Sameer Manas • 12 years ago
Time to get my first iWriter article !
karen phelps • 12 years ago
mary castro • 12 years ago
I have certainly had some major GROWING PAINS in learning to outsource.
I want to rewrite some of it anyway and add my promos without having to do all the research so my standards arent that high---but when it is FLUFFY BANTER that says nothing I can do little with it.
I have always outlined and added links and still got awful articles (but I am such a pushover that I tend to buy them anyway, this is hard to admit).
I use iwriter as well.
I didn't know about elite. I will do that next time. Thanks for your time on this important subject! Maryl
Art • 12 years ago
Elene Gusch • 12 years ago
I applaud those who do their own research and writing. But it's clear that a person who doesn't even know that "English" should be capitalized does need serious help.
Kris • 12 years ago
This article is great. As everyone knows with SEO these days it's all based on Good quality content. You get what you pay for that's for sure!
indiekiwi • 12 years ago
Praveen Arun • 12 years ago
Patrick Sekhoto • 12 years ago
thanks for the advice, but I want to find out if you want to hire i writer freelancers to write eBook for you for Example,
Does that also means that you had to give them a Scope?
Paul Warner • 12 years ago
TJM Philpott • 12 years ago
appreciate the time and effort you put into explaining the strategy you suggest for using iwriter! I've tried using 'commissioned' writers in the past and have found their work to be somewhat disappointing! I have now gone back to creating content on my own and although my posting frequency has decreased, at least what I do post is original and in 'my' voice!
Great share and enjoy my visits here thoroughly!
Chris S-C • 12 years ago
Follow Mark's guide and go for the top end writers as it may work for you. When you find a good writer add them as a favourite. Like most of these writing sites the writers move on so you may lose contact.
As for me I've decided to write my own content using Dragon Naturally Speaking Version 12. This was a hard program to use a few years ago but this version is giving me incredible levels of accuracy and transcribes as fast as I speak.
Happy writing ....
• 12 years ago
ashok Sinha • 12 years ago
sheikh.ovais • 12 years ago
Nick Fauchelle • 12 years ago
Tom Haase • 12 years ago
Karen • 12 years ago
I do think it is an absolute must to give your writers a complete outline scope of the job you want created by them, thats if you want a win-win result; include a list of all your sub-headings, you want the writer to write about. If you want things outlined in dot points - also let them know. As my site is an authority site, I do all the research and give them the links and information that I want them to use for inspiration when writing my article (I know researching for the writer adds a little extra time on my part), but the result is 99% of what I want,. Also don't be afraid to send an email to your writer and ask them if they can write about your subject before submitting job, if your uncertain Within 1 week of using the iwriters.com I have listed 4 favourite writers and one in particular I have sent 'special requests' so that only they will write my job at the same price as submitting it to many writers. At least with sending directly to your favourite writer, you can feel confident with the writing results or style that you want (and they earn a little more as well without costing your any more $$).
If you want to test iwriter.com without too much money outlay, then request a few different jobs to elite writers at say 300-500 words (which is much cheaper) and see what comes back - you may be surprised.
Anyhow, hope that helps others thinking of using iwriters.com.
PS. I have checked all my completed articles in copyscape and none (not even 3 words) of them have come back with any duplicate content issues.
PSPS I'm thinking of trying hirewriters.com but have not tried them yet, but hope to give them a try in the next week.
Alexander • 12 years ago
William Fenerson • 12 years ago
If I use these services, which I do on occasion, it's because I didn't feel like doing the research. Once I get an article, I always re-write it anyway to give it my voice.
I don't have any clients, so I am not swamped with article responsibilities. I prefer writing my own articles and will continue to do so.
Anna Ashmore • 12 years ago
Marijan Sivric • 12 years ago
Marius Fermi • 12 years ago
Back to the drawing boards it is for me then!
Mait M2gi • 12 years ago
I personally can't afford outsourcing, but no matter- I try to read your posts with the attitude of getting something useful for myself.
And as for this post, here's a lot of great tips to write content by myself, so thank you :)
Azees Ishola • 12 years ago
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