We featured fertility affiliate programs back in 2012 as one of affiliate marketing’s evergreen niches.
It’s been four years since we made that statement, and fertility and fertility-related websites like NaturalFertilityandWellness.com and FertilityFriend.com continue to remain popular destinations for people looking for support and solutions. But are they still worth the effort of maintaining?
Is the fertility niche still an evergreen niche? Or has time drained this niche of its ability to be profitable?
The Fertility Niche 2016: Has Anything Changed?
What is the fertility niche about? Did the demand in this niche change over the years?
Fertility refers to a species’ ability to reproduce. With a global population of 7.4 billion people, the average man and woman probably wouldn't even consider fertility, or the lack of it, a problem.
Until they are unable to produce a child by natural means, that is.
The CDC claims that infertility is a common problem affecting 6% of married women in the United States. This is not entirely a woman’s reproductive health issue, as men, in lesser numbers, also suffer from the same inability to produce children.
There are several factors affecting human infertility, so the best thing to do when in this situation is to seek medical help. The downside is that it can be costly, and the proposed medical solution, even more so.
Couples continue to look online for information and alternative methods. They are also more vocal online in sharing their struggles and getting help. Social media sites have become support centers and crowdfunding is slowly becoming a method of acquiring financial assistance for high-priced medical procedures like in vitro fertilization.
Then and now, the statistics remain the same. The demand for alternative methods to achieving fertility and conception has not diminished. As the following Statista.com graph on the Fertility Industry in 2015 shows, fertility has become a billion-dollar industry in the US.

Childless couples are still searching for a viable alternative, and ever hopeful of finally conceiving a child.
Prolific Keywords
Which keywords will produce the best results?
Competition is tougher, if we are to compare the keyword competition from the fertility post back in 2012, and now. Based on the results from the Affilotools keyword search results, anything featuring the word “fertility” in it appears to have high competition.

Related keywords like “how to get pregnant” have equally high competition. The monthly search volume doesn’t look too good either.

Despite the daunting numbers, you can still target some of these keywords. These are keywords with buyer intent so it’s always good to have a few of these on your keyword list.
You can go to sites like KeywordSpy and get alternative keywords like “pregnancy week by week” and “ovulation,” too.
Targeting keywords in the fertility niche is a formidable task, but don’t let it intimidate you. You’ll just have to find a way around the problem. You can choose to skip the keywords and have a squeeze-page only site as you build content. If you do decide to go with writing articles for this niche, you’ll be writing for readers, and not search engines; consider disregarding the keywords for better content.
Natural Fertility Affiliate Programs
Here are 5 affiliate programs to get you started on the fertility niche!
There are fertility affiliate programs in the ClickBank Marketplace, and you can choose to promote all of them in your fertility website, including pregnancy products since these two niches are related. This list includes "natural fertility" products only though. Also, we recommend that you start off with promoting only 2 to 3 products. This makes it easier for you to track which products does well, and which doesn't so you can easily replace it with another one. If you're really set on adding more products, stick to one or two products at a time so as not to overwhelm yourself, and your site visitors.

1. Fertigenic
About Fertigenic
Couples looking to boost their fertility and conceive naturally can get all the fertility supplements they need at Fertigenic.
How much can I make?
The commission for each sale is at 15%. Their products cost from US$20 to over US$100.
How do I apply?
Visit their affiliates page for more information, then send them an email with a link to your website.

2. Fertility Nutrition Program
About Fertility Nutrition Program
The Fertility Nutrition Program is a comprehensive program consisting of several modules that guide you through increasing your chances of conceiving naturally. It is created by nutritionist Jeremy Carew-Reid and is a great supplement for couples who are using another method of conception.
How much can I make?
The program sells for USD $47, and you get 75% as commission, giving you around $30 dollars for each sale.
How do I apply?
This is another fertility product that is available through the ClickBank network. There is no affiliate signup link on the FeritllityNutritionProgram.com website so you need to go through ClickBank.

3. FairhavenHealth.com
About FairhavenHealth.com
FairhavenHealth.com boasts of "doctor-designed, safe and effective" products. The site offers pregnancy and nursing products, too.
How much can I make?
FairhavenHealth.com has one of the highest commissions among the products in this niche. The site gives 20% commission on all product sales, with the exception of a few products, which still get you 10% through your link.
How do I apply?
You can sign up through the FairhavenHealth.com website, or through ShareASale.

