Hi Everyone,
Recently I've been making notes about an organic growth plan for several of my niche product websites.
I wrote this to be discussed with my staff, so it's not super flash looking, but I thought I'd share it with you here, as going forwards, especially with panda, penguin and all the other Google updates, it's very clear that if you want to have an online web-based business that thrives long term, then you need to have a living breathing website that really engages your audience. Not just a site that sits there and you're done with it.
This won't be for everyone, but I'm sure it'll be very useful for a lot of you.
Anyway, here's my rough plan. Bear in mind I have written this plan for my own staff, so you'll see it is worded for my sites, but you'll get the idea.
Establishing a routine for future organic growth of our sites...
Space out our auto responder niche content emails a little further to make them every 4 days (after being closer together at the start of the autoresponder).
Add more audio and/or video to the first 60 days (at least 7 pieces of audio and/or video).
On top of that, here's a schedule for what we should be routinely doing in each niche that we are catering to...
Monday: Quality Blog Post | Post it to Facebook too [Email out the blog post]
Tuesday: Promo email
Wednesday: Post question to facebook (no live email today)
Week 1) Email out link to the facebook question, and also link to a recommended product.
Week 2) Email out content-based promo email
(Note: Alternate each week between week 1 and week 2)
Friday: Live email to 25% of our list, asking a survey question. The other 75% don't get a live email today. At least 1 in 4 of these survey emails need to ask people about the quality of our content etc, so that we can learn and improve the experience and results achieved by our readers.
Saturday: Promo Email (preferred = Video Salesletter, or a recording of an interview that gives away valuable content as well as promoting a product)
Sunday: Nothing planned.
Note: With our blog posts, we should be trying to use great up to date data, we should monitor google news, set up google alerts, and run lots of surveys and little experiments to learn lots of interesting things that will benefit our readers. In turn, these are the kinds of blog posts that will be more likely to get written about and linked to naturally. Anything super newsworthy, we should do a press release about it.
Facebook: 3-4 posts per week
* Any interesting youtube vid or online article
* Link to our blog post of the week
* Link to any semi-relevant blog posts from our other websites
* Ask an interesting question
Twitter: 2 tweets per day
* Any new blog posts that we have posted
* Any facebook questions or updates
* Any blog posts from our other sites
* Interesting articles from other sites
* Links to VSLs for products we are affiliating to that week
* Great youtube videos worth watching
- Use tweetdeck or something to schedule tweets for the weekend.
- Reply to people who tweet us
* We need to set up a solid profile
* Use authorship tools for our blog posts
* Make sure profile is open to search
* Eventually we need to engage google like we do with facebook and link to our blog posts, +1 any interesting articles/videos, respond to anyone who messages us, etc. For early August though, lets concentrate on getting it set up and underway.
Remember, we don't have to email out everything we do. Sometimes we'll just post something to Facebook or Twitter or Google+ etc.
YouTube (will leave out until September):
* Make sure each of our niches has a YouTube account (some do, some don't yet)
* Need to figure out a plan for the type of content and how it will be filmed/edited for each niche, and who will be in it and who is responsible for overseeing it from start to finish.
* Getting views underway is rather easy by mailing out to our videos as we release them, embedding them and/or linking to them from our blog posts, linking to them from our facebook, twitter and google+ accounts.
* Put our best videos into our autoresponder
Guest Blogging
For every new blog post on our own blog, make sure we do at least one guest blog on another relevant blog, to build a relevant link to our new blog post.
If it's on a good blog, consider emailing out our guest blog post to 20% of our list.
Also... Back to our own blog for a moment...
Underneath each of our blog posts, we should encourage bloggers to share our content with their readers. e.g.
[Attention Bloggers: Want us to guest blog on your blog? Go here for more info]
On the Guest Blogging page (which we should also link to from the main menu of our website), we should provide:
* Information about our offer to guest blog on relevant quality blogs
* Links to some article snippets if they wish to have content to do the blog post themselves
* Link to our affiliate program for those who prefer to be an affiliate than to blog and link to any of our blog posts (or if they wish to do a combination of the 2).
Also note: We will look at our free and private members forum growth plans later in the year. That is also viewed as an essential part of our ongoing growth as a quality source of information and community to be part of in each niche.
Well that's it for this blog post, hope the above helps you.
Keep working hard to create something really cool online, that lives and breathes, don't be a junk pusher. For my full course in Affiliate Marketing that teaches you how to build authority sites, check out AffiloBlueprint.
I look forward to your comments, all the best!
Mark Ling
P.S. If you haven't done so already, look me up in Google Plus (or click this link here) and add me to your circles. I've been a bit tardy in fully getting underway with embracing Google Plus, but I plan on using it to share interesting posts that I find, and anything that I blog or record videos on.
Note: Clicking that link won't add me to your circles, you'll need to add me once you are inside my profile after clicking that link.
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Dork • 13 years ago
Nzeribe Azukwu • 13 years ago
issues. If I will look into every thing at the same time that may cause information overload, hence confusion.
Thanks again for this info.
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
jhkkjhjh jhghkjhk • 13 years ago
My first impression of ABP 3.0 was that you teach us how to create set-and-forget niche blogs, partly because the site you built for the course (enlightenment......com) is set-and-forget, I haven't seen a new article in it.
In your opinion, which of these options has higher BCR (benefit-cost ratio):
1. The set-and-forget sites that I thought you talk about in ABP 3.0;
2. Sites who are products of the strategies mentioned in this article?
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
What I'm thinking of possibly doing is:
1. Implementing a simpler version of this plan for enlightenment gateway and adding it to the course.
2. Introducing another example website further into the course to showcase taking things to the next level of interactivity with the users, for those who are interested in taking things further (ie following the more full scale plan you see in this post).