4. NaturalFertilityShop.com
About NaturalFertilityShop.com
NaturalFertilityShop.com has pages upon pages of information on how couples can become parents. It also has a wide selection of products that you can offer on your own fertility website.
How much can I make?
You can earn 15% commissions on all purchases made through your link. This is pretty good, as most of the products available range in price from USD $50 to over $100.
How do I apply?
Sign up directly through the NaturalFertilityShop.com website.

5. BeyondFertility.com
About BeyondFertility.com
BeyondFertility.com is similar to FairhavenHealth.com and NaturalFertilityShop.com. The site also carries fertility and pregnancy-related products. It does not have as many products to offer though.
How much can I make?
As with NaturalFertilityShop.com, BeyondFertility.com provides its affiliates with 15% commissions. It also offers bonuses for sales exceeding USD $100.
How do I apply?
You can join through the BeyondFertility.com Affiliate page network.
Proactive is Productive: Get Your Link-Building Strategy on
Don’t wait till the website is up and running. Get a link-building scheme going as early as the site-building stage.
You’ll be facing steep competition in the fertility niche, so it’s important to have a link building game plan early on. It doesn’t have to be a solid, set-in-stone kind of blueprint, but have a look at possible marketing methods as you’re doing niche research, and write them down.
Some link-building and inbound marketing methods to look into for this niche are :
Social Media Marketing
Undoubtedly, the top link-building method today is social media. With millions of users logged in daily to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you’d be hard pressed to find a better place to promote products.
Social media sites are not search engines, and yet you’ll find plenty of information within them. Articles and other content are shared among members, and that’s what you should aim to tap into, particularly for a competitive niche like this one.
Our lessons on marketing include how to get traffic to your site using Facebook and Twitter. The Affilorama blog publishes posts on social media marketing too, like this one: How to Hit Your Target Audience HARD With Facebook's "Boost Post".
Create Tools
This sounds like something for more advanced marketers, and maybe it is. But by “tools” I mean simple, yet helpful, little things that you can offer your site’s visitors. For example, a checklist of goals to qualify for IVF, or a how-to guide for starting a GoFundMe to raise funds for adoption or IVF.
It doesn’t have to be complicated, or difficult. Do some thorough niche research and think about what your target market needs, then create it for them. Then, share on your site and on social media. A good example is our post on 25 useful tools for content creators. It’s a simple list, but contains information that is helpful to marketers and saves you time trying to locate tools that can make your life simpler.
Solo Ads or Ad Swaps
Make the competition work for you! List all authority sites you can find in this niche and get in touch with them for a possible solo ad or ad swap. It’s going to cost you, but what you’ll get makes it all worth it. You get to promote your site to your target market. You can build your newsletter list, too, if you direct them to your squeeze page instead of just a page in your site.
Natural Fertility Programs: Still Productive, or Gone Sterile?
The bottom line: Is it still worthwhile to go into the fertility niche?
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If we are to look solely at the demand in the fertility niche, then yes. Now more than ever, there is a great demand in fertility products, both natural and otherwise. So while the commission may not be the kind that will rake in big profits like digital products do, with the right amount of steady conversions, you can still earn a nice, round payout.
But, as always, great demand creates great competition, as evident in the keyword research. You need to be smart in keywords you'll target.
But maybe you don't need to target any keywords. Try a solo ad or ad swap and drive traffic to your squeeze page instead. Build a newsletter list you can promote directly to, instead of trying to rank for keywords.
This niche has the potential to be a rewarding endeavor, but it will require more effort compared to other niches. I wouldn't recommend this to newbies, or to those who are not willing to work hard on one niche.
Would you go into the fertility niche? If you would, how would you approach it? Know of any other natural fertility programs? WE love to hear your thoughts!
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Leslie • 9 years ago
Melissa Johnson • 9 years ago
You would have to create an affiliate program to manage yourself, or work out a distribution agreement with one of these programs so that you can add your products to the site.
Leslie • 9 years ago
Melissa Johnson • 9 years ago