You certainly can take a site a lot further and give it even more exposure and credibility by implementing a plan like you've seen in this blog post, however for the majority of websites, a cut down version of this plan will be great (e.g. use google+ to claim your authorship, have a facebook page and a twitter account, twitter something and post something to facebook once a week, and have a blog post go out once a month - while this cut down plan seems very minimal it'll greatly increase your perceived trust in the eyes of Google, plus will help build stronger relationships with your readers).
Valentin Yonte • 13 years ago
ahmed • 13 years ago
r4i card • 13 years ago
I watch some of the big sites like engadget, lifehacker, etc.. and you see that their comments section has just as much - if not more - content than their posts themselves. They are engaging their audience, and commenting is almost a must do, for regular visitors, so that they have a conversation with both the site and other visitors.
Matt Greener • 13 years ago
Thank you!
jSEO • 13 years ago
Juvenell Tagaban
CEO - jSEO Company
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Shasha • 13 years ago
will be adding you on G+
saadi • 13 years ago
jADE CAMPBELL • 13 years ago
Jason • 13 years ago
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Evelyn Grazini • 13 years ago
Dan Reed • 13 years ago
Patrik • 13 years ago
Eric Burnett • 13 years ago
Russ Turner • 13 years ago
However, for one man bands like me we can cherry pick the ideas that will fit comfortably into our particular routines so many thanks for that.
Maurizio S. • 13 years ago
Cesar Ariel Sandoval • 13 years ago
Tom Clark • 13 years ago
I'm curious about something you wrote under the Guest Blogging Portion:
Links to some article snippets if they wish to have content to do the blog post themselves
This one confused me a bit. Are you offering material for other bloggers to use to write your guest post on their blog?
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Liz • 13 years ago
Diane Dick • 13 years ago
This is exactly what I've been looking at for my existing ecommerce site. I've introduced a blog which is a dotcom, to my existing site which is a .co.nz, because my company receives orders internationally. Now I just need your plan here to get my Facebook up and running, LinkedIn and Twitter happening. My business is both B2B and B2C, so I have many keywords to cover. This will be perfect for me to implement. Greatly appreciated and thanks for sharing.
Ray Burton • 13 years ago
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Renato Merino • 13 years ago
This post gave me a good week schedule to start with, thanks again. Cheers.
George • 13 years ago
George • 13 years ago
Thanks Mark and team
Ross Scott • 13 years ago
Question: If you have a "ebook for sale website", how do you decide on where you draw the line on how much FREE content to give away in your blog posts.
Like for example a blog post on e.g. "Oil jobs in Norway" how do you draw the line on how much info to give away and do you have links to oil companies websites in Norway in a blog post (to make it quality and relevant to the title of the blog post) and still have the readers want to upgrade and buy your ebook on the same subject?
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Robert David Strong • 13 years ago
Just like eating a elephant one bite at a time.
altuk71 • 13 years ago
My comission average more than $1500 per months
9my website is 8 months old) - just not to look like a complete looser here.
I was surprised to find closed comments on enlightenment.com and website looks "not alive" to me. Alexa and Google rank was pretty good.
It would be helpful, if you would give some tips how to do it by yourself. I can't hire 10 peoples. I have a writer on elance, but this is it. All this bookmarking, link building, guest blogging...takes more time than I have and this is my full time job.
Thank you for all you do.
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Yes it is time consuming though not counting the blogging, I think that most of that social media stuff would take less than 1 hour per day for a staff member to do all of it. How long does it take to send a couple of twitter messages, a quick facebook link and a google +1 to an interesting article? (for instance).
altuk71 • 13 years ago
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Art • 13 years ago
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Bryan McHeyzer • 13 years ago
Ican see why I don't get too much traffic to my site.
Excellent information you shared here ... will be taking your example.
Can only win.
Thanks for sharing.
hugo liao • 13 years ago
JGregory • 13 years ago
I've been using Google Alerts Feeds and emails for some time. In the last 6 to 8 weeks that have all but ceased to function even for broad topic. Other close colleagues report the same experience.
What is your recent experience? How are you faring with Alerts?
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Egypt Travel • 13 years ago
Ryan • 13 years ago
Jeff Cutts • 13 years ago
Thanks heaps for this valuable information rough as it may be it has given me a procedure to focus on.
I have not been doing half of what you have listed, and it seems quite a heavy workload. It was so good to see nothing planned for Sunday...At last a day of rest!
I have been reminded, this is a business, to get results you have to put in the hard yards.
Norma • 13 years ago
Joni Depies • 13 years ago
Trevor Ambrose • 13 years ago
Thanks and like the off the cuff update. A question: I use ping.fm to update all my social media sites with a link to my new blog post.
Will this be seen as duplicate info in a negative way?
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
francis_oneill • 13 years ago
Vincenzo • 13 years ago
Steve Crossley • 13 years ago
Mark Ling • 13 years ago
Jarvis Edwards • 13 years ago
This information is a goldmine, thanks for sharing!
I cant wait to implement some of these strategies, which
came at tye perfect time--while Im creating my marketing plan.
Good stuff!
Parish Raut • 13 years ago
Joe Iarocci • 13 years ago
Rob • 13 years ago
Sam Direen • 13 years ago
Scott Willinsky • 13 years ago
Firstly thanks for your help and guidance your providing for everyone. When you responded to Modz on July, 31 you stated the possibility of:
1) Implementing a simpler version of this plan for enlightenment gateway and adding it to the course.
2. Introducing another example website further into the course to showcase taking things to the next level of interactivity with the users, for those who are interested in taking things further (ie following the more full scale plan you see in this post).
Why not do both?
Thanks again for your enlightenment!
Scott Willinsky
opal61 • 11 years ago
